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The Very Meh Humza Yousaf Thread.


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8 minutes ago, Jives Miguel said:


She was either a plant from the get go, or is simply just looking to troll and cause as much damage to the SNP as possible.


As someone said above, joining Alba would have been the common sense decision if she genuinely wanted to depart because of genuine ideological differences. 

What a weird decision.  She would have had more credibility if she had just stepped down and caused a by-election.  

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People are vastly over-estimating the abilities of the British security services to do anything if they think that they have placed a mole in Parliament and then 'activated' her eight years later to... join the Tory party for six months before gettign 4.2% in the general election and going off into obscurity.

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Aye there’s always been people within the SNP who’d fit right in to the Tory party were it not for wanting independence - if she now no longer wants independence (for whatever reason), then it makes sense that she’d just ship to the party most aligned with her other views.

Thinking that your colleagues have been dicks to you would be a weird reason to go off independence, but whatever. I wish her and her cryptocurrency obsession well (not really, I hope she ends up destitute). 

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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:

It's totally farcical that MPs can still do this. By all means let them resign from their party but it has to trigger an election. You cannot just say "f**k you" to the electorate and retain your post for a party at the opposite end of the political spectrum. It's a nonsense regardless of who is defecting to whatever party.


Absolutely, I don't understand how it can still be allowed. She wouldn't have been elected as an independent candidate so has used the SNP name to get elected, then decided to switch, similar to the ones moving from SNP to Alba.

I'm not exactly going to shed any tears for the SNP, and she'll get voted out next year anyway, but any changing of party should trigger a by-election with the party allowed to put a new candidate forward.

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6 minutes ago, Diamonds are Forever said:


Absolutely, I don't understand how it can still be allowed. She wouldn't have been elected as an independent candidate so has used the SNP name to get elected, then decided to switch, similar to the ones moving from SNP to Alba.

I'm not exactly going to shed any tears for the SNP, and she'll get voted out next year anyway, but any changing of party should trigger a by-election with the party allowed to put a new candidate forward.

I suppose under the FPTP system you are still technically voting for the person, not the party. It is a joke given how our political system has evolved.

Seems like the local party wanted rid of her some time ago, and not likely anyone in the SNP will miss her. 

Weird though is, she could have gone to Labour and precipitated a proper crisis for Yousaf...

Edited by renton
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59 minutes ago, orfc said:

I thought the point of the SNP was that it wasn't about left/centre/right but about wanting independence

The fact the SNP has burrowed itself ever leftwards is exactly why it's support is considerably less than that for indy now


This is obviously absolute bollocks. Nobody with even the slightest whiff of an interest in social justice and reducing/ending discrimination could have listened to Braverman or any of these other demented c***s and thought "that fits me like a glove". She's a reprehensible parasite who's political career finishes in the very near future. 

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To me the SNP's problems are fourfold:

A complete failure to not be a massive clown car for the past few years of government. Public services, while not having time to go into figures, feel like they've gone to utter shit for most people. Now a lot of supporters will say that's not fair because XYZ KPI is better than in England but, and I can't believe this needs to be said, people don't give a shit about how public services in a country they don't live in are performing. 

A complete failure to deliver on major development or other projects over several years. The full list of cock ups has been given ad nauseum, but it very much again feels like it's been quite a long time since the Government actually did anything noteworthy. 

A drinking of the cool aid (that everyone patted themselves on the backs over) about Scotland being a more Liberal, Progressive place, that has led to sidelining a great deal of their traditional support - to the point that important (if reprehensible) figures like Ewing are, in the eyes of some prospective voters in important areas, being dumped in favour of the Scottish Greens. If you get the two points above right - make public services good and deliver on meaningful policies which impact large numbers of people - then you can essentially do what you like without looking like a bunch of student politicians messing around with identity politics while everything's on fire in the background. Scotland is not a particularly progressive place, sorry to say it! It's quite socially conservative in a lot of ways and has an aging populace just as exposed to lead in its youth as the rest of the UK.

Selecting continuity Sturgeon as her replacement when the whole project was starting to feel very tired.

Edited by GHF-23
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30 minutes ago, renton said:

On a related note, the SNP need to sort out their candidate vetting procedures.

I get the impression that they didn't expect to get 58 MPs in 2015 and a few duds slipped in - McGarry, Monaghan etc.  I think something like that happened with Bill Walker in the Scottish Parliament, IIRC, although clearly that was a lot more serious.

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Further fall out from the little deviant Grady not being. able to keep his hands to himself. Despite all of the negative publicity he seems to be right in the middle of snp business. 

In most other places he would have been chased a long time ago. Got to wonder what this guy knows and why he is defended at all costs 

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52 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Aye there’s always been people within the SNP who’d fit right in to the Tory party were it not for wanting independence - if she now no longer wants independence (for whatever reason), then it makes sense that she’d just ship to the party most aligned with her other views.

Thinking that your colleagues have been dicks to you would be a weird reason to go off independence, but whatever. I wish her and her cryptocurrency obsession well (not really, I hope she ends up destitute). 

You get it on here as well.  The argument goes that independence comes first and controversial policy can be decided afterwards.  The SNP as a left of centre party is increasingly at best a thing of the past.  I’m all for making independence as a secondary issue, or at least a means to an end, but I’m not sure that should be at the cost of being Tory-lite.  The right of the party is very right.  

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9 minutes ago, ford prefect said:

She's the type of person Billy Connolly was talking about when he said “The desire to be a politician should bar you for life from ever being one.”

A dirty stinking opportunist who will clearly say anything to get elected. I hope her next shites a hedgehog....

You've just successfully described every elected representative. I'd do away with them all tbh!

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You don't have to be too cynical to read between the lines. She even threatened to trigger a by-election if she wasn't re-selected. A defection to the Tories is fucking nuts though.

Even red faced Fergus wouldn't do that. Despite what posters on here think of him.

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