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The Hamilton Accies Championship Thread

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1 hour ago, Ye Olde Hamiltonian said:

I have been watching Accies since 1977 and only once-under Alistair Duguid and David Campbell have we had Owners with the best interests of the fans/club at heart.

This was the club remember who sold the ground for £6.5 million, got another £2 million from the the Retail  Park  and were left with £650,000 to build a ground after certain individuals got their hands on the money.

Hence the 2 Stands and not 4 and the extra money from The Retail Park  was to pay for a  covered roof which would have been a first up here.

Add in stopping a lottery winner joining the Board and a million other things and it has mostly been grim.

That's absolutely fucking criminal man. Think of the stadium you could have built with even just the first 6 million and how financially secure the club would have been with the rest in the bank.

Not sure how much we got from Morrisons but don't think it was as much as that.

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11 hours ago, Reggie Perrin said:

Who tanned all the money?

(I think that I know)

A certain rotund ex Chairman who ended up at Brockville shafted both clubs…allegedly😉

A couple of examples of what went on included an ex Director purchasing Properties adjacent to the old Douglas Park for £71,000 & £89,000 respectively only to sell them to the Club(who needed the land) for £579,000  & £589,000 respectively.

Robert Gibb who owned Flamingoland in North Yorkshire was traveling to Hamilton for a Board Meeting to finally oust the rogues and secure himself, Ally Duguid & David Campbell total control of the club.

He died in a car crash en route and his grieving widow was conned into selling her shares to the despised Jim Watson who regained control and the disasters which then occurred.

All these and other issues are ingrained on the Accies supporters psyche  and younger fans have their own issues with corruption and a them v us  attitude.

Thus, when the likes of Rankin or the new Board have a go at fans, they just say “Foxtrot Oscar” which is why our crowds can swing from one extreme to the other.

Years of being treated like crap by the club they support has caused this and this New Board are already repeating the errors of many predecessors. 



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1 hour ago, Ye Olde Hamiltonian said:


All these and other issues are ingrained on the Accies supporters psyche  and younger fans have their own issues with corruption and a them v us  attitude.

Thus, when the likes of Rankin or the new Board have a go at fans, they just say “Foxtrot Oscar” which is why our crowds can swing from one extreme to the other.

Years of being treated like crap by the club they support has caused this and this New Board are already repeating the errors of many predecessors. 



As an outsider looking in it sounds as if the only connection that the fans have to the club at the moment is a shared postcode. Is there any way that you could get some fan ownership model organized and buy into the club, maybe using money from the fans’ piggy bank set up by the Scottish government? Alternatively, if there is no genuine affinity for the club anymore, would you consider going down the FC United of Manchester route and starting a new, fan-owned club from scratch, something that you can all invest in both financially and emotionally? With the goal perhaps of working your way up through the pyramid system and maybe usurping the Accies as the major football club in Hamilton? Or are your ties to the Accies still too strong to allow you to even contemplate that? You know what they say, custodians of the club come and go but the fans are there forever. However, it sounds as if the club you all love has kicked you all in the hee haws once too often and everybody has their limit.

All the best going forward. (not until next season, of course! 😋).

Edited by Bairn in Exile
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5 hours ago, Ye Olde Hamiltonian said:

A certain rotund ex Chairman who ended up at Brockville shafted both clubs…allegedly😉

Jeez that brings me out in hives. We almost went bust because of that misadventure and much of what happened since can be traced back to then. 

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8 hours ago, Ye Olde Hamiltonian said:

A certain rotund ex Chairman who ended up at Brockville shafted both clubs…allegedly😉

A couple of examples of what went on included an ex Director purchasing Properties adjacent to the old Douglas Park for £71,000 & £89,000 respectively only to sell them to the Club(who needed the land) for £579,000  & £589,000 respectively.

Robert Gibb who owned Flamingoland in North Yorkshire was traveling to Hamilton for a Board Meeting to finally oust the rogues and secure himself, Ally Duguid & David Campbell total control of the club.

He died in a car crash en route and his grieving widow was conned into selling her shares to the despised Jim Watson who regained control and the disasters which then occurred.

All these and other issues are ingrained on the Accies supporters psyche  and younger fans have their own issues with corruption and a them v us  attitude.

Thus, when the likes of Rankin or the new Board have a go at fans, they just say “Foxtrot Oscar” which is why our crowds can swing from one extreme to the other.

Years of being treated like crap by the club they support has caused this and this New Board are already repeating the errors of many predecessors. 



Posted this before but I still fondly remember standing behind the fork lift mogul at the Europcar desk at Luton airport as his credit card was knocked back and he couldn’t pay for his hire car.

Petty but very enjoyable.


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Another day of Gerry Strain looking like a complete mug. Still can't believe there was Accies fans who genuinely thought that the 3 Falkirk players article was a good idea knew it would come back to bite us at the time and it definitely has. 

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5 hours ago, superandy_07 said:

Unlucky boaysies x

Guy you should be aiming this at is the balloon who opened his mouth and kept on talking and talking…and talking.

Knowledgeable Accies punters were embarrassed by this pish with only a few daft youngsters reeled in.

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8 hours ago, Ye Olde Hamiltonian said:

Guy you should be aiming this at is the balloon who opened his mouth and kept on talking and talking…and talking.

Knowledgeable Accies punters were embarrassed by this pish with only a few daft youngsters reeled in.

The same balloon who talks about "honesty" and "integrity" on his LinkedIn profile. 

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10 hours ago, Ye Olde Hamiltonian said:

Guy you should be aiming this at is the balloon who opened his mouth and kept on talking and talking…and talking.

Knowledgeable Accies punters were embarrassed by this pish with only a few daft youngsters reeled in.

I believe your Chairman fully endorsed it. People who aren't quite as smart as they think they are. As you say, embarrassing for most Accies fans.

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Just now, Raybowski89 said:

This season escalated from a title race to absolute banter so quickly 🤣🤣🤣

It's sort of had the feel of a boxing match where the fighters seem evenly matched early on, but then one starts to gas out and the other one has another gear. That's the way it's gone. They could only stand the heat for so long and wilted, as we might have in recent seasons. But we're serving different Gravy this year 😎

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11 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Hiya lads. 

We have absolutely broken your club into a million tiny pieces and it feels amazing 👍


Club Supremo in the dugout next week please. 

Colin McGowan broke our club into a million tiny pieces….

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