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Will you ever see your club win a cup?

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I missed our last cup win by 4 months on account of not being born. Any final we've made since has been against the arse cheeks and we've simply not turned up. 

Making both cup finals in 17/18 is probably as good a chance as we'll ever get. We were cracking in both cups thst season and in any other year would have won at least 1 of them, I reckon. But typically we came up against Celtic's "invincible" team and came up short. 

I always thought that there was a 50/50 chance between us winning a cup and getting relegated. I now feel that relegation is more likely in the short to medium term and, that being the case, any cup win is likely to be off the table altogether. 

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1 hour ago, Richey Edwards said:

Airdrie are currently playing TNS in the cup final.

^^^ Tinpot SPFL thread for this pish

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Lucky enough that there’s been 3 in my lifetime but can only remember 2. 

Although you could argue being born into supporting Aberdeen in 1988 is pretty fucking unlucky…

I think most clubs can realistically think it will happen. The stars need to align a bit. Unfortunately once you get them at hampden the task becomes much harder. My team are in the semi final currently and I give us almost no chance of it being this year. I don’t give hearts much chance either. 

Thats not a dig at hearts, just a fact that the odds of beating them both at hampden, which is the likely required path, are just extremely bad. 

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It would be nice, but I do not think I ever will see Ayr United win the Scottish Cup or League Cup. But then again, you don't support a team like Ayr United if your main reason for wanting to support a football team is to see them win trophies. You need a bit of a masochistic tendency to do this to yourself.

I regret absolutely nothing about my choice of club though. Wouldn't change clubs for the world.

I'd be happy seeing Ayr United in the top flight. Anything else would be a bonus.

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Saw us win it in 91, I was 7 nearly 8.

I think cup wins are entirely possible. you only really have to win 5 ish games. You do need luck in the draw though.

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The 98 LC was disappointing in the end but you're always up against it when it's one of the OF so at least we were competitive on the day and I genuinely thought that would be it for Saints. Never to be repeated. Glad I was wrong.

The SC final against United was unreal but it was so stressful because I was so desperate for the win. I pretty much had a panic attack when Ando scored. 

I still enjoyed the double even though we were only able to see it on TV because it's still your team at the end of the day. And it was still stressful as f**k.

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I don’t think 2016 will ever be beaten for the rest of my days, was the most ridiculous feeling when the final whistle went and for a month or two afterwards. What a summer.

Was at the league cup final in 2007 too which was an uncharacteristically brilliant performance from Hibs at Hampden. Battered them.

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Haven’t and won’t read this thread, but as soon as I saw the title my thoughts went to the Dundee fans.
There’s fans of that football club in their 50’s who have been following that football club week in week out for their whole lives and they have never seen their team win a cup. Must be quite maddening.

I then thought about fans of Motherwell. There’s fan of that football club in their 30’s who have been following that football club week in week out for their whole lives and they have never seen their team win a cup. Must be quite maddening. 
Thankfully, no other fans of Premiership clubs have experienced such hardship.
Maybe we should all start a gofundme or something?
PM if interested and I’ll get the page up. Some kind of charity game involving Claudia Cannigia and James McFadden seems in order. Special guests Michael Higdon and Gary Harkins, Ivano Bonneti and Stuart McCall in the dugouts. Medalless legends in abundance. 

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5 minutes ago, The Saintee said:

The 98 LC was disappointing in the end but you're always up against it when it's one of the OF so at least we were competitive on the day and I genuinely thought that would be it for Saints. Never to be repeated. Glad I was wrong.

The SC final against United was unreal but it was so stressful because I was so desperate for the win. I pretty much had a panic attack when Ando scored. 

I still enjoyed the double even though we were only able to see it on TV because it's still your team at the end of the day. And it was still stressful as f**k.

The first one against United was torture. Time went backwards after the second goal. United were never getting back into it but it genuinely felt like an hour before the final whistle went.

The double was obviously very different because we couldn’t be there, but the memories are still incredible. I watched the LC final with my dad at home. I could tell he was nervous because he disappeared out with my dog at half time and didn’t come back til about 70 minutes.

The SC final I watched with my mates at someone’s house. When we scored you could hear people all up the street celebrating. I just about decapitated someone celebrating the goal. Not the same as being there but still brilliant.

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6 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

I've attended 7 (Seven) Scottish Cup Finals involving Dundee United. We've won 2, lost 2 to Celtic, and lost to St Mirren, Motherwell and St Johnstone.

There can't be many teams outside the OF who have had as many different Cup Final opponents as us in the last 40 years?

We’ve played Aberdeen, Dunfermline, Rangers x2, Celtic x3, Livingston, Kilmarnock, Hearts, Ross County and St.Johnstone in cup finals in the last 40 years. 

We only won 3 of those finals (Dunfermline 1991, Killie 2007 and Rangers/Sevco 2016).

Edited by Lyle Lanley
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15 minutes ago, Jamie_B said:

The double was obviously very different because we couldn’t be there, but the memories are still incredible. I watched the LC final with my dad at home. I could tell he was nervous because he disappeared out with my dog at half time and didn’t come back til about 70 minutes.

See when he returned, did he put the lead on the side table or was he zipping up his fly?

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11 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

We’ve played Aberdeen, Dunfermline, Rangers x2, Celtic x3, Livingston, Kilmarnock, Hearts, Ross County and St.Johnstone in cup finals in the last 40 years. 

We only won 3 of those finals (Dunfermline 1991, Killie 2007 and Rangers/Sevco 2016).

Fair enough. 9 different opponents is some effort. In addition to our 7 SC Finals (6 different opponents) in that arbitrary timescale I selected, we've also had 3 LC Finals, though they were all defeats (2 green cheek, 1 blue).

I'm sure you're delighted to know your 25% conversion rate is actually pretty decent in comparison to our 20%! And, of course, your team have won both trophies.

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I remember when we won in 2014 there was a massive deal made of it being 19 years, but given we just had the 10 year anniversary of that you can see how it can become so long and not actually feel like it. 

we’ve had 4 cup finals since, all against the old firm, had even more semi finals. In that context our cup performance has probably been about average over 10 years, barring the odd howler. 

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5 minutes ago, Steve McQueen said:

Ive never seen us win at Hampden in person so our best bet is the next rebuild/athletics/pandemic.

It is a brilliant wee pub quiz fact though - 3 major trophy wins in the last 10 years, and none of them in front of a Hampden crowd.

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I was lucky enough to be going to see the Dons in the Fergie era. 
So after the disappointment of the 78 Cup Final and two league cup final losses in 79, winning cups at Hampden became a habit in the 80s with 3 Cup Final wins in a row against both sides of the OF and a cup double against both the Edinburgh teams.

I had moved down south in the late 80s so missed two of the Skol Cup finals but was at the third one which we won 2-1. 

While living in London I had gone to watch Palace and they managed to reach the 90 FA Cup Final the same day the Dons were in the Scottish Final. I decided to go Wembley thinking that there would be much more chance of Aberdeen reaching more finals than Palace. Of course it was the Dons last big cup win and even though they are in the Semis this season I have see little chance of them winning. 

The only chance teams have these days is if the OF get drawn together and a freak result knocks the surviving one out as well.

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