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Kissinger - where can I talk about him

Kyle Reese

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A very odd man. He does appear, however, to have been even-handedly loathsome in his attitude to anyone who didn't advance the interests of Henry Kissinger and his masters.

Walter Isaacson explains that at a contemporaneous meeting of the Washington Special Actions Group, a government crisis task force, Kissinger grumbled, “If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic.” He added: “Any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.”



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6 hours ago, TxRover said:

Just remember Kissinger was doing a job for people above him, often in the manner they directed. He was the one taking the rap for all the other evil b*****ds too…doesn’t make him any less bad, but you should share the hate.

Who was directing Kissinger's 'job' when he instigated the massive, indiscriminate bombing of a neutral state (Cambodia)? In what bizarre alternative universe does the Secretary of State and chief foreign policy advisor get to wash their (blood-drenched) hands of responsibility for that? 

Unless you're claiming that Richard fucking Nixon has received an unduly generous press, we can mark this under 'the biggest village idiot in Texas strikes again'. 

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3 hours ago, virginton said:

Who was directing Kissinger's 'job' when he instigated the massive, indiscriminate bombing of a neutral state (Cambodia)? In what bizarre alternative universe does the Secretary of State and chief foreign policy advisor get to wash their (blood-drenched) hands of responsibility for that? 

Unless you're claiming that Richard fucking Nixon has received an unduly generous press, we can mark this under 'the biggest village idiot in Texas strikes again'. 

You just can’t resist playing the idiot, eh?

I have said it clearly, Kissinger was an evil b*****d, but so were a large number of people around him that skated for their parts. People above, below and around him shared culpability and many avoided much of the blame that should have been placed fairly upon them. You want names…easy:

Nixon, who authorized the B-52 strikes but is mainly vilified for his criminal conspiracy. He also demanded Kissinger expand and intensify the bombing despite promising the opposite to Congress.

Johnson, who started bombing Cambodia before Kissinger was even involved.

Gen. Haig, who helped translate Kissinger instructions into action.

Helms, the CIA head who worked to actively cover data showing the Cambodia “offensive” was doing the opposite of what was desired.

A number of Pentagon leaders beyond Haig who helped cover up multiple IG reports on the war crimes committed.

Col. Sitton, who back channeled targets from Haig to the top Air Force leadership, bypassing the normal chain of command.

The list goes on, but it’s all loaded onto Kissinger, as the others get passes…instead Kissinger should remain rightly vilified for role, but plenty of other should be in the stocks beside him.

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19 hours ago, oneteaminglasgow said:


Delighted Kissinger’s dead. 

That quote is always diminished for me by Bourdain turning up in post bombing Libya as everything was falling apart and about 3 months before there were slave markets and saying to everyone "you fought for this wonderful democracy, fantastic, glad we could help! I am also glad they sodomised Gadaffi before killing him." The old wars were always bad, the current war is always different. 

Edited by GHF-23
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18 hours ago, TxRover said:

You just can’t resist playing the idiot, eh?

I have said it clearly, Kissinger was an evil b*****d, but so were a large number of people around him that skated for their parts. People above, below and around him shared culpability and many avoided much of the blame that should have been placed fairly upon them. You want names…easy:

The only person above Kissinger in the organisation chart for US foreign policy was the sitting President. Nixon has not in any way received a free pass for his conduct, so quite what your whataboutery about army generals is supposed to achieve is a mystery. 

Just a moron flinging shite at the wall again. 

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47 minutes ago, virginton said:

The only person above Kissinger in the organisation chart for US foreign policy was the sitting President. Nixon has not in any way received a free pass for his conduct, so quite what your whataboutery about army generals is supposed to achieve is a mystery. 

Just a moron flinging shite at the wall again. 

Just a tired old “historian” who reads to find things to be annoyed at by misinterpreting comments, again.

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