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1 hour ago, dagane said:

Fkit sausage fingers 4017

If you get a big, specially made calendar ending on your precise date and cross them off one by one it'll fly by.

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I would Love to retire but I have many years to I can.

So sad how many people retire then pass away within a year. Work all their life then do not get a chance to enjoy their retirement.

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15 hours ago, 'WellDel said:

If you get a big, specially made calendar ending on your precise date and cross them off one by one it'll fly by.

I scratch the days on a toilet door.

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On 29/03/2024 at 04:45, houston_bud said:

I often wonder what's going to happen to all the folk in privately rented places, with no real possibility of buying a place.

Will the government need to shell out colossal sums in housing benefits or will these people just never be able to retire? Maybe both of those things will happen.

Maybe I'm missing something but it seems like a big problem on the horizon that none of the parties are talking about.

They will get housing benefit type help with their rent.  Low income will come into play for them.

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1 hour ago, Hammyton said:

They will get housing benefit type help with their rent.  Low income will come into play for them.

Which will be a huge amount of money for the government to fork out compared to previous generations, who we're much more likely to own there own home or be in council housing.

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On 13/04/2024 at 19:16, Zen Archer (Raconteur) said:

You should be able to claim your lump sum now.

25% of your pot & I think it's 55yrs & above. Your only deed once😊 

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I hope all the retired folk are remembering to the give it the obligatory "I don't know where I ever found time to work, I'm so busy!" before nodding off in an armchair for hours every day.

I'm frankly worried about people's assumption that housing benefit will exist in the future. What part of the last forty+ years leads you to believe that the welfare state is still going to be around in your dotage? Looking at the people in charge, it's far more likely that we have a huge boom in the elderly homeless population.

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1 hour ago, BFTD said:

I hope all the retired folk are remembering to the give it the obligatory "I don't know where I ever found time to work, I'm so busy!" before nodding off in an armchair for hours every day.

I'm frankly worried about people's assumption that housing benefit will exist in the future. What part of the last forty+ years leads you to believe that the welfare state is still going to be around in your dotage? Looking at the people in charge, it's far more likely that we have a huge boom in the elderly homeless population.

Older people vote, which makes me think that there will be something to prevent mass homelessness of older people. Housing benefit is also a redistribution of wealth to the rich, the tax payer will be giving huge sums of money to private landlords. 

The money will have to come from somewhere though, so what gets cut to pay for it? And as with all these schemes there will be a significant number of people who slip through the net.

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6 hours ago, houston_bud said:

Older people vote

Which is a huge part of the problem…not that they vote, but that they vote scared. The use of bogeymen (in the U.S., ones like illegal immigrants, welfare queens and rising crime [in a time of lowering crime rates]) has been a staple of the Republican Party for year to get votes. The leadership knows it’s bulls**t, but it reliably gathers the votes from voters they can then ignore and vote to harm. All too many older voters are ill informed and voting based upon what they’ve done for decades without asking any questions. The fewer educated older voters are overwhelmed by a sea of sheep…

The old saw about people becoming more conservative as they age is false, as it’s society that is becoming more liberal while the majority of the elderly remain where they’ve always been. The contradictory movement of politicians to the right during this process is more of an exemplar of the societal tendency toward authoritarianism during periods of democracy. This results in the ill informed, elderly and historically inclined voters effectively voting for the same type people they has spent a war fighting against a few decades before.

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6 hours ago, houston_bud said:

Older people vote, which makes me think that there will be something to prevent mass homelessness of older people. Housing benefit is also a redistribution of wealth to the rich, the tax payer will be giving huge sums of money to private landlords. 

The money will have to come from somewhere though, so what gets cut to pay for it? And as with all these schemes there will be a significant number of people who slip through the net.

We'll be seeing a lot of demonisation of the elderly who don't have significant savings. It'll be their fault they're struggling, having spent their lives living high on the hog while the sensible (higher-earning) taxpayer put money away for their retirement. Now they're the reason why the country is so poor, and they didn't even have the decency to die in a war! 

As you say, the housing gravy train will continue but there won't be the money, so the undeserving elderly will have to be sacrificed. I hope @TxRover's right about ongoing societal trends, but I've no faith that people won't resort to type and choose to blame the poor if it makes them feel a bit happier about their own place in society.

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