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General Election 2024

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2 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

Would love it if that spineless arsehole Sunak just shouted his resignation through the letterbox.

Maybe he'll go all Jordan Belfort and say he's not fucking leaving

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Just now, Mark Connolly said:

Maybe he'll go all Jordan Belfort and say he's not fucking leaving

Or full on Trump and claim the election was rigged.

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11 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Combination of farmers/fucking idiots in this region makes it the least surprising outcome of the evening. Fucking fannies 😡😡😡

^^^^ what he said.  

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13 minutes ago, Jives Miguel said:

This world is absolutely cooked. 

What's the end point of this western world's shift to the right? 

Dictatorship, war and acts of genocide. Only this time the USA won't be riding to the rescue. Nobody will.

I was at the war museum at Bastogne a couple of days ago. The story of the period up to 1939 is disturbingly familiar, especially with it being fuelled by economic crisis and blaming minorities.

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Labour have more than doubled their seats on a 1.6% increase of the popular vote.

Lib Dems increased their seats nine-fold on a 0.6% increase of the vote.

Keir Starmer and Ed Davey could have literally shat themselves and rubbed their hands in it on national television and it wouldn’t have made any difference to them picking up seats from a Tory implosion.

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Hell of a lot of hot takes in here while the dust is still settling. I'll add mine.

Far from shoring up the British State, one of the main roles Starmer has been tasked with after he was installed as leader, this election has actually widened and deepened the cracks in the creaking, archaic system.

Labour barely increasing their vote from a huge defeat last time out and ending up with a thumping amount of MPs means they have a sandcastle majority, something that could be swept away in the blink of an eye by the SNP in the central belt and the Tories and Reform (yikes) in the south.

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8 minutes ago, Claudia Gentile said:


Three pro-Gaza independents beat Labour candidates and a fourth was why the Tories bizarrely gained a seat in Leicester despite their vote falling.

But with the loss of so many SNP MPs the anti-genocide bloc in the Commons is much smaller.

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39 minutes ago, GordonS said:

That's false.

This is one of the features of election post-mortems; everyone thinks the things they care about are why a party did well or badly.

I think the SNP's tax policies are one of their most popular aspects and the reason they fell to 30% yesterday has absolutely nothing to do with that. I think "free" stuff like tuition fees, prescriptions, baby boxes and the child poverty and disability payments are very popular, except among people who already hate them. I think their poorer result is to do with perceptions of their delivery and the air of incompetence around them.

Neither of us can know though.

Amongst those earning below £28,000 maybe.

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Just now, GordonS said:

That number is wrong.

Its close enough for you to know what I mean. Split hairs over the exact figure if it makes you feel better.

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7 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:


Labour and SNP between them with 10,000 more votes than the Tories.  

Yet of course, the witless get to brand us all as Tory b*****ds.

Yeah, but that's true in hundreds of constituencies isn't it? The 2nd and 3rd totalling more votes than 1st isn't unusual. I don't see it as particularly witless to brand us "Tories" when the constituency consistently returns a Tory MP. Don't see any point in being offended by it but each to their own.

I think I've been represented by a Tory MP for my entire life (I may have very briefly been in Russell Brown's constituency at one point, not certain). It's a traditional Conservative area.

3 minutes ago, AyrshireTon said:

So who did?

The wife (Stranraer) tells me that the Tory guy was not popular.

I had no idea who he was till I just looked him up. He's from Stranraer I see though had a career in journalism.

I doubt most people who voted for him knew who he was. It's an area where a large proportion of the population will vote for a blue rosette. It's not unusual in politics is it? For the best part of three decades most of Scotland would have voted for a monkey if it had stood for parliament wearing a red rosette and for the last 15 years or so would have done the same for one in a yellow rosette. Politics is rarely about individual popularity.

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44 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Chuckling away to myself at the mere thought of Labour pledging to scrap free tuition fees, prescriptions etc at the next Holyrood election never mind winning it on those policies. That simply isn't going to happen, whether it's for the good of the country in some eyes or not.

I don't think they will be scrapping them either, but they are unlikely to be pledging more "free" things to encourage people to keep voting for them.

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4 minutes ago, Cheese said:

Hell of a lot of hot takes in here while the dust is still settling. I'll add mine.

Far from shoring up the British State, one of the main roles Starmer has been tasked with after he was installed as leader, this election has actually widened and deepened the cracks in the creaking, archaic system.

Labour barely increasing their vote from a huge defeat last time out and ending up with a thumping amount of MPs means they have a sandcastle majority, something that could be swept away in the blink of an eye by the SNP in the central belt and the Tories and Reform (yikes) in the south.

This is something that unionists celebrating everywhere in Scotland can't get their heads around, it's borrowed votes and very much a pyrrhic victory. 

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