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Rangers v hibs

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29 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

Yes I agree that they're ignorant and it's the behaviour of twats.

They should be dealt with in what sense? If a Rangers fan sees them on the street and wants to try and give them a slap for it, sure.

Not sure about police becoming involved personally. Or, if you want that, then we are going to need a lot of extra jail space to police it consistently.

Because - like it or not - hundreds of fans are doing stuff like this in pubs, on buses, on trains, in group chats every weekend across Britain. It's not whataboutery to point that out. So unless you're going to have a consistent standard held, I think it would be incredibly dodgy to cherry pick who gets lifted for this.

Giving it oxygen by going "DAILY RECORD EXCLUSIVE: LOOK HOW SHOCKING THIS IS, THINK OF THE POOR FAMILIES (who now know because we've helped to make it very public)" or RFC1872AyeReady going "IMAGINE HOW THE FAMILIES WILL FEEL WHEN THEY SEE THIS (statistically increasing with every post like this that I make) is not something I particularly agree with. 

You know there is a middle ground between doing nothing and the police getting involved?

You’re essentially giving it the “bad things happen everywhere so you’re all hypocrites for getting angry about something in particular.” Grim patter, give it a rest.

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For a player that seemed to be written off quite early, Sima’s goal scoring output is looking quite impressive.

His brace today has him joint top scorer in the SPFL on 5, averaging a goal every 103 minutes.

Even in all competitions it still holds up pretty well. 9 goals in total, a goal every 107 minutes.

He doesn’t seem to get involved too much in terms of creative play but does seem to find himself in the right position at the right time and has a bit of pace to get away from defenders. We’ve also seen a couple of long range strikes too.

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Going out your way to print stickers mocking a tragedy really is fucking low.  What on earth is the thought process there? At no point between ordering them, taking them out and sticking them up do you think "maybe this is a bit daft?".

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12 minutes ago, Tony Wonder said:

Going out your way to print stickers mocking a tragedy really is fucking low.  What on earth is the thought process there? At no point between ordering them, taking them out and sticking them up do you think "maybe this is a bit daft?".

No, there’s no point at which the braindead who think about doing this, and then actually do it, ever stop to think along the lines of ‘this is wrong and I shouldn’t be doing it’. It’s something akin to the Man Utd fan who recently had a shirt printed reading ‘97 - Not Enough’, or the England fan who thought it would be a good idea to travel to an Italy v England game in Naples, with a flag bearing the legend ‘Diego’s in a box’.

In cases like this, there simply aren’t enough brain cells to go around the perpetrators for any of them to actually stop, and think. Thinking is clearly too tough an ask for them.

Edited by pozbaird
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20 minutes ago, AJF said:

For a player that seemed to be written off quite early, Sima’s goal scoring output is looking quite impressive.

His brace today has him joint top scorer in the SPFL on 5, averaging a goal every 103 minutes.

Even in all competitions it still holds up pretty well. 9 goals in total, a goal every 107 minutes.

He doesn’t seem to get involved too much in terms of creative play but does seem to find himself in the right position at the right time and has a bit of pace to get away from defenders. We’ve also seen a couple of long range strikes too.


On 18/07/2023 at 20:53, RuMoore said:

Based on the first 45 against Newcastle, Sima will be electric, Lammer will be good but score f**k all and plz can we resign Morelos*

*Danilo might suffice. 

I'm still happy with this assessment. 

He's the opposite of Kent who seemed to look good whilst doing f**k all whereas Sima can do a lot wrong but still come up with the goods and occasionally be unplayable.

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10 hours ago, HibsFan said:

Not sure about police becoming involved personally.

You wouldnt be saying that if goading 50,000 Rangers fans about the death of their fans had resulted in a riot and the attack of the small band of Hibs fans.

At some point the wee fannies in support bases, who think calling themselves some Eastern European group name and wearing matching jackets, are going to find out that you cant just continously provoke people without consequences.

The boy whos been identitied holding up a photo mocking the Ibrox disaster might be doing everyone a favour when hes lifted. 

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9 hours ago, Tony Wonder said:

Going out your way to print stickers mocking a tragedy really is fucking low.  What on earth is the thought process there? At no point between ordering them, taking them out and sticking them up do you think "maybe this is a bit daft?".

Tbh there could be any message on it and the person should be asking themselves I'm a grown man wtf am I putting stickers on random things.

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1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

Let’s be honest, we’re probably not talking about grown men here 

Going by the pics I've seen they look to be around 15 or 16, a ban from Hibs and the condemnation that they're receiving should be enough to give them a good shock.


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Read a few of the comments here and a few on the socials. It's poor form to have a go at the death of anyone I reckon, Irony is off the scale though.

ETA: I've heard songs about Phil O'Donnell & Davie Cooper at FP and others on the telly. So I don't get the one sided outrage. These thing are brushed under the carpet when it's the bigot brothers usually.

Edited by Busta Nut
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My uncle who, sad to relate, was a Ranjurs supporter, broke ribs in the Ibrox Disaster. So mocking it is low and contemptible, going to the lengths of printing stickers is truly bottom-feeding behaviour. None of this is disputed.

However, the coverage this is getting, the lines of Ranjurs-minded pundits queueing up to express how shocked, shocked they are, speaks more about the influence the Evil Duo have over the media (see also Daniel O'Donnell's widely-reported concerns about away allocations).

Every match at the Orangeodrome sees sectarian singing and chanting, their supporters have left a trail of destruction in away sections around the country and their sectarian stickers are probably appearing on a lamppost, road sign or bus stop near you. And the media generally ignore it.

But when the poor wee sensitive souls are the perceived victims...

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11 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

These thing are brushed under the carpet when it's the bigot brothers usually.

I don’t really agree with this.

The most recent example I can think of involving Rangers would be last season at ER when Rangers fans disrupted the tribute to Ron Gordon. It was, again, widely spoke about and condemned, particularly on here.

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8 minutes ago, AJF said:

I don’t really agree with this.

The most recent example I can think of involving Rangers would be last season at ER when Rangers fans disrupted the tribute to Ron Gordon. It was, again, widely spoke about and condemned, particularly on here.

Nonsense. The ‘OF’ fans get away with all sorts at every away ground in the country that fans of NO other club get away with. Even if you disregard the ‘big ticket’ items like the sectarianism, regularly, at St Mirren Park, if ONE St Mirren fan stands up, or heaven forbid, trys a fly puff on a cigarette, the stewards are all over it. Meanwhile in the away stand… 

Absolute nonsense to suggest otherwise. Citizens in this country attending football matches are treated entirely differently, if they follow two certain clubs, and tons of shit is indeed swept under a massive carpet.

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Had a look over at Hibs.net who are 99% after lifetime bans for whoever was responsible, especially for organizing it with the stickers and marker pens. I didn't realise Irvine Welsh used to be in a punk band called Stairway 13 though.

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