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US Presidential Election 2024


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JD Vance: "JD Vance, Vice President"

Stanley: "Stanley Hudson."

JD Vance: "JD Vance, Vice President"

Ryan: "Ryan Howard."

JD Vance: "JD Vance, Vice President"



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Vance tried to kill the Ukraine support package. If he and Trump win in November NATO will be crippled, Ukraine will eventually fall to Putin and a wave of fear will wash across Eastern Europe. Who's sending their armed forces to defend Estonia if the USA is on Putin's side?

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More Vance nuggets..


I think we should stop supporting the Ukrainian conflict,” he said — and unconditional support for Israel. 


“A majority of citizens of this country think that their savior, and I count myself a Christian, was born, died, and resurrected in that narrow little strip of territory off the Mediterranean,” he said. 


“The idea that there is ever going to be an American foreign policy that doesn’t care a lot about that slice of the world is preposterous,” 


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15 hours ago, GordonS said:

The core problem for a long time in American politics is that both parties are on the right on economic issues so both screw the poor and low income workers. In the Democrat's case because they're beholden to rich donors, in the Republican's case because that's what they're for. So the difference between them is on social issues. Vance represents the economically left (relatively), socially conservative, and he's from the Midwest. He's a perfect pick.

Republicans took the white working class in the south on race, and now they're taking the white working class in the Midwest on... an endless tide of bullshit about woke and trans and delusion, seemingly.

The fact the Democrats have so few people that can talk to the rustbelt and have lost their way so badly among their traditional core vote is a brutal indictment of their capture by rich urban liberals. Biden was their best option until age caught up with him.

Not necessarily true, as Hillbilly Elegy fell flat in the Midwest and Appalachia. He’s also moved significantly Right since he took up, if we can believe Stormy, mushroom tending. Believe it or not, in the Midwest there is a pragmatic acceptance of immigrants/illegals, as both the meat packing and agricultural industries simply can’t exist without them. The isolationist angle might play, but when it comes to the problems that might cause for exports of grains and meats, they’ll turn on a dime.

Vance appealed to Leftist intellectuals before his sudden shift from Never Trump to MAGA Cheerleader. I think it was a tactical mistake.

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56 minutes ago, TxRover said:

Not necessarily true, as Hillbilly Elegy fell flat in the Midwest and Appalachia. He’s also moved significantly Right since he took up, if we can believe Stormy, mushroom tending. Believe it or not, in the Midwest there is a pragmatic acceptance of immigrants/illegals, as both the meat packing and agricultural industries simply can’t exist without them. The isolationist angle might play, but when it comes to the problems that might cause for exports of grains and meats, they’ll turn on a dime.

Vance appealed to Leftist intellectuals before his sudden shift from Never Trump to MAGA Cheerleader. I think it was a tactical mistake.

I hope so, but we'll see. They don't need much of swing to take Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, all three of which Trump won in 2016 and lost in 2020. It would be great if he could do a Sarah Palin now that he's been pulled into the big limelight.

Worth remembering that if Trump win this year he can't run again in 2024. Vance will be in the driving seat for the Republican nomination.

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7 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

Christian zionist Americans like Vance want every Palestinian Christian dead.



I read that Vance was a covert to Catholicism. Traditionally, at least, Catholics opposed the state of Israel. Indeed, Catholics were criticised for being anti-Semitic until Vatican II (1960s?), due to the belief that the Jewish people rejected Christ and bear the burden for killing him. Mel Gibson and his dad are perhaps some of the most well known traditional Catholics, who refused to recognise Vatican II and any subsequent Popes (they're Sedevacantists - which translates as 'the chair is empty', I believe).

From Wiki:


 Catholic anti-Zionism, the opposition of Catholics to a Jewish state in the Holy Land, grounded in a religious justification for obstructing such an effort, has been the position of the Catholic Church for most of its existence. While the Catholic Church has had diplomatic relations with Israel since 1993, it does not endorse a theological basis for the support of the state.[14][15][16] Many Catholics are themselves divided over political support of Israel.[17][18][19]


I don't actually understand the Christian Zionist movement. My understanding of the Bible is that the Jews stopped being God's chosen people when they rejected the incarnate God. It seems illogical to me.


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Tenacious D have cancelled the remaining dates on their world tour after a joke about "not missing next time" by the other one, erm, backfired.

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