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On 27/05/2024 at 22:59, oneteaminglasgow said:


Jardine will win it, we always get a Libertarian candidate for some reason.

Our Reform candidate has now been changed to a ‘Otto Inglis’ - a Quick Look at his Twitter shows that he’s (as expected) a fucking wrongun.




We also have a couple of independents - one of them (David Henry) seems to be a guy who was too much of a roaster for the Alba party and who mentions having a go at  trans people as his top priority, and the other (Nick Hornig) is an enigma with literally nothing other than the fact that he is standing about him on the internet. 

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It’s a sad state of affairs when you realise if you listed all these candidates then on a scale of utter fuckwittery the Monster Raving Looney Party would be somewhere in the middle.


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7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

It’s a sad state of affairs when you realise if you listed all these candidates then on a scale of utter fuckwittery the Monster Raving Looney Party would be somewhere in the middle.

The Monster Raving Loonies had some decent policies over the years: Daily Mirror link.

We need to bring back the Standing at the Back Dressed Stupidly and Looking Stupid Party, including the extreme stance on slavery.

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23 minutes ago, BFTD said:

The Monster Raving Loonies had some decent policies over the years: Daily Mirror link.

We need to bring back the Standing at the Back Dressed Stupidly and Looking Stupid Party, including the extreme stance on slavery.

Two serious points.

Firstly, what has happened and is still happening in the USA has a major impact on what is now acceptable in political discourse here.

Secondly, the Presidential election in the USA in November is of far more significance to us all than the present U.K. General Election.

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5 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Two serious points.

Firstly, what has happened and is still happening in the USA has a major impact on what is now acceptable in political discourse here.

Secondly, the Presidential election in the USA in November is of far more significance to us all than the present U.K. General Election.

The internet's had a big part to play in the former - almost overnight people are starting to forget that what they're seeing online isn't necessarily relevant to their own lives and ARE CULCHUR. Like everyone acting like moderate socialism is extreme woke radical Marxist leftism. The American fascists have been working to spread their poison throughout the world in this manner for some time now, and it's worked really well.

The latter's true, considering that we'll only be involved in a war if America tells us we are. The Russians could nuke us tomorrow and, if they US says we're not to retaliate, we won't, and vice versa.

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On 09/06/2024 at 11:51, oneteaminglasgow said:

Our Reform candidate has now been changed to a ‘Otto Inglis’ - a Quick Look at his Twitter shows that he’s (as expected) a fucking wrongun.




We also have a couple of independents - one of them (David Henry) seems to be a guy who was too much of a roaster for the Alba party and who mentions having a go at  trans people as his top priority, and the other (Nick Hornig) is an enigma with literally nothing other than the fact that he is standing about him on the internet. 

Otto Inglis has been on the go for years. 

A looney. 

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On 09/06/2024 at 09:50, ICTChris said:



Joanna Cherry, high profile MP, KC and no stranger to controversy and being at odds with the SNP.  I've seen a few polls and predictions suggest she could keep her seat against a Labour wave, maybe being opposed to the SNP heirarchy can shield her from some backlash.  On the other hand I doubt normal people know anything about it.

Scott Arthur, Edinburgh council transport impressario.  Doubt that will win him many votes, especially not around here where floating parking spaces are not popular.

Didn't know anyhting about the Reform guy, he says he's earned a living on the tools for 50 years


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The Reform Party candidate is Yogi (actually an ex-Tory councillor who was a polis before). Simita Kumar stood in the Scottish Parliament elections I'm sure or for the Cooncil. Or something. The Scottish Family Party candidate looks as if tomorrow belongs to him. 



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On 09/06/2024 at 12:34, Granny Danger said:

Two serious points.

Firstly, what has happened and is still happening in the USA has a major impact on what is now acceptable in political discourse here.

Secondly, the Presidential election in the USA in November is of far more significance to us all than the present U.K. General Election.


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For the life of me I'm sure that there is not one citizen of another European country that would say that a US Presidential election is more important than their own countrys election.

Have we really become a US vassal state doing whatever the American government tells us to do.

Don't get me wrong I have lived in the US and travelled extensively in the country and get on well with Americans but I view their government foreign policy with disdain and a fear for all our futures.

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On 09/06/2024 at 09:50, ICTChris said:



Joanna Cherry, high profile MP, KC and no stranger to controversy and being at odds with the SNP.  I've seen a few polls and predictions suggest she could keep her seat against a Labour wave, maybe being opposed to the SNP heirarchy can shield her from some backlash.  On the other hand I doubt normal people know anything about it.

Scott Arthur, Edinburgh council transport impressario.  Doubt that will win him many votes, especially not around here where floating parking spaces are not popular.

Didn't know anyhting about the Reform guy, he says he's earned a living on the tools for 50 years and ends his political statement - We need to ditch the globalist corporate driven agendas forced upon us by other captured political parties who serve up a disruptive Woke, Net Zero, Open Borders dystopia that will collapse our society and bankrupt our nation.  "Dear Sir, I am not a crank..." etc

The Green guy I don't think will do that well, although they have been sneaky NIMBYs in the past which will play well in the leafier parts of this constituency.

The Scottish Family Guy's statement expresses support for diversity, stability, helping families, freedom of speech and standing up for what you believe in, he sounds like some sort of pinko commie.

Sue Webber is an MSP for the area and not long ago would have had a good chance to win the seat for the Tories.  Not anymore. 

Had to do some Googling but it turns out that the independent candidate Marc Richard Wilkinson is a campaigner on the pressing issue of.... 5G telecoms masts!  He's crowdfunding £3,600,000 to set up a new peer-to-peer media organisation to bypass mainstream media censorship about 5G.  Feel free to donate here - https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/people-to-people

The Lib Dem looks kind of like a minor character from Peep Show.

Move house ASAP

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28 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

Ok then, if as you say I wouldn't know the reason then explain why.


23 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

For the life of me I'm sure that there is not one citizen of another European country that would say that a US Presidential election is more important than their own countrys election.

Have we really become a US vassal state doing whatever the American government tells us to do.

Don't get me wrong I have lived in the US and travelled extensively in the country and get on well with Americans but I view their government foreign policy with disdain and a fear for all our futures.

It’s nothing to do with being a vassal state, it is everything to do with the fact that 1) we are part of a world economy, 2) world politics can have a far greater impact than domestic politics, 3) the US is by far the dominant power both economically and politically, 4) there is far greater instability in the world than there has been for some time (including a worrying resurgence of far right politics on our doorstep, and 5) having a vindictive, narcissistic megalomaniac rather a dull centrist (in US terms) in the White House will impact on how these factors will play out far more than whether Starmer is going to increase the NHS budget by an extra 0.5%.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Starmer is going to increase the NHS budget by an extra 0.5%.

I'm hearing he's about to step back from that promise purely because it's #walkbackwednesday again and doesn't he want to break with tradition.

Has anyone asked him for a firm commitment that he'll ask His Majesty's permission to form a new government in the event that he wins the election? Maybe a wee Get Out of Jail Free card for the Tories in that.

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On 09/06/2024 at 08:01, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Update from Dundee central (ugh).




I googled Niko Omilana and he seems to be some kind of prankster with millions of subscribers on YouTube.

Not sure why he's standing in Dundee. I've looked him up on social media and he hasn't mentioned it anywhere that I can see.

Is he building up to some kind of jape?

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2 minutes ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

I googled Niko Omilana and he seems to be some kind of prankster with millions of subscribers on YouTube.

Not sure why he's standing in Dundee. I've looked him up on social media and he hasn't mentioned it anywhere that I can see.

Is he building up to some kind of jape?

Running against Rish! in Rish!mond, apparently.

Is it possible to have other people's names put on the ballot paper? Seems like the kind of thing that those zany TikTok kids might do to each other as a hilarious jape.

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11 hours ago, Granny Danger said:


It’s nothing to do with being a vassal state, it is everything to do with the fact that 1) we are part of a world economy, 2) world politics can have a far greater impact than domestic politics, 3) the US is by far the dominant power both economically and politically, 4) there is far greater instability in the world than there has been for some time (including a worrying resurgence of far right politics on our doorstep, and 5) having a vindictive, narcissistic megalomaniac rather a dull centrist (in US terms) in the White House will impact on how these factors will play out far more than whether Starmer is going to increase the NHS budget by an extra 0.5%.

You're completely missing the point on American Foreign policy which has been involved in conflicts/wars continually since the end of WW2, we need to isolate the UK from military association with the US and the wallowing in American culture and foreign policies, we have been dragged into their affairs for far too long, the latest being aerial attacks on the Houthi in Yemen from an RAF base in Cyprus, the more we take part in this type of American policy the more of a retaliatory target we become.

The American military use us with basing nuclear weapons and stealth flights from Macrihanish, US nuclear subs still secretly using Faslane, six USAF bases in england, the fact that westminster are leasing not owning the new Trident system costing £35 Billion where the UK military cannot service the missile guidance system but have to ship them back to the US for servicing. Basically the US military is using the UK as a type of aircraft carrier, imagine the uproar if France, Germany and the UK were to set up fighter bases in the US?


No we here in Europe need to isolate ourselves from the US military and stand on our two feet which will reduce the tension between Russia and the US, and also reduce the glorification of all things american especially the over interest in presidential elections and candidates.

The very high threat of nuclear war threatening Europe from Russia has been singularly brought about by American Military over presence here in Europe.

Not a lover of Russia but having lost 26 million people in the last war I do understand their hysteria over being surrounded by American driven NATO countries surrounding their borders, do you remember when the US went mental when Kruschev wanted to install missies on Cuba.

American foreign and military policy is America first and the rest be damned, America, as much as I love the country is an aggressor.

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