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Titanic II

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35 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I remember some of the question were along the lines...

"Have you ever been involved in terrorism or revolutionary act in this or any other country?"

Yes, there was that time in Zaire, but I don't really count that. Then there was the anthrax in the water supply here, but that was an accident."

I see your file is heavily redacted. So that fits.

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20 minutes ago, Herc said:

They give security clearance to anyone tbf. I had to fill out a form to empty the bins at Holyrood Palace during the garden party.

No they don't. I was in a position of authority, not the bin man. It is a thorough investigation of your character. I was found to be exemplary, except for taking charge of nuclear submarines. I could get on the ordinary ones no problem.

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39 minutes ago, Herc said:

They give security clearance to anyone tbf. I had to fill out a form to empty the bins at Holyrood Palace during the garden party.

This is my chance to go full TXRover. But I won't.

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13 minutes ago, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

I bet the billionaires wish they had brought a few Chilean miners or an under 12 football team with them.

It's as if billionaires on leisurely jollies with tickets the price of a house no longer tugs on the heart-strings during a cost of living crisis.


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7 hours ago, TxRover said:

Actually not, you simply have an antenna external to the capsule with wires or other conductive materials connecting it. You attach the EBIRB antenna to the conductive lead and the signal radiates from the external antenna. However, that would have been picked up by satellite by now…

That's not my idea of what a 'manual EBIRB' would be, which would typically be a handheld device that the crew would operate that operates under it's own power for a few hours and would bob on the waves broadcasting away if it wasn't still in the vessel. EBIRB wouldn't work if it was permanently attached to the submarine since submarines are typically underwater where GPS and radio doesn't work. Also these things shouldn't require an electrical connection from the submarine, since an electrical failure - one of the reasons you might need to activate an EBIRB -  makes it useless (and besides, there are other communication systems that work with the sub's electrical supply you can use, and which are clearly inoperative for whatever reason).

There are submarine EBIRBs, which are basically tubes that get physically flung out of the vessel somehow (torpedo tube I'd guess) and which bob up to the surface and start broadcasting away. I suspect it would have been possible to jury-rig some kind of mechanical system for launching one of these, but whether they'd have bothered to install such a thing, I wouldn't know.

Edited by Aim Here
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3 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I remember some of the question were along the lines...

"Have you ever been involved in terrorism or revolutionary act in this or any other country?"

Yes, there was that time in Zaire, but I don't really count that. Then there was the anthrax in the water supply here, but that was an accident."

I suspect your big mistake was giving your home address as a hollowed-out volcano in Japan.

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Just now, Cosmic Joe said:

Do submarine journeys have an equivalent of the cabin crew's safety shpeel before a flight? 

Part of the safety briefing for this submarine is that you sign a disclaimer that you understand that the submarine is super-dangerous, doesn't pass any regulations and you could likely die in it.

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This whole thing reminds me of the time I spent the best part of a weekend locked in my pokey bathroom.  This was after the locking mechanism fell apart when I locked the door whilst my flatmate was away for the weekend.  Why did I lock the door in an empty flat one might ask?  A good question. Habitual I suppose. 

Anyway, this was in one of those old Victorian granite-cell tenements with the oak doors / frames so heavy duty that you couldn't kick it out from the inside.  Perhaps I could have eventually trashed the frame with repeated kicking (or a Kill Bill Pai Mai punch trick), but as a student I decided that a lost weekend was preferable to the cost of paying for the flat repair / losing the deposit.  

There was no window, nor communication with the wider world (no phone upon my person).  Just me, a bath, a toilet, a sink, and a toilet brush called Wilson.  Fun times.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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