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What is the point of labour ?


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20 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:


He’s right!  Leonard is useless and needs to be replaced by a competent Labour MSP like, err... mmm... aaahh.


Carry on Dick, you’re doing a grand job.

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29 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Can’t work out what’s going on with all the psychos obsessing over Corbyn’s wife and an oatcake? Even the centrist conspiracy theories are pathetically small time.

Laura Alvarez has been quite outspoken recently backing her husband so the Murdoch stooges obviously decided it was time to take her down. I can remember on the election coverage the BBC pundits were all in agreement he should basically leave public life so it probably irks them that he continues to be a very good and popular MP. Compare him to the likes of David Milliband, Cameron or Brown who all hid away after their defeats. Corbyn is an incredibly strong person.


He's looking very ripped for a 71 year old which probably doesn't go down with the right wing alchy journos as they shit blood every day.

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11 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Laura Alvarez has been quite outspoken recently backing her husband so the Murdoch stooges obviously decided it was time to take her down. I can remember on the election coverage the BBC pundits were all in agreement he should basically leave public life so it probably irks them that he continues to be a very good and popular MP. Compare him to the likes of David Milliband, Cameron or Brown who all hid away after their defeats. Corbyn is an incredibly strong person.


He's looking very ripped for a 71 year old which probably doesn't go down with the right wing alchy journos as they shit blood every day.

I'm sure I saw people claiming he didn't visit flood victims either despite the multiple images and film showing him doing so. Maybe they've progressed to Q level deepfake conspiracies.

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

Laura Alvarez has been quite outspoken recently backing her husband so the Murdoch stooges obviously decided it was time to take her down. I can remember on the election coverage the BBC pundits were all in agreement he should basically leave public life so it probably irks them that he continues to be a very good and popular MP. Compare him to the likes of David Milliband, Cameron or Brown who all hid away after their defeats. Corbyn is an incredibly strong person.


He's looking very ripped for a 71 year old which probably doesn't go down with the right wing alchy journos as they shit blood every day.

Reminds me of Hench Jez from the tory election leaflets.


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2 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Can’t work out what’s going on with all the psychos obsessing over Corbyn’s wife and an oatcake? Even the centrist conspiracy theories are pathetically small time.

Labourlist are covering it with the reverence it deserves. Didn't notice an oatcake though.



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'Humiliating' leaked Labour memo has party branded 'Morris Minor' of politics


Confidential documents prepared ahead of the 2019 General Election advised the party should target seats in England and Wales rather than attempt to win back seats from the SNP.

one variable – proportion of Catholic residents by constituency (%) – was included for Scotland for the purpose of helping to distinguish better between Labour and SNP supporters.


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2 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

'Humiliating' leaked Labour memo has party branded 'Morris Minor' of politics


Confidential documents prepared ahead of the 2019 General Election advised the party should target seats in England and Wales rather than attempt to win back seats from the SNP.

one variable – proportion of Catholic residents by constituency (%) – was included for Scotland for the purpose of helping to distinguish better between Labour and SNP supporters.



LABOUR felt targetting Scottish seats was "not efficient" as the party is "not regarded as a serious rival" according to a leaked memo.

They have more self-awareness than I gave them credit for.

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10 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

They have more self-awareness than I gave them credit for.

Humiliating scenes that you love to see published in official documents, right there.

I can understand why in their pea-brained war committee that they thought Catholicism would be a potential in-road: Scottish voting was sectarian to a great extent for much of the 20th Century. The highly popular Unionist party of the post-war period was devoted to, err, the Irish Union and so captured the allegiance of the staunch working-class alongside the more standard Tory farmers, toffs and bourgeois scum vote until the 1970s. The resulting Catholic attachment to Labour remained in place for another generation (much in the same way as the RC Church persisted longer than the moribund Kirk as a serious influence in society) but sloughed off by about the time of the SNP's first Holyrood win in 2007. 

But while there is still a residual strain of Labourism in heavily Catholic minority constituencies - Inverclyde chief among them - there aren't any current policies that could activate this as a bloc identity vote. Despite James Kelly's laughable attempts to weaponise the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act, a majority of Catholics (and a significant majority of genuinely practicing ones) are of course women who on the whole are really not interested in rolling back anti-sectarian laws that protect their minority group in society just to get the party songs back at a Celtic game. And the kicker is that an estimated 58% of Catholics voted Yes in 2014, which is more even than those with no religion at all (also Yes), never mind the remaining Protestant rump who needless to say voted No:


So fashioning yourselves as a British flag waving, uber-Unionist party while waving a few token rosary beads around is really not the most coherent strategy in the world to win back the Catholic vote.


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I'm having flashbacks to Standard Grade Modern Studies - Catholics vote Labour, Proddies vote Tory.

My advice to the Labour Party - a good start would be hiring a strategist who's passed Higher Modern Studies.

Edited by Gordon EF
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13 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

I'm having flashbacks to Standard Grade Modern Studies - Catholics vote Labour, Proddies vote Tory.

My advice to the Labour Party - a good start would be hiring a strategist who's passed Higher Modern Studies.

The favoured line from unionists back then was "Home rule is Rome rule". They have adapted that a little and will now be found screaming "It's not really independence if you are ruled by Brussels".

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The independence thing is funny as well because even the soft left of the party up here are aware it’s a suicidal policy. I know one of the sacrificial lambs for Glasgow who’s a true believer in the party and is aware the SEC decision has essentially decimated his remote chance of unseating the SNP incumbent because our ward is a strong indy constituency.

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Independence for Labour is like Remain. You can say 70% of their voters are in favour of it but as difficult as this is for certain people to comprehend 30% is still a significant proportion of your voters that can't just be tossed away.

To paraphrase a moron the SNP need a strongish Labour. The single worst political thing that could happen in Scotland is the entire unionist vote coalescing around the Tories and the Lib Dems. 

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