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Docs Dark Blue Derry Destroyers v Glesga Smeltic

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16 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:

Oh I thought we were just naming Celtic fans becuse we know they are all bigots?

What have I said on here that is remotely bigoted or are you just making things up again? Genuinely never known a poster to just post anything despite the fact he knows it’s utter fiction.

What a fanny 

Edited by Jinky67
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24 minutes ago, Sortmeout said:

Oh I thought we were just naming Celtic fans becuse we know they are all bigots?

That would be similar to tarring all Kilmarnock and St Mirren fans as racists because of certain individuals or incidents down the years. 



Thankfully racism is not seen or heard as much at football grounds compared to the 70s and 80s. 

There has been a significant improvement in behaviour and attitudes.

What I’m sure we all find appalling is the continued bigotry and sectarianism that exists in our game and society. 

I keep asking - why don’t the football authorities and police take a stronger position and get rid of this cancer on our game.

Because it suits them to sell this nonsense around the world as something “unique”. 


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what gets on my tits the most is the commentators and media bumming celtic up at how good they are are the very same commentators and media who complain that celtic cant compete in europe due to the gulf in finances....the quicker they and their brother across glasgow f**k off the better.

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10 hours ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:


If I’ve been wrong and you were not at the game today here is a very public apology.

And btw I’ve not had an alcoholic drink.

I was at the game but  I have no idea why you resorted to blatantly making things up regarding myself, I assumed you just had too much on boxing day but it would seem you have a habituation of lying. Not uncommon on here at times but not certainly not the wisest to be making claims of what someone said on here when people can check back. You don't happen to have lived a bit too close to one of the chemical plants by any chance? 

Edited by gannonball
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9 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Well said.

The psuedo Irish were waving around a police vest in front of plod in the front row, according to the young lad it had 'pigs' written on it, can't confirm as eyesight not so good.


Aye that's a group called 'the Bhoys' who tbh I can't be arsed with, they usually put that high Vis vest beside their banner. Clearly the police have had their name totally in the mud last good few years but I find this ACAB/1312 stuff cringe af. It's usually adopted by teenagers who barely been in the slightest bit of bother with the law. Pretty sure I have heard that group sing Roamin in The Gloamin' too so they can gtf.

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3 hours ago, gannonball said:

Carson is usually decent but I would be checking his betting accounts this week :lol: WTF is he doing.



Commentary was all about Carson not being allowed to do that,  but you’re also not allowed to pin the goalkeeper like that.  Watching it live I was far more concerned about Shaughnessy grabbing his shirt as there’s no need for him to do that.

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8 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

Small minority and all that.


It’s ok Ludo I’m hearing those in charge of ensuring Scottish football is an attractive proposition for sponsors have already held a high level meeting about the issue.  No media or cameras were allowed into the meeting.  Thankfully Banksy was on hand to document the event:


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9 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

Small minority and all that.


99% of the away fans were singing the party tunes, I just don't believe that it just happens to be the P&B Sellick supporters club are the 1% abstaining from the party tunes.

If you were actually disgusted by their shite, which you should be, you just wouldn't attend Celtic away games as this shite is sung at 100% of them.

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4 hours ago, gannonball said:

Aye that's a group called 'the Bhoys' who tbh I can't be arsed with, they usually put that high Vis vest beside their banner. Clearly the police have had their name totally in the mud last good few years but I find this ACAB/1312 stuff cringe af. It's usually adopted by teenagers who barely been in the slightest bit of bother with the law. Pretty sure I have heard that group sing Roamin in The Gloamin' too so they can gtf.

Can’t remember exactly what game it was last season however my lad had come up with hospitality tickets for the No 7 suite so spent that afternoon in close proximity to them and heard them start to belt out RITG, couldn’t believe it as I hadn’t heard that in years. It also didn’t best please some of the fans in front of them who a few were telling them to pack it in however as you would expect it descended into a bit of a fracas. Bunch of try hard wee fuckwits, wouldn’t be one bit bothered if they were emptied.

1 hour ago, Empty It said:

99% of the away fans were singing the party tunes, I just don't believe that it just happens to be the P&B Sellick supporters club are the 1% abstaining from the party tunes.

If you were actually disgusted by their shite, which you should be, you just wouldn't attend Celtic away games as this shite is sung at 100% of them.

Said many times on here I don’t go to away games due to how toxic it has become over recent seasons but it does seem easier for some people on here just to adhere blindly to the belief that just because you support Celtic you have to be a bigot or an IRA sympathiser despite what you say or how you act on here, it’s a shame.  

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Just now, Jinky67 said:


Said many times on here I don’t go to away games due to how toxic it has become over recent seasons but it does seem easier for some people on here just to adhere blindly to the belief that just because you support Celtic you have to be a bigot or an IRA sympathiser despite what you say or how you act on here, it’s a shame.  

I don't believe all Celtic fans are like that, just the vast majority who attend all the away games. You've spoke before about your military past, wearing poppies ect so I don't think you do buy into all the terrorist pish.

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Just now, Empty It said:

I don't believe all Celtic fans are like that, just the vast majority who attend all the away games. You've spoke before about your military past, wearing poppies ect so I don't think you do buy into all the terrorist pish.

Sorry if that came across as me targeting you, sincerely I wasn’t it was just because you raised the point but there are people who completely adhere to that way of thinking. I’m also quite lucky that my circle of friends now that I’m a bit older are quite diverse with the teams they support.

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3 hours ago, Empty It said:

99% of the away fans were singing the party tunes, I just don't believe that it just happens to be the P&B Sellick supporters club are the 1% abstaining from the party tunes.

If you were actually disgusted by their shite, which you should be, you just wouldn't attend Celtic away games as this shite is sung at 100% of them.

It's becoming increasingly untenable in this day and age for anyone's claims of anti-bigotry and anti-secterianism to be taken seriously when they continue to support and financially back Rangers & Celtic. The overwhelming evidence that the clubs actively encourage and need the cretins among their support, Celtic 'welcoming' back The Bigotry Brigade to 'improve the atmosphere' being but the latest example, can no longer be ignored . If you despise and are repulsed by bigoted tribalism then do not support clubs who encourage it. It's really that simple, otherwise don't get upset when people assume you're ok with all the garbage that comes with these clubs. 

Edited by kennie makevin
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3 hours ago, Jinky67 said:

Can’t remember exactly what game it was last season however my lad had come up with hospitality tickets for the No 7 suite so spent that afternoon in close proximity to them and heard them start to belt out RITG, couldn’t believe it as I hadn’t heard that in years. It also didn’t best please some of the fans in front of them who a few were telling them to pack it in however as you would expect it descended into a bit of a fracas. Bunch of try hard wee fuckwits, wouldn’t be one bit bothered if they were emptied.

Said many times on here I don’t go to away games due to how toxic it has become over recent seasons but it does seem easier for some people on here just to adhere blindly to the belief that just because you support Celtic you have to be a bigot or an IRA sympathiser despite what you say or how you act on here, it’s a shame.  


21 hours ago, Jinky67 said:

Wtf you on about? 

If the suggestion is I’m prone to justifying sectarianism or glorifying the IRA then considering I’ve had direct conversations with you on here regarding my feelings on the matter, my military history and the fact I wear a poppy every year and the specific reasons why then that’s quite the take.


You really are a spineless moron.

Thank you.


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