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The Death Penalty

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A few users on the Amber Gibson thread speaking about the death penalty so instead of trying to hyjack that one I thought I'd start one here. 

So what's your thoughts, straight yes/no or do you have a sliding scale and where's your line?

I'll keep my powder dry for now. 

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Thin end of the wedge. You can't legally implement of a death penalty based on how heinous the public might find a crime, which is the times this always seems to come up. For every horrific crime that seems on the face of it to be deserving, there would be plenty others that were contentious. How long before a desperate Tory govt were using the death penalty for scoring political points if we had it. No for me. 

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6 minutes ago, stimpy said:

A few users on the Amber Gibson thread speaking about the death penalty so instead of trying to hyjack that one I thought I'd start one here. 

So what's your thoughts, straight yes/no or do you have a sliding scale and where's your line?

I'll keep my powder dry for now. 

Under normal circumstances I'd say definitely not, but I could be persuaded...

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I fully get and see the emotional side that leads people to momentarily wish we had it but as a society we should never be comfortable giving such authority to the state that's proven to be open to corruption and mistakes left right and centre. 

However I'm more than comfortable looking the other way when it comes to prison vigilantes dishing out a bit of retribution on the worst offenders. 

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1 minute ago, hk blues said:

Under normal circumstances I'd say definitely not, but I could be persuaded...

I won't edit it to save you looking about somewhere else to feel good about yourself. 

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1 minute ago, RuMoore said:

However I'm more than comfortable looking the other way when it comes to prison vigilantes dishing out a bit of retribution on the worst offenders

Do you have a "heroes and villain's" list for your prison justice? 

Shoplifters stabbing sex offenders maybe?

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My view is that I understand thinking that some people deserve the death penalty, even if I don’t agree, but that I don’t think the state should have the power to impose it. Justice should be there to serve a logical function for society, and I don’t see that executing someone does that. 

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3 minutes ago, stimpy said:

Do you have a "heroes and villain's" list for your prison justice? 

Shoplifters stabbing sex offenders maybe?

I propose inventing a metric based on the severity of the crime in relation to the punishment called "Schofields". 

A 1 schofielder level criminal is only allowed to be battered occasionally whereas a 10 schofielder level criminal is allowed the full boiling water and chibbin treatment with no repercussions.

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3 minutes ago, hk blues said:



I've struggled with spelling since childhood, I often can't see how words are built in my head or have to try and phonetically spell them out as I write them. I'm 48 and school in the 80s was do it and if you don't do it you aren't trying hard enough and if you still can't then you're thick. 

I lean heavily on spellcheckers but sometimes they fail me too.

I'm literally sweating typing this. 

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The death penalty is barbaric and has so place in any civilized country. It's utterly pointless, it doesn't bring your loved one back, they're still dead.  The family of the executed person, 99% of the time completely innocent and blameless, have to then deal with that for the rest of their days too.  

And what about the guy who pulls the lever/turns on the IV drips?  He's just killed someone, so should he not jump up onto the gurney afterwards? No, he's killed someone 'lawfully', which is a load of shite.  

And did I read a report where in America it's far cheaper to have someone in prison for the rest of their lives, than it cost's for all the clemency/appeal hearings that have to go through the courts that get rejected before the execution?  So there's that too.  Spend the money on trying to educate young people and try to not turn them into murdering, raping mentalists.  Or build more prisons.

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