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**Pie and Bovril's Top 100 TV Shows of All Time**


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On 14/12/2023 at 10:08, GHF-23 said:

It's wonderful, it's amazingly written and has great performances throughout. If you expect a lot of gunfighting and so on you'll be disappointed but there is a decent amount of big fat hard men fighting in the street. 

It's about how humans build society around symbols*, how society and community civilise people, and how capital and effective monopolies seek to destroy that. It's about how the West and America as a whole as we know it were made by a mixture of cunning idiots, conmen and two different kinds of brutal people - ones whose morality has been scraped away through years of brutality; and others who sometimes get so mad about things that they beat someone up and cry like a frustrated child. The characters are amazing as themselves but also almost all function as archetypes which the show examines a lot. I can't speak highly enough of it.

I always meant to watch Mr Robot when it was out but didn't have Prime at the time, and it's kind of disappeared from public consciousness/cultural memory a bit which is quite rare for a show as highly regarded at the time. might give it a go at some point next year. 

Can't believe I forgot to put that on my list. Incredible show. I actually didn't like the ending and didn't watch the last episode. I don't like that particular plot device.

The script is unbelievable and Rami Malek is at his absolute best. The acting absolutely casting are perfect. 

Homecoming by the same writer is also fantastic.


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11 hours ago, velo army said:

Can't believe I forgot to put that on my list. Incredible show. I actually didn't like the ending and didn't watch the last episode. I don't like that particular plot device.

The script is unbelievable and Rami Malek is at his absolute best. The acting absolutely casting are perfect. 

Homecoming by the same writer is also fantastic.


I'm confused here? 

I don't wanna say anything coz of spoilers but I've got a feeling the ending didn't quite end as you may have thought.


I thought the ending was superb, answered all the questions left and was coherent and explained most things well. If it's the dream sort of thin you're referencing then you should have watched a bit more 😂


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1. Still Game

2. Naked Video

3. City Lights

4. Only Fools and Horses

5. The A Team

6. The X Files

7. Jossie's Giants

8. Only an Excuse

9. The Bill

10. Boon

A particularly low brow selection and not really in any particular order.

Tbh if you asked me the same question tomorrow all 10 might be different.  Just too many to think about over a lifetime.

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1. Early Doors - first watched it when it came out 20 years ago, incredible characters that all seem very real, the writing us superb from Craig Cash and Phil Mealey, watched it all again recently, still cried at the same bit and pissed myself laughing at the rest. Genius, just wish they'd made more.

2. Gone Fishing - the most relaxing half an hour on telly and Bob is on it.

3. World At War - I like a documentary but I think this was made at the right time, enough of the players still around to be interviewed, narration from Laurence Olivier which gives it extra gravitas and the haunting music. Perfect.

4. Better Call Saul- Bob Odenkirk is great, the series is so well thought out.

5. After Life - not everybody's cup of tea but my favourite thing RG has done.

6. Upright - Australian buddy series with Tim Minchin and Milly Allcock humping a piano across Australia to Perth, much funnier than you'd expect.

7. Shooting Stars - some of it seems dated now but it's still funny as f**k. Their scenes from movies, wow. When Ulrika, playing Barbara Windsor's character in Carry on camping, loses her bikini top and Sid, played by Bob, comes out with "they're the longest tits I've ever seen". 😀 

8. Derry Girls - laugh out loud comedy set in the troubles with Sister George Michael getting the best one liners, great music too.

9. True Detectives series one - the chemistry between the two, might be brothers in real life, stars make it edge of the seat stuff.

10. Rake - Australian comedy drama, our hero is a drunken, drug taking womanising lawyer and that's his good points. Rake brawling in the street with someone that has had the cheek to press the green man even though it had already been pressed is gold.

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11 hours ago, Alert Mongoose said:

1. Still Game

2. Naked Video

3. City Lights

4. Only Fools and Horses

5. The A Team

6. The X Files

7. Jossie's Giants

8. Only an Excuse

9. The Bill

10. Boon

A particularly low brow selection and not really in any particular order.

Tbh if you asked me the same question tomorrow all 10 might be different.  Just too many to think about over a lifetime.

I'll be honest, I never envisaged Boon making an entrance in this thread!

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15 hours ago, eindhovendee said:

10. Rake - Australian comedy drama, our hero is a drunken, drug taking womanising lawyer and that's his good points. Rake brawling in the street with someone that has had the cheek to press the green man even though it had already been pressed is gold.

Aye that was brilliant but didn't quite make my Top 10

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On 13/12/2023 at 17:34, DrewDon said:

Thanks primarily to this thread, just a fashionable fifteen or so years behind everybody else, I have now started Breaking Bad this week. Fairly promising first three episodes. 

If you're enjoying it already I expect you'll love it. If it wasn't for the rave reviews, particularly on here, I doubt I'd have got through BB. Thought the first few episodes absolutely dragged. Some exceptional television later on, so I'm glad I persisted. Wouldn't be anywhere near my personal Top 10 mind you. 


21 hours ago, eindhovendee said:

1. Early Doors - first watched it when it came out 20 years ago, incredible characters that all seem very real, the writing us superb from Craig Cash and Phil Mealey, watched it all again recently, still cried at the same bit and pissed myself laughing at the rest. Genius, just wish they'd made more.



"You only get one dad!" 

"You're mine." 


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26 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

If you're enjoying it already I expect you'll love it. If it wasn't for the rave reviews, particularly on here, I doubt I'd have got through BB. Thought the first few episodes absolutely dragged. Some exceptional television later on, so I'm glad I persisted. Wouldn't be anywhere near my personal Top 10 mind you. 



"You only get one dad!" 

"You're mine." 


Plus classic "I'll stay on me own" Tommy.


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 1) Still Game - Seen it more times than any other show. Love not watching it for months and then falling back in love with it all over again. And I'll carry on like that forever.

2) Chewin' the Fat - Similar to above. Memories of watching it on DVD on sleepovers about 12/13 and greeting with laughter. Still quote it now without even realising. Iconic.

3) The Thick of It - Really didn't like/get it after one episode. Tried it again a few years later and it's now one of my favourites ever. Since it reappeared on iPlayer a couple months ago I've watched it through 4 times. Mostly falling asleep to it in fairness, although that does speak worryingly of my psyche that people arguing helps me relax.

4) The Simpsons - New stuff is bad. I love it up to about season 12 or so, similar to others. Expect it to come out on top again overall.

5) BoJack Horseman -  As @oneteaminglasgow says. Watched it with a pal at a difficult point in my life and it was honestly like therapy. I'd walk home having the most intensely reflective thoughts. Amazing, underrated show.

6) I'm Alan Partridge - Makes me laugh in a way that I just don't laugh at anything else. So, so daft and does amazingly to have me so invested in a character with virtually no redeeming qualities.

7) The Sopranos - Avoided it for ages but glad I gave it a go. It gets a bit formulaic after a while and you can kind of predict what's going to happen in some episodes but terrific TV.

8 ) Grand Tours of Scotland - Love these types of shows (shout out to Great British Railway Journeys and Weir's Way) and this one ticks a lot of boxes. Love ambling through the countryside with yon hatted man, stopping off in a wee place I've probably never heard of and finding out loads of interesting things that have happened there before a smile and a goodbye and on to the next place. 

9) I Think You Should Leave - A show I thought I'd hate but have watched it through with 2 people since I first saw it and cried with laughter all three times. Surreal comedy.

10) Mr Bean - My Grandad used to stick this on VHS and prop my car seat on the floor in front of it where I'd watch it all day. Re-watched at about 12 and again this year and plenty tear filled laughs were had. Not so much from my ex who had a straight face the entire time which only made it funnier for me. An all timer.


Basically a compilation of existing entries as my powers of recall are non existent. Reserve the right to edit before the deadline!

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I've put this together in a hurry so I'm probably missing a fair few shows.  Ones that jump to mind that could be pushing for a top 10 - Scrubs, Desperate Housewives (sigh), Peep Show, The Office, Curb Your Enthusiasm and 30 Rock. The 10th pick here has nothing to do with it being on the TV right now....

1. Frasier - I'm currently on my 2435th watch through of the show and it's just perfection.  The cast, the writing, the humour.  It's perfect.  Seen most of the reboot which on average has 1 or 2 excellent lines each episode that make me chuckle.  The original series has 7 or 8.  Niles is my favourite character on TV.

2. Breaking Bad - the first TV show I can remember being absolutely gripped to.  Again it's well acted and really transformed TV. 

3. Arrested Development - the first 2 series of this are the best of any comedy. Jason Bateman and Will Arnett are 2 of my favourite comedy actors (if you agree check out the Murderville Christmas Special last year)  Series 3 is fine, 4 is ok and 5 I've never managed to finish.  

4. Brooklyn Nine-Nine - still sad over the death of Andre Braugher.  Just joke after joke and a hugely likable cast.

5. CSI - used to watch this everyday at uni.  Almost always an entertaining story, some cool camera work and it made me want to do Forensic Science at uni,

Narrator - he didn't do Forensic Science at uni.

6. Band of Brothers - I don't think anything needs said.  

7. South Park - the best of the animated shows. My older brother watched this and I thought it was average.  Then I saw the Christmas musical episode and I was hooked.  Any episode featuring Butters is excellent. The Imaginationland Series is a peak while individual episodes such as the World of Warcraft one are more memorable than most Simpsons episodes IMO.

8. Ozark - another Jason Bateman effort.  Gripping. Dark. 

9. Two Doors Down - a ridiculous premise for a show.  It shouldn't be on it's 7th season but somehow or another it is just brilliant.  2 or 3 fantastic characters and just typical Scottish humour.

10. Bluey - the only kids show I actually enjoy my kids watching. Much better than Peppa Pig. As far as I can tell from my 'Dad-pals' this is the most favoured show to watch at 7am on a Sunday.

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The theme for today is 'UK nostalgia'. These are series that I could happily switch on at any time and enjoy as much as I did when I first watched them.

As you can tell, I haven't really watched much TV in the last 25 years - I tried Breaking Bad, GoT, The Wire etc. but just couldn't get into them - I gave GoT three seasons before I gave up.  Now that I've got the time though I might try some of them again - the wife's got subscriptions to every bloody streaming service going so I'll not be spoilt for choice - paralysed maybe.

1. Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) (original)
2. Yes Minister
3. BlackAdder (2 and 4)
4. Inspector Morse
5. Steptoe and Son
6. Poirot
7. The Beiderbecke Connection
8. The Prisoner
9. The Dave Allen Show
10. Jonathan Creek

Signed, the programme selector for UK Gold.

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In no order particularly

1. Yes Minister/Prime Minister

2. Forged in Fire

3. Star Trek TOS

4. The X Files (originals only, not the re boot)

5. Fawlty Towers

6. Porridge

7. U.F.O.

8. The World at War

9. Scooby Doo (Where are you?) (Originals)

10. Red Dwarf

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