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Jakes on a plane

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Shame you never hear about what happens to these idiots after they're dragged off the plane by the police, I bet they just deport them back to the UK to save the expense of holding them and going to court, or just let them go.

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32 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Shame you never hear about what happens to these idiots after they're dragged off the plane by the police, I bet they just deport them back to the UK to save the expense of holding them and going to court, or just let them go.

Would imagine Ryanair would ban them for life.

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2 hours ago, pozbaird said:

Flew to Berlin once with Jet2, and a group of Scottish guys on a stag do were on the flight. I’ve posted this before, but the groom-to-be was dressed as the Freddie Starr version of Hitler. The welly boots, khaki shorts, Hitler moustache, medals, armband, the works. The actual fcuk-sake. Heading to Berlin. I won’t lie, they weren’t brawling, causing fights or being a danger, but the Jet2 stewards actively encouraged them to buy, and partake in, more and more drink. ‘It’s your stag do, make it a double’ - to a bloke heading to Germany dressed in Nazi gear as a ‘joke’ Adolf Hitler.

I’ve heard other stories about budget airline staff plying money-making drink on customers who clearly had already been bevvying in the departure lounge from 5 or 6am. So, have a look at yourselves too, you budget airline people.

Its been a long time since iv seen anything approaching encouragement of drink on a plane. There seems to have been a pretty severe clampdown in recent years from my experience, with plenty of times seeing folk refused more, and only one pass of the trolley on a 2 or 3 hour flight.

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On my experience on waiting for the return flight home I commented that there was a rather attractive young lady travelling alone. My gf pointed out to me that she was the one whose boyfriend had kicked off on the flight on the way out. When we landed in Ibiza he got huckled off by the Guardia - it seems you are then held in a cell until the local judiciary eventually get round to hearing your case. I believe that can be some time as the Court system gets kinda busy with bams over the summer and you are just added to the back of the queue. Once dealt with (usually a fine) you are then papped back out onto the street and left to find your own way home with one airline less that will take you.  

Guy lost his holiday, (probably) his girlfriend and his job when he eventually returned home several weeks late. Not that I have ever contemplated being an erse on a plane but I think if it was laid bare in such plain terms even the most determined of nutjob would think twice.

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3 hours ago, TxRover said:

Was disappointed at first because I clicked on the thread expecting a discussion rating the bathrooms of various airlines…but it turned out OK anyway.

Is a “Jake” a toilet in Texas?

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Last flight I was on was 7 1/2 hours from Heathrow to Chicago.

Nae bams on that one! Offered plenty booze but considering we were leaving at something like 7am from Heathrow and landing at approximately 8.30am local I was a good boy. Especially as my new wife was picking me up.


ETA: Too damn expensive for bams, and at least the plug didn't fall out.




Edited by Raidernation
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I've never understood the attraction of getting pished at the airport or on a plane. 

Sitting in a cramped seat on a crowded Ryanair flight is pretty uncomfortable at the best of times. Being drunk just makes it worse. Why would you then want to negotiate your way through passport control and then find your way to the hotel whilst intoxicated?  

What is the fucking point?


Edited by tongue_tied_danny
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21 minutes ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

I've never understood the attraction of getting pished at the airport or on a plane. 

Sitting in a cramped seat on a crowded Ryanair flight is pretty uncomfortable at the best of times. Being drunk just makes it worse. Why would you then want to negotiate your way through passport control and then find your way to the hotel whilst intoxicated?  

What is the fucking point?


"Let's get the holiday started early..." to add some 'fun' to an otherwise tedious day of travel.  Some people just don't know when to stop though.

ETA: you could extend this to any night out tbf where there's a culture where drink beyond the Chief Medical Officer's recommendation is seen as the fun thing to do.  Same thing, just later in the day.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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7 hours ago, TxRover said:

Was disappointed at first because I clicked on the thread expecting a discussion rating the bathrooms of various airlines…but it turned out OK anyway.

Ryanair’s bathroom is just the worst. 

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9 hours ago, Molotov said:

Unfortunately those decent passengers would have been hauled out and arrested for ABH/GBH.


Even police and security have to be very careful these days dealing with scum like these arseholes. They too can end up in court if the accused become the accusers. 

Perhaps @Inanimate Carbon Rod can provide information on the (softly softly?) approach to policing such characters. 



Actually have been on a flight, dalaman to glasgow where some lovely people threatened to ‘take the fucking heid aff’ one of the cabin crew and had to intervene. Didnt need to restrain them or anything, just a simple ‘sit down and shut up’ and thankfully they got huckled at the airport. Apparently it wasnt anyone else’s problem that they were smoking on the plane. I think flying brings out the worst in people, some feel really nervous and some think they need to drink like a fish or something. 

Dunno if folk remember that film ‘the fifth element’ but there was a bit where the characters got on a spaceship and the done thing was to knock people out for the duration of the flight, cant help but think that should be looked at. 

So anyway, to actually answer your question, you can actually use force to assist at the request of the captain/cabin crew, same as on the street. But yes, it can go very wrong. There are certain flights i would never get on based on the behaviour of people on them. 

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7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Shame you never hear about what happens to these idiots after they're dragged off the plane by the police, I bet they just deport them back to the UK to save the expense of holding them and going to court, or just let them go.

Oh actually a lot of the time they just get ‘interrogated’ by the local police and fined. Whats actually interesting is the UK approach to stuff from airlines, good example being the canadian pilot who was drunk in charge of the plane, fucker had to stay in Scotland until his trial. 

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6 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Oh actually a lot of the time they just get ‘interrogated’ by the local police and fined. Whats actually interesting is the UK approach to stuff from airlines, good example being the canadian pilot who was drunk in charge of the plane, fucker had to stay in Scotland until his trial. 

You sometimes hear about airlines threatening to sue them for the cost of diverting the plane, don't know if it ever happens. 

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Was on a flight to Oslo around 2005 for a Scotland game and some inbred Ayrshire clown decided to have a cigarette in the toilet of the plane.

He obviously got caught and told that the Norwegian police would be waiting for him when we landed.

Thats when he started crying. Proper sobs. D!ckhead.

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

You sometimes hear about airlines threatening to sue them for the cost of diverting the plane, don't know if it ever happens. 

Good luck recovering it from some of the folks that are responsible. I often wish id taken the chance i had to do my APL but didnt, but then i think about the possibility of flying the ryanair glasgow to ibiza flight in the height of summer and suddenly glad i didnt. 

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4 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Good luck recovering it from some of the folks that are responsible. I often wish id taken the chance i had to do my APL but didnt, but then i think about the possibility of flying the ryanair glasgow to ibiza flight in the height of summer and suddenly glad i didnt. 


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