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The Pie and Bovril Dead Pool 2024

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On 10/12/2023 at 14:01, senorsoupe said:

Time for my annual ritual of googling "Celebrities with cancer"


On 10/12/2023 at 14:02, TxRover said:

Better “with aggressive cancer”…


On 10/12/2023 at 14:09, senorsoupe said:

I also go with "terminal cancer".  Just plain old "cancer" usually turns up a lot of stories of celebrities who beat cancer, and that's no use to me

You cannot mention the word leftie or if you happen to mention someone's skin colour this place goes mental but it is okay to make jokes about cancer. 

I'm sure most posters have been affected by this horrible disease. I have lost family members to it so to see people making sick jokes about it is unbelievable. 


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9 minutes ago, Steelly said:



You cannot mention the word leftie or if you happen to mention someone's skin colour this place goes mental but it is okay to make jokes about cancer. 

I'm sure most posters have been affected by this horrible disease. I have lost family members to it so to see people making sick jokes about it is unbelievable. 



7 minutes ago, Steelly said:

Ffs sparky, that is awful. 😡

Dont think this thread's for you m9.

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4 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:


Dont think this thread's for you m9.

No one in their right mind jokes about cancer. It is an evil, terrible disease that affects millions of people. 

I watched a very close family member fight the disease for years before sadly passing away in a hospice.


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53 minutes ago, Steelly said:

No one in their right mind jokes about cancer. It is an evil, terrible disease that affects millions of people. 

I watched a very close family member fight the disease for years before sadly passing away in a hospice.


My dad died of cancer in March.  I'm not at all offended by any of these posts. 

If you're offended by folk making puns and joked about dead celebrities, I'd suggest staying off the dead pool threads. 

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1 hour ago, Steelly said:

No one in their right mind jokes about cancer. It is an evil, terrible disease that affects millions of people. 

I watched a very close family member fight the disease for years before sadly passing away in a hospice.


Watched my old dear get ravaged into a box over a 4 month period by a particularly aggressive brain tumour 10 years ago. And my dad had prostate cancer before he shuffled off the Hibee c**t.

Off you pop, snowflake. 

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  • You are not allowed to kill any of your entrants yourself. If a P&B user is found to be responsible for the death of any of their entrants, they will be disqualified from this year's Dead Pool, and all past and future Dead Pools.

I know rules are rules but I want to point out my issues with this here.:

What if (nothing sensible ever follows this start to a sentence but still), a P & B Dead Pool contestant goes postal and shoots up a street, local Asda, school or whatever. And a celebrity on his list for the year happens to walk into the middle of it and gets killed. Are you really saying he/she/him/hers/them/theirs etc. should be punished for this completely random (some may say fortuitous) act? And then to be disqualified from all previous Dead Pools? Would BishopBriggs be able to sleep at night knowing previous titles had been stripped? 

We need an appeal process.

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23 minutes ago, BillyAnchor said:
  • You are not allowed to kill any of your entrants yourself. If a P&B user is found to be responsible for the death of any of their entrants, they will be disqualified from this year's Dead Pool, and all past and future Dead Pools.

I know rules are rules but I want to point out my issues with this here.:

What if (nothing sensible ever follows this start to a sentence but still), a P & B Dead Pool contestant goes postal and shoots up a street, local Asda, school or whatever. And a celebrity on his list for the year happens to walk into the middle of it and gets killed. Are you really saying he/she/him/hers/them/theirs etc. should be punished for this completely random (some may say fortuitous) act? And then to be disqualified from all previous Dead Pools? Would BishopBriggs be able to sleep at night knowing previous titles had been stripped? 

We need an appeal process.

I would suggest a better example would be if a contestant was driving down the road, passed out from a medical condition, and just happened to strike and kill a person, with a qualifying obituary, who was also on their list.

On the other hand, making fun of mass shootings is an obvious baiting attempt at those of us banished to the Colonies, trying to get a Steelly-like response and outrage. Poor show…what, hold on, now I’m doing it…right, blast away!

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9 minutes ago, sugna said:

Speaking of the Big C, what does DNA stand for?

  Reveal hidden contents

National Dyslexia Association


Reminds me of the time the NDA went skiing, bumped into a tobogganist halfway down the mountain and asked him for 20 Regal King Size. 

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1 hour ago, BillyAnchor said:
  • You are not allowed to kill any of your entrants yourself. If a P&B user is found to be responsible for the death of any of their entrants, they will be disqualified from this year's Dead Pool, and all past and future Dead Pools.

I know rules are rules but I want to point out my issues with this here.:

What if (nothing sensible ever follows this start to a sentence but still), a P & B Dead Pool contestant goes postal and shoots up a street, local Asda, school or whatever. And a celebrity on his list for the year happens to walk into the middle of it and gets killed. Are you really saying he/she/him/hers/them/theirs etc. should be punished for this completely random (some may say fortuitous) act? And then to be disqualified from all previous Dead Pools? Would BishopBriggs be able to sleep at night knowing previous titles had been stripped? 

We need an appeal process.


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3 hours ago, Aim Here said:


Yeah, but did they get a qualifying obituary?

It's pretty easy to spot the Old Firm fans here what with their whataboutery, their 'none of the above' team flairs and the constant, unrelenting monotone drone of synthetic, weaponized outrage that gets imported from all that Northern Ireland shitebaggery. Even if they avoid the subject of their football or political affiliations entirely, the mindset just somehow seeps through the screen.

Anyways, nearly everyone here will have lost friends or relatives to cancer. It's a fucking shite disease, for sure. But unless we're actually involved in science or medicine, there's nothing much we can do about it outside of throwing a £2 coin into a Cancer Research collection tin now and again.

Gurning and yowling and retargeting your normal-for-you synthetic outrage reflex away from Bloody Sunday or the Shankhill Bombing or whatever Chris Sutton said the other day towards cancer in general does exactly and precisely absolute bugger all to stop anyone dying from cancer, MND or Alzheimer's disease. You're not doing anything constructive other than making yourself feel better by this transparent display of performative self-righteous indignation - and continually hunting for things to be perpetually outraged about strikes me as a thoroughly dismal way to exist, whether it's from one or other ethnonationalist diehard in or around Northern Ireland, or from an Old Firm fan, or from yourself.

And of all the people who's deaths we should make light of, celebrities and politicians - people that we generally never meet, who profit from making decisions over our lives or from these fake parasocial media-generated relationships - are about as 'fair game' as anyone is. (This goes four times over for Royals, who not only qualify as both celebrities AND politicians, but also get granted political power merely by being born, transfer it by dying, and even, in the UK, literally profit financially from the deaths of their subjects. If you die without a will or known heirs in Lancaster or Cornwall, the royal family gets all your stuff and adds it to their personal business portfolio). The least these mostly exploitative b*****ds can do is provide us with some entertainment while they're robbing us. This is a punching-up exercise, if it's a punching exercise of any sort.

We're not killing these people, you know. We're not able to stop them dying, and all the horrible things that people die of are just (so far as we know) inescapable facts of life. We might as well amuse ourselves while we're along for the ride. I understand that this might not be for everyone, but nobody's forcing you onto this thread. You're here for your own entertainment, same as we are.




A total heads gone post. 

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3 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

Watched my old dear get ravaged into a box over a 4 month period by a particularly aggressive brain tumour 10 years ago. And my dad had prostate cancer before he shuffled off the Hibee c**t.

Off you pop, snowflake. 

Sorry to hear that about your Mum and Dad.

Calling me a snowflake when I  have not long ago watched my sibling be taking by cancer is just wrong.


Edited by Steelly
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3 hours ago, scottsdad said:

My dad died of cancer in March.  I'm not at all offended by any of these posts. 

If you're offended by folk making puns and joked about dead celebrities, I'd suggest staying off the dead pool threads. 

Sorry to hear about your Dad. 

And I am offended by sick, twisted jokes about cancer. It is very raw to me.

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