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The Americanisation of UK culture

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31 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

The American prounounciation of "Craig" - which is a fucking stupid name in the first place, but sounds even more daft with American pronunciation.

I thought there were people in the US called Cregg until about 3 years ago.

Edit: See also Gram (Graham) crackers

Edited by RawB93
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42 minutes ago, Halbeath Raith Rover said:

The Raith facebook page asks a series of fan submitted questions of a player the day before a game.

It's not bad but today a question put to Liam Dick mentioned locker room instead of dressing room.


Jags thread for this theatrical pish.

I think you mean changing rooms 😀.

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1 hour ago, Peil said:

I'm getting a Thanksgiving dinner in a couple of hours

Right enough the missus is a septic, should I refuse on moral grounds or get tore into the scran?

What is it you get for that? 


I think i'll celebrate by watching the greatest thanksgiving movie ever made and laughing like a drain. It's not americanization though cos big John Candy wasn't (US) American. 

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3 hours ago, TxRover said:

It’s all related to the reduction of support for the BBC. At one time the cultured Yank watched Masterpiece Theatre and the like on PBS (Publoc Broadcasting System) and made subtle adjustments to behavior and accent based upon it. As time went on the big American networks instead started stealing British shows, filing off the serial numbers, and “recreating” them (Steptoe and Son/Sanford and Son being the commonly accepted first instance) for broadcast. Now a decent proportion of UK tv IS U.S. tv.


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3 hours ago, Florentine_Pogen said:


Assiette, of course. I wonder if the French adopted any words from the Scots in recognition of our special relationship.

I once proofread an article, written for a magazine my employer published, by an American academic. In the spirit of nitpicking, I changed "while" to "whilst" in the text. The author wanted her original word reinstated on the grounds that Americans would not be familiar with the word and/or would not be able to pronounce it.

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Already here:

The cheapening of the word "excited". Some of the things people insert after the words,"I'm excited by...", is fucking wild these days.

Still to come:

Omitting the word "injury" when describing footballers' injuries. e.g. "Smith and Jones both have ankles and will miss Saturday's game".

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1 hour ago, Thane of Cawdor said:

Assiette, of course. I wonder if the French adopted any words from the Scots in recognition of our special relationship.

I once proofread an article, written for a magazine my employer published, by an American academic. In the spirit of nitpicking, I changed "while" to "whilst" in the text. The author wanted her original word reinstated on the grounds that Americans would not be familiar with the word and/or would not be able to pronounce it.

I've been married to a Yank for many years and am quite inured to her linguistic traits but the one that still gets on my tits is 'envision' instead of 'envisage'.

Really rips ma feckin' knittin', so it does...........................

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5 hours ago, Halbeath Raith Rover said:

The Raith facebook page asks a series of fan submitted questions of a player the day before a game.

It's not bad but today a question put to Liam Dick mentioned locker room instead of dressing room.


Interesting choice, I thought you would have gone with the new draft.  Wonder how well that will go down with the rest of the roster?

Edited by parsforlife
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