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What is the best pint?

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The best pint I ever had was while on holiday in New York, after a few hours walking around the city in 36 degree heat and eventually seeking shelter in an Irish pub. I think it was a PBR, served in a tall frosted glass from the freezer. Many holiday pints since but none have topped that.

I also agree with those who like a pint alone in unfamiliar surroundings. Working away and sipping one in a random hotel bar before ordering dinner is class. 

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Think this needs a top 5 and I think they've been covered already. 

About the 4th pint of an all day effort is the best you'll feel all that day.

The post round of golf in the heat one is great

The walking about in a hot country then stopping for one is great. 

The first one when rough as f**k is a bit jakey-ish, but great all the same. 

And last but not least as discussed, taking yourself away to get a pint on your own with some peace and queit.....


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7 hours ago, Suspect Device said:


The first one after you've driven across the desert.



It took 14 takes to get that right and they used real lager. John Mills said he was absolutely plastered in the final cut.

When I would do a bicycle tour and have a particularly tough day in the saddle the first pint after a shower was miraculous. I remember a pint of lemon ale on Hayes, Kansas after a scorcher being the best pint I've ever had. 

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Think my two personal favourites are:

- when you’ve said you’ll only go out for a “couple” and the first one after deciding you’re out for the night tastes all the sweeter and all your worries melt away. Usually about the 3rd or 4th pint. 
- like others have said, just having a quiet pint or two on your own with a scroll through twitter/P&B (readers of a certain age may substitute this for a paper)

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21 hours ago, RawB93 said:


As far as I have experienced, there is no refreshing alcoholic drink. If I've been on a mission and seeking liquid refuge, I'll be getting a tin of Bru.

Flavoured cider like a rekorderlig or kopparberg with loads of ice is refreshing as it gets. 

Same goes for a crabbies 

Edited by 10menwent2mow
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I'm a bit of a craft beer w**k usually but a frothy lager by a town square in some European country on a hot day is usually class. Don't care if I'm paying through the nose nice to just sit in the heat and people watch in a nice surrounding.

A darker ale or Guinness in a quiet country pub with a dog in it is 👌. Double bonus points if it's a peat fire also. 

A pint especially after a  Munro walk is also tremendous. Your usually fucked after it so often only have a few but it's a very satisfying experience.

I now want a pint.

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I used to love going out on a Sunday with a female friend and just sitting in (usually the Ardler Tavern) having a pint, a bite to eat and meeting loads of different people and dogs. 

I understand why some folk don't like it but my ideal day is just sitting in a cosy pub, supping pints and rolling about the floor with dugs.

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9 minutes ago, Derry Alli said:

I used to love going out on a Sunday with a female friend and just sitting in (usually the Ardler Tavern) having a pint, a bite to eat and meeting loads of different people and dogs. 

I understand why some folk don't like it but my ideal day is just sitting in a cosy pub, supping pints and rolling about the floor with dugs.

Must admit, a friendly dug in the pub is always a joy. 

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