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14 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Folk do realise that this Carrbridge lad has found his latest trolling niche aye? Absolutely none of what he says here should be taken seriously as he doesn't believe a word of it himself, much like his previous aliases.

What were his previous aliases?

3 minutes ago, Cosmic Joe said:

His latest persona as an orangey St Johnstone fan is off the wall. 😂

To be fair he would fit in nicely with fellow fruit loop @Old Pack

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5 minutes ago, gannonball said:

What were his previous aliases?


I don't think there's really indication he has one tbh, Protestant Highland-based Saints fan is not a niche I can remember anyone filling previously. As hard as it is for some people on here to accept for some reason, often people with opinions you object to on the internet are not actually the same 3 people over and over again just because they make you angry in similar ways to previous online enemies. The only thing that suggests even a hint that he is is the tiresome "people strongly disagree with me about politics and sometimes make fun of me, and that's very bad as I am always rational and in good faith" thing CS does, but tbf that's the most common boring non-argument on the internet.

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3 minutes ago, GHF-23 said:

I don't think there's really indication he has one tbh, Protestant Highland-based Saints fan is not a niche I can remember anyone filling previously. As hard as it is for some people on here to accept for some reason, often people with opinions you object to on the internet are not actually the same 3 people over and over again just because they make you angry in similar ways to previous online enemies. The only thing that suggests even a hint that he is is the tiresome "people strongly disagree with me about politics and sometimes make fun of me, and that's very bad as I am always rational and in good faith" thing CS does, but tbf that's the most common boring non-argument on the internet.

Tbh I was surprised when DA said that as CS has been a bit touchy on stuff regarding the OO so just assumed he was just a genuine bigot rather than just  a troll. 

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2 minutes ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

With all due respect, you do actually seem reasonable.

However, you must understand that you are amongst many trolls who have no Intention of engaging in civil debate.  It’s hard to scrape through the shite!

Without mentioning others, and Am no means an ambassador for Christisnity, I don’t agree with your take.

However @Jacksgrandais against such trolls, and will happily snipe against them!

I Used to support Aberdeen like him, and kind of still do,

My previous post aside you can understand folk thinking you're at the wind up if as soon as someone asks you a question that's tricky to answer you hide behind "the trolls" and just say you disagree because it's something your mum used to say.

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1 minute ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

I’ll answer any question.

Answer it then 

7 minutes ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

Oh well.. we have a bigot in our midst.

Why do you hate the Orange?



2 minutes ago, GHF-23 said:

Excuse me?


1 minute ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:


Oh well.. we have a bigot in our midst.

Why do you hate the Orange?


You have now twice accused me of being a bigot for a post where I defended you from accusations of being a trolling alias and merely said the way you discuss politics on here is annoying. What is the matter with you?

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1 hour ago, GHF-23 said:

Answer it then 



You have now twice accused me of being a bigot for a post where I defended you from accusations of being a trolling alias and merely said the way you discuss politics on here is annoying. What is the matter with you?

Hey GHF, I humbly apologise for jumping the gun with regards to falsely calling you a bigot.

As I look back on the ‘offending’ post, it is clear I took it the completely wrong way.

Again, @GHF-23 sincere apologies 

Edited by CarrbridgeSaintee
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3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Folk do realise that this Carrbridge lad has found his latest trolling niche aye? Absolutely none of what he says here should be taken seriously as he doesn't believe a word of it himself, much like his previous aliases.

Just read back a bit, and yes, I did get the impression that he was at it when he praised William Lane Craig as being responsible for bringing him to faith. He might as well have named Ken Ham or Kent Hovind.

There's a reason he's now known as Low Bar Bill, he recently appeared in a video stating that instead of raising the epistemological bar for proof of god, he lowered it. If there was 1 in a mllion chance that Christianity was correct, he'd believe it.

And his beloved Kalam is a crock as well, the original gets you as far as deism, but then he adds in that the cause must be a personal god, specifically the one of the Bible.


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6 hours ago, GHF-23 said:

I don't think there's really indication he has one tbh, Protestant Highland-based Saints fan is not a niche I can remember anyone filling previously. As hard as it is for some people on here to accept for some reason, often people with opinions you object to on the internet are not actually the same 3 people over and over again just because they make you angry in similar ways to previous online enemies. The only thing that suggests even a hint that he is is the tiresome "people strongly disagree with me about politics and sometimes make fun of me, and that's very bad as I am always rational and in good faith" thing CS does, but tbf that's the most common boring non-argument on the internet.

"Which banned alias are you then???" is by far P&B's most reductive recurring trait. Usually reserved for politics board goons so it's a shame when it leaks out here.

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8 hours ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

I’m not a Christian leader or theologian, but I actually can think of some answers.  Not that I have to, as an atheist has a burden of proof that they never even try to prove IMO.

Wrong. Atheists do not have one ounce of a burden of proof. Theologists are the ones making nonsensical claims and it's up to them to provide evidence. Something which despite millennia of opportunity, none have been able to do.

If I tell you there are pixies living at the bottom of my garden, neither you nor anyone else has a "burden of proof" to show that there aren't. If I then start committing atrocities because "the pixies told me to" then you and everyone else has a moral obligation to stop me. 

8 hours ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

Firstly, a way out could simply be an answer to prayer for it to stop.

Your omnipotent, infallible, all loving god who has a plan for all of us will, through no fault of your own, let you suffer a life of misery, agonising pain and terror, but will change his mind and stop it if you simply ask? Are you seriously claiming that people in concentration camps, prisoners in torture chambers, children being sexually abused could've seen an end to their torment if only they'd prayed? You really think none of them did that? The patients in the Gazan hospitals, waiting for the bombs to drop? None of them prayed? Just f**k off.

8 hours ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

Or (and I’m not trying to be funny here) it could be assurance of a one way ticket to heaven, with faith alone, and grace alone and with Christ alone.  This is undoubtedly the best way out IMO.

Don't feel bad about having cancer; things will be better once you're dead. Unless of course, you ate meat on a Friday before 1984. Make sure you remember to love Jesus through every minute of your agony until then though. This may be the "best way out" in your opinion but personally, I believe an omnipotent being should be able to come up with something better.

8 hours ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

To answer your question about natural disasters, diseases, gang-rape and cancer.. I promise I’m not being flippant, but I genuinely don’t know.  I also struggle with the issue of extreme suffering.

What is it you struggle with? Either god can't stop it, in which case he isn't omnipotent, or he chooses not to stop it in which case he's evil. Either way he is unworthy of simple respect, never mind worship and adoration.

8 hours ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

In a general sense though, I think of people being close to death or near death in Gaza, on both sides and think ‘where’s God?’.  If God stopped every war though, think of the consequences?  It’s easy for us to moralise about strategies, but folk are actually living in here over there.  I

The consequences of no war? Millions of innocent people no longer being slaughtered for the benefit of the few? Are you saying that would be bad? Seriously? And if it's easy for us to moralise about strategies, think how much easier it would be for an omnipotent, infallible being to do so. For example, he could consider punishing the people responsible for the crimes and not the innocents. And do it while they're alive so other potential tyrants can see it happen and learn from it. That might be one way a loving deity could handle things.

8 hours ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

I think of Josef Fritzl’s daughter being raped loads of times, every day for years, or these tales you hear of parents physically abusing their baby/toddler children.. it’s horrendous.  In my childhood I saw my mother (now dead) in horrendous pain and I wondered the same thing.

And yet you still haven't reached the obvious conclusion?

8 hours ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

I’m not trying to speak for her as to be honest I could never lace her boots.. she was a great woman!  She suffered abuse from my dad though, and both of them used to claim to be Christians!  On one hand my dad would tell me to treat women well because that’s what God wanted, yet he would demoralise my mum to f**k.  They were your stereotype pick and choose ‘ChrIstians’ that give us a bad name.

All Christians pick and choose. It would be impossible to follow the tenets otherwise. Do you follow every instruction given in the bible? Or just the ones you like?

8 hours ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

One thing that always humbles me is that my mum always believed in God and my mum taught me to pray and gave examples of her prayers being answered.

Your poor mother lived a life of misery and pain but didn't seek help because she'd been brainwashed into thinking this was god's plan for her. And that even to question this idea was itself a sin. The ultimate in mind-fuckery. And no, her prayers were never answered. Sometimes things she wanted to happen, happened. Nothing more, nothing less. Unless you're admitting that, per your claim above, the abuse would've stopped if she had only prayed for that to happen.

8 hours ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

Her point was ‘I’d rather be me dying of a brain injury than Jesus having nails hammered through his wrists’

It’s hard to argue with that.

Well yes, hard to argue with because it's inane. What does one have to do with the other? I'd rather die in a car crash than have onchocerca  volvulus living in my eyeballs after being bitten by a black fly, as some people do. But frankly, I'd prefer neither.

8 hours ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

I try to live it out in my life but acknowledge that I will never be perfect.  One thing I never do though, is tell others how to live their lives. For me my Christian faith is a personal thing, although I will never hide it either.

Nobody is expecting you to be perfect. It's not unreasonable though, to expect higher standards of an omnipotent being. Your favourite falls well short. While you yourself may not tell others how to live their lives, you enthusiastically support organisations that do. And you yell "BIGOT!!" at anyone who calls you out on it.

Don't try to claim the moral high ground here.

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  • 3 weeks later...
12 minutes ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

Dawkins really lets himself down here IMO.

No he has explained why. He thinks Craig is a moron.

To Be Fair, he is. Now I'm not being derogative to you or any other poster on this thread who hold the belief of a magical, (may words) thing. That keeps us all together.  I shall respect those views, I just know they are wrong.

Quote from Big Buddha himself,(who was real) below. Which was from stolen for the Christen viewpoint "he is the miracle, all bless our savour"

f**k that, It's I, fucking I am the miracle, meaning you.

There is nobody on this planet more worthy that me or you. 

  • "I am the miracle."

Once we all look after ourselves and stop look up or down, we're going to kill ourselves and our children, then there will be god.

God of fish and lizards

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