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Littering and the publics attitude towards shared communal areas

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Statistically there will be folk who litter on here. So explain yourself.

Also there are smokers on here. So please explain why you think it's acceptable to chuck your used cigarettes on to to the ground.

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1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

Statistically there will be folk who litter on here. So explain yourself.

Also there are smokers on here. So please explain why you think it's acceptable to chuck your used cigarettes on to to the ground.

You're assuming every smoker just discards their butt's. I've no smoked in years but I'd always find a bin tondisgard a cigarette after it was finished.as did most other smokers I know.

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9 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

You're assuming every smoker just discards their butt's. I've no smoked in years but I'd always find a bin tondisgard a cigarette after it was finished.as did most other smokers I know.

Appreciate that you and your friends do but sadly you are very much in the minority of smokers that do. Most chuck them away out of car windows, or before going into shops, pubs or hospitals etc. 


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The usual pish excuse is "it keeps people in a job" or "that's what the cleansing are for". Not sure how that works now when there appear to be so few of them employed they rarely empty the litter bins and someone litter picking is more likely to be a group of primary school kids and their teacher 'volunteering' to do it than a council worker.

It's bad enough in our towns and cities but in the countryside it really bugs me. Walked up a reservoir last year in an area that's not well visited and halfway up found a pile of discarded carboard ice-cream tubs with the wee plastic spoons. It was well away from anywhere that you could've bought the ice cream from, and even a mile from the nearest they could've driven, and they'd chucked them at their feet halfway up a hill. A brick to the face sounds like a valid punishment.

The lazy fuckers who let their dogs shit everywhere too and don't pick it up, right in the middle of a path, or outside your gate. I'd shoot the lot of them.

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The State of Texas has an app and website that lets you report litters. You have to enter the vehicle type and colour, the number plate, the location and date/time, and if you can, they type of litter and side of the vehicle it was from. Disappointingly, all they do is try to match to registration records, and if it checks, they mail a letter with a car rubbish bag to the registered owner of the vehicle. In typical ‘Merican style, this is a better option:


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On 09/06/2023 at 13:26, Richey Edwards said:

People who get caught not picking up their dog's shit should be force-fed the dog shit.

Repeat offenders will be human centipede'd to their dogs arse.

Islamic state style punishments for them all. Signs with stick men being pushed off buildings and cages with them on fire in every public place.

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A few years back we had a lodger, and he would smoke out of his bedroom window during the night and chuck his cigarette butts down into the garden. He soon put up a stop to it when he was told he'd be smoking outside the gate no matter what the weather was if he didn't stop being such a manky b*****d.

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On 10/06/2023 at 11:08, 19QOS19 said:


This. It starts from a young age IMO. Can mind littering when I was young and my mum made me pick it up. She always drilled it into us to hold on to rubbish and not litter. It's stuck. I now do the same with my girls. It's really not hard - my car is a bit of a shithole as a result mind you, as I forget to take it in the house 😂

Yeah mine is the same, stuffed into every nook and cranny.  Should really have a clear out!

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On 08/06/2023 at 21:08, welshbairn said:

Just back from Denmark for a few days, whole place is spotless, not just the touristy or posh bits, even flying over farm yards there were no car wrecks or rusting tractors. Almost felt guilty for flicking my fag butts out of the 15th floor hotel window, but I had to get rid of the evidence..

Was coming on to say similar. Was over there for a few days last year and the entire place is bloody immaculate. The metro in Copenhagen is spotless, the parks are all clean & tidy and the streets rarely have any rubbish floating around. 

It rips my knitting when I walk through Glasgow Green after a hot day because the whole park is a fucking shit hole. People leaving their rubbish at their arse, scorching patches of the grass with their shitty disposable barbecues and not picking up their dog's shite. Have a bit of pride in your surroundings ffs. 

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On 09/06/2023 at 18:28, Suspect Device said:

Littering is probably the only crime that I would bring back the death penalty for.


Maybe folk who put their feet up on the seats at the back of the bus as well.

Feet up on seats on buses and trains makes me despise that person as any sort of decent human being. Need to employ conductors on buses and trains to throw these scum off, without the transport stopping.

They are also the sort of people on trains that leave rubbish on the table, at the seat they are leaving, despite having to walk past a bin placed at the door of the train they are about to exit. Just ignorant laziness.

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Aye, around my area its f*cking shocking.   

I've had moments when I've been out and maybe couldn't find a bin and had to get rid of an item of rubbish.  For a fleeting moment I think "i could just drop it" but then right away I think "don't be such a c*nt" and I never do.  

Some folk just dont give two f*cks and that unfortunately the issue.

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On 10/06/2023 at 11:19, DA Baracus said:

Statistically there will be folk who litter on here. So explain yourself.

Also there are smokers on here. So please explain why you think it's acceptable to chuck your used cigarettes on to to the ground.

One time i took my car keys out of my pocket and a snotty tissue fell out and blew away. I didn't chase it because it went quite quickly. I'm very sorry. 

I did used to ping fag butts when i was a teenager but by the time i was in my 20s had grown up enough to bin them. I thought i'd put one out on the beach at Carbis bay and put it in my pocket, putting a hole in my £250 Tommy Hilfiger coat. So i've had my karma. 

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On 10/06/2023 at 11:08, 19QOS19 said:


This. It starts from a young age IMO. Can mind littering when I was young and my mum made me pick it up. She always drilled it into us to hold on to rubbish and not litter. It's stuck. I now do the same with my girls. It's really not hard - my car is a bit of a shithole as a result mind you, as I forget to take it in the house 😂

Completely, I drilled it into my kids to not litter as that’s they way I was brought up, hopefully they’ll do the same with theirs. 

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17 minutes ago, coprolite said:

One time i took my car keys out of my pocket and a snotty tissue fell out and blew away. I didn't chase it because it went quite quickly. I'm very sorry. 

I did used to ping fag butts when i was a teenager but by the time i was in my 20s had grown up enough to bin them. I thought i'd put one out on the beach at Carbis bay and put it in my pocket, putting a hole in my £250 Tommy Hilfiger coat. So i've had my karma. 

Too late. Gulag for you.

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3 hours ago, well fan for life said:

Was coming on to say similar. Was over there for a few days last year and the entire place is bloody immaculate. The metro in Copenhagen is spotless, the parks are all clean & tidy and the streets rarely have any rubbish floating around. 

It rips my knitting when I walk through Glasgow Green after a hot day because the whole park is a fucking shit hole. People leaving their rubbish at their arse, scorching patches of the grass with their shitty disposable barbecues and not picking up their dog's shite. Have a bit of pride in your surroundings ffs. 

3 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Complete entitlement is on the rise in society, as is general rule breaking. Next time you're out in the car, just watch how many more people these days run through red lights or park where they're not supposed to. 

The frustrating thing is it’s not something that needs to be taught, simply something that shouldn’t be modeled. You take any kid and raise him/her/they without seeing you dumping your litter wherever, and the kid will generally act the same. The ones most guilty of the littering have, effectively, been taught to do it. Around here there’s been improvement over the past 20-30 years as “adopt-a-road” programs have expanded, and people seem marginally less willing to litter when the roadside doesn’t look like an absolute tip. The worst ones are the unlicensed handy men, and some licensed ones, who dump recycling trash in various locations…however, the handy nature of battery powered cameras these days is resulting in more of these arseholes being caught, as they tend to reuse the same few remote spots.

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On 10/06/2023 at 09:45, ICTChris said:

I wonder how much of the litter we see is the result of people just dropping stuff at their feet and how much is the result of overflowing bins etc. walking through parks and other public spaces the bins are often stuffed full, especially if it’s been a busy day or good weather. 

Where I am am some of it is obvious laziness. There are plenty of bins in the park, yet the grass is littered with bottles and food cartons. When the bins are full you can at least see some folk who have tried to be tidy because it’s stacked next to them.

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