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Banning Children


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16 hours ago, Wee Bully said:

I’ve never experienced any of the adult behaviour you have described.  Where are you flying to, and with whom?

St Mirren European Tour Thread for this sort of chat.

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16 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

Can't see the problem if folk are willing to pay. Though there are certain destinations I'd be more tolerant to bratty kids/expecting it. If it was to a family resort in Spain you surely have to expect a bit of noise. If it was to a nicer destination I'd be a bit more annoyed if there were bratty kids. But the trouble is generally arsehole parents not dealing with their kids. 

There was a video doing the rounds the other day of a wee boy thumping some guy's seat on the plane and when the guy asked the woman to have a word with the kid the bitch had a go at him rather than tell her kid off. Those people are what's wrong with the world. 

C***s to a man. (Woman, even.)

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7 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I had heard of the child free Reddit but had never actually looked at it. Dear Lord.


Loving the (accidentally) for something clearly not accidental, going by the use of the HUMOR tag. "I hurt a small child and enjoyed it" ought to get you on some kind of watchlist.

I suppose everyone has to learn that the world's full of vicious scum to avoid at some point.

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My friend didn't have kids at her wedding last year, most of her friends have under 5's. Mainly she didn't have space at the venue to incorporate 20 odd kids plus it was easier for them to say right none than the politics of making exceptions.

Most were happy get a babysitter and have a child free day.

It gives me the fear in restaurants when kids are running about with hot food and drinks around. 

We've a decent group of juniors atbthe golf club that cause no bother. I also bought one a dairy milk as a peace offering as he was a partick fan?

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4 hours ago, throbber said:

Because weddings are a family event and kids are a huge part of the families of people who are attending. Children are highly likely the next step in the lives of the couple who are getting married as well. I’d quite gladly not bring my own children along to a wedding but I think it’s generally bad craic particularly if wedding is in a difficult place to get to.

My cousin got married in middle of nowhere in 2010 and his wife insisted on no kids. His sister had an 18 month old and asked if they could make an exception to bring her along but no such luck so she and her husband had to take turns of watching over the baby and couldn’t get to enjoy the wedding at all. Needless to say the bride allowed a few exceptions from ladies on her side of the invite and the amount of bitterness it all created is incredible and still rages on to this day.

That's not on. 

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A kid was facing backwards on his seat not far out of Heathrow and showing off his toy. It was a pretty cool transformer so i asked if i could see it. As he was giving it to me he dropped it and knocked the wife's pineapple juice all over her lap. 90 minutes into a sixteen hour journey, without a change of trousers. I'd have paid £40 for that. 

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32 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I hope this thread is still running in 20 years (though I might not be around to check) when those who have madethe most indignant posts have begun to appreciate the benefits of a wee bit peace and quiet.


To be fair, really old folk on public transport are far more annoying. And smellier.

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28 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

That's not on. 

No - the wedding was in middle of nowhere 200 miles from where we all came from and everyone who would have looked after the baby was at the wedding. The accommodation was fairly far from the wedding itself as well so I think my cousin and her man had to drive back and forth when exchanging shifts and they each had a completely miserable time of it. It still isn’t water under the bridge to this day, I don’t think they speak to each other at all. Weddings have a habit of bringing out the worst in people.

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5 hours ago, throbber said:

Because weddings are a family event and kids are a huge part of the families of people who are attending. Children are highly likely the next step in the lives of the couple who are getting married as well. I’d quite gladly not bring my own children along to a wedding but I think it’s generally bad craic particularly if wedding is in a difficult place to get to.

My cousin got married in middle of nowhere in 2010 and his wife insisted on no kids. His sister had an 18 month old and asked if they could make an exception to bring her along but no such luck so she and her husband had to take turns of watching over the baby and couldn’t get to enjoy the wedding at all. Needless to say the bride allowed a few exceptions from ladies on her side of the invite and the amount of bitterness it all created is incredible and still rages on to this day.

Ah, people making exceptions for some attendees while telling others they can't is dickhead behaviour. It's either children allowed or not.

4 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Why would people not want children at a wedding?

Depends on the kind of wedding you're going for, surely. If you're having a massive one already with a large number of guests then aye it doesn't really change anything to have kids, and if you've got entire extended family and friend groups there removing everyone who could watch them it's quite inconsiderate not to have them.

Ours was a small one with only 23 people including the two of us, throwing a few toddlers into the mix would have completely changed the atmosphere of the day, would have meant needing a bigger room at some points, and when they saw the venue the parents who were there all said aye, you couldn't really have had a wedding with kids at this venue. I was at another a few months ago that was also no kids with about 50 guests there and they'd have had to change their food options, again would have needed bigger rooms at some point and the venue might not have worked altogether so I could see the logic, neither of them have nieces or nephews and the groomsman and bridesmaid who were leaving kids with grandparents were happy to have a night off.

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20 minutes ago, throbber said:

Speaking of ruining weddings - one of my friends was best man at a wedding in 2017 and thought it would be a good idea to tell the audience that the groom lost his virginity to a prostitute in Amsterdam when he was 21.

What's the harm in that ? Losing your cherry to someone who knows what they're doing must be great.

Also, would have been a better surprise for the bride & assembled guests if the best man had said ".......and just for the record, Alistair lost his virginity when he was 21............to me."

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Attitudes to this are quite funny in how they swing between two ridiculous points on the scale.

Hating kids is obviously a bit weird, but then so is frothing at the mouth about how weird some people are because they don't want to be around them.

The missus and I have chosen to not have kids. Neither of us are interested in them and we don't really spend that much time around them, nieces and nephews aside. We probably already do a version of this Turkish Airlines thing by self-selecting restaurants and pubs etc, knowing that we'll maybe pay more to go to certain places, but there won't be kids running about.

Whatever people with kids think, putting kids into an environment utterly changes it, and usually makes it less relaxing. Yes, your kids too.

We choose to try and stay away from these places. I don't think there's anything weird about that. f**k you.

For a long-haul flight I'd pay 40 quid to be guaranteed no screaming kids around, no bother. Despite the "WHAT ABOUT ADULTS!!!" nonsense on this thread, as a relatively frequent air traveller, I have literally never had a flight disrupted by an adult. Maybe if you fly Glasgow - Ibiza you might experience this, but I never have. I've had loads of child seat-kickers, screaming babies, tantruming toddlers, and "DADDDYYYYEEE" wailing weans, though.

Get them to f**k and take my forty quid.

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18 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

Can't see the problem if folk are willing to pay. Though there are certain destinations I'd be more tolerant to bratty kids/expecting it. If it was to a family resort in Spain you surely have to expect a bit of noise. If it was to a nicer destination I'd be a bit more annoyed if there were bratty kids. But the trouble is generally arsehole parents not dealing with their kids. 

There was a video doing the rounds the other day of a wee boy thumping some guy's seat on the plane and when the guy asked the woman to have a word with the kid the bitch had a go at him rather than tell her kid off. Those people are what's wrong with the world. 

Was this on Facebook?  It was actors if so.  

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40 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

Ah, people making exceptions for some attendees while telling others they can't is dickhead behaviour. It's either children allowed or not.

Depends on the kind of wedding you're going for, surely. If you're having a massive one already with a large number of guests then aye it doesn't really change anything to have kids, and if you've got entire extended family and friend groups there removing everyone who could watch them it's quite inconsiderate not to have them.

Ours was a small one with only 23 people including the two of us, throwing a few toddlers into the mix would have completely changed the atmosphere of the day, would have meant needing a bigger room at some points, and when they saw the venue the parents who were there all said aye, you couldn't really have had a wedding with kids at this venue. I was at another a few months ago that was also no kids with about 50 guests there and they'd have had to change their food options, again would have needed bigger rooms at some point and the venue might not have worked altogether so I could see the logic, neither of them have nieces or nephews and the groomsman and bridesmaid who were leaving kids with grandparents were happy to have a night off.

There is definitely weddings where children aren’t appropriate so I don’t want to write off everyone who doesn’t invite them as killjoys. The scenario k described in 2010 is a disgrace though and shows either a lack of proper planning or just the bride being a c**t. 

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