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Russell Brand - In Plain Sight


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6 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

Man using word of more than one syllable must be clever.


Don't be daft.

He went well beyond that.  He had a real dexterity with language, and he was very quick.  


If you can't recognise that, it would suggest that you're not, in fact, terribly clever.

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3 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Don't be daft.

He went well beyond that.  He had a real dexterity with language, and he was very quick.  


If you can't recognise that, it would suggest that you're not, in fact, terribly clever.

Pish. He was pretty much Leonard Sachs off The Good Old Days.

(Probably one of @Granny Danger’s favourite tv shows)

ETA and a sex pest.

ETA Brand not Danger.

ETA possibly.

Edited by Melanius Mullarkay
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First, I haven't held a TV licence since I emigrated to Switzerland in 2002.

Next, despite posting across six decades of tunes in the Music Forum, I'd very much put myself in the 'old fart' category.

I'd never heard of Brand until Sachsgate, which, I found odious then, and which I still find odious now. 

((However, I went to school with someone who gets mentioned here a bit, whom I found odious then, and......(you can join the dots...... 😄))

If what Brand's accused of gets proven, he deserves all the justice system can legitimately throw at him.




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He specialised in using clever-sounding vocabulary, but using it incorrectly or incoherently.

Whenever I heard him talk in the last few years, it became evident that Brand fucking loved using the word 'paradigm', but had no idea how it was supposed to be used.

A classic intellectual fraud imo. He'd just learned lots of vocabulary and knew how to sound grand without ever saying anything interesting or clever.

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18 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Don't be daft.

He went well beyond that.  He had a real dexterity with language, and he was very quick.  

He really wasn't. He went on HIGNFY and was completely out of his depth. His entire act was essentially flowery language, skinny jeans and hairspray.

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Decent article saying that if anything things are worse now than in the Noughties. I remember being a bit shocked when I joined P&B in 2010 to find the answer to any annoying woman was a boot in the pie. Don't really think I've changed my attitudes to women much at all through the decades, my general rule has always been try not to be c**t, to whoever you're dealing with. Not claiming I've always lived up to that mind, I just don't think the excuse of "That's just the way things were back then" cuts it, even back in the Seventies.

The nasty noughties: Russell Brand and the era of sadistic tabloid misogyny

It was way worse than that in the early days of the forum. We had bullying, clique and yes, an actual stalker, possibly more than one. Looking back, aye, it was probably acceptable back then, but thinking back it just wasn't right. It was very immature, but great fun, if you were on the right side of it at the time.

Things have moved on here, thankfully, but I still sometimes look at some of the "humour" with a bit of a wince. Personally speaking, I don't think there a place for The Dead Pool anymore, but I don't take part in it now, or even look at any of the posts. The jokes about people dying were starting to annoy me as it was coming a bit laddish for me, so it doesn't bother me now and each to their own. Times move on and everyone changes.

At least the Ruel Street threats are long gone now, I hope.

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20 minutes ago, Ken Ickie said:


((However, I went to school with someone who gets mentioned here a bit, whom I found odious then, and......(you can join the dots...... 😄))






Went to school with someone called champ 

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13 minutes ago, Gibby82 said:

He really wasn't. He went on HIGNFY and was completely out of his depth. His entire act was essentially flowery language, skinny jeans and hairspray.

I've not watched it for a long time (is it still going?) but very few people ever seemed to host that show and not get taken apart, tbf.

They knew your weakness before hiring you and just exploited it ruthlessly.

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6 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

“Faintly baroque attacks” is utterly meaningless rhetoric.  

Classic example. Flowery etc, but means hee haw and is just to make him seem intellectual and thoughtful.

A total fraud.

Anyone doubting this boy's puddle-depth intellect should seek out the early editions of his podcast. He had some good guests on, but routinely ruined it by spouting meaningless word-salad stuff in a desperate attempt to seem worthy of the discussion. More than once his guests told him to basically stop talking utter shite.

The lad's charismatic and created a persona that made him a lot of money. But he's an idiot. A clueless choob.

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22 minutes ago, Gibby82 said:

He really wasn't. He went on HIGNFY and was completely out of his depth. His entire act was essentially flowery language, skinny jeans and hairspray.

And Question time. And the interview with Ed Milliband. 

He seems to have a lot of opinions and be able to pontificate about them until someone asks a question about it or offers an opposing facts. 

The whole "free thinker" thing has passed me by thankfully. Ben Shapiros voice annoys me, I always assumed that Andrew Tait was a comedy character the first few times I saw clips of him. I first saw Jordan Peterson on the interview for channel 4 where that woman made a total arse of herself so I didn't have him pinned as the odd b*****d he is straight off. 

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19 minutes ago, Musketeer Gripweed said:

It was way worse than that in the early days of the forum. We had bullying, clique and yes, an actual stalker, possibly more than one. Looking back, aye, it was probably acceptable back then, but thinking back it just wasn't right. It was very immature, but great fun, if you were on the right side of it at the time.

Things have moved on here, thankfully, but I still sometimes look at some of the "humour" with a bit of a wince. Personally speaking, I don't think there a place for The Dead Pool anymore, but I don't take part in it now, or even look at any of the posts. The jokes about people dying were starting to annoy me as it was coming a bit laddish for me, so it doesn't bother me now and each to their own. Times move on and everyone changes.

At least the Ruel Street threats are long gone now, I hope.

I think P&B is actually interesting in terms of charting changes in sensibilities.

Obviously, it's always relied on a certain irreverence, but things we'd deem thoroughly unacceptable now, weren't just present a decade or so back: they were popular.

Rape jokes, references to rape vans etc went down a storm - they really did.  It's kinda uncomfortable.  Our attitudes shift quickly, and most of us reach them less independently than we'd like to think.

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6 minutes ago, diegomarahenry said:


He seems to have a lot of opinions and be able to pontificate about them until someone asks a question about it or offers an opposing facts. 


And this is the point. He can sound impressive with pre-prepared 'opinions' using flowery language. But the first time he's questioned the whole thing falls apart as he has no idea how to defend his views, as he is an idiot who thinks through absolutely nothing.

Anyone who reads enough books and puts some thought into it can learn to use language well.

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