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What is the point of labour ?


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On 14/01/2021 at 21:48, Alert Mongoose said:

This is pretty much my favourite gif. Can anyone remember the first use of it?

On this very forum. It’s taken from what I think was a pre 2011 election leaders debate. A few posters, myself included, called for it to be immortalised in gif form as it happened and somebody on here, more skilled than me in the creation on such a thing, obliged. I don’t think it’s ever been attached to a post with less than 5 greenies - a classic.

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9 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:

Letters to MP's about regarding long-standing unresolved issues is something I often end up doing as part of my work. While I don't doubt what you're saying is true, I'd be wary of drawing any conclusions about Lennon from it. Generally all that happens is the MP's secretaries either write a letter on headed paper that says nothing that umpteen other preceding letters from other sources haven't said, or they make a quick phone call in order to give a heads up to 'MP on the case'. It gets things actioned simply because folk don't want the bad press of having an MP breathing down their neck, but I've yet to see an instance of it moving things along because the MP got involved in person.

You do get MP's and MSP's though who are a complete and utter dead loss. You'd be as well burning your letter as an offering to your gods as writing to the MSP for Edinburgh Central 

I appreciate that, I just thought it was quite impressive. I'd never seen for eg Ferrier step in and even give the veneer of trying to help a constituent. Not saying she didn't, but you know. 

The lassie was begging for people to fill up bottles of water for her on fb, then Lennon was tagged, posted asking her to contact her, and sorted it all in short order. The council had said it would be 24 hours + before she would get water and heating (I looked back, it was because they couldn't guarantee safety of erecting a ladder in the ice(!?)) . She had it that evening. If doesn't seem unreasonable to think that Lennon had given out some hairdryer treatment. 

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5 hours ago, madwullie said:

I appreciate that, I just thought it was quite impressive. I'd never seen for eg Ferrier step in and even give the veneer of trying to help a constituent. Not saying she didn't, but you know. 

The lassie was begging for people to fill up bottles of water for her on fb, then Lennon was tagged, posted asking her to contact her, and sorted it all in short order. The council had said it would be 24 hours + before she would get water and heating (I looked back, it was because they couldn't guarantee safety of erecting a ladder in the ice(!?)) . She had it that evening. If doesn't seem unreasonable to think that Lennon had given out some hairdryer treatment. 

I've always found the issues with local authorities is not so much getting them to do what they need to do, it's getting the fuckers to acknowledge the problem in the first place, and then nailing them down to some sort of timescale for when it's going to be actioned. Once you've got that, they tend to take care of whatever the issue is with relatively little fuss. It's like trying to get blood out of a stone getting to that point though.

In your case, I'm no surprised they get their finger oot if it was all over FB. Baying mobs, local papers full of greeting faces, journos putting councillors on the spot, they all tend to get results. It's a good thing she's active on FB. Generally I've always viewed MP's/MSP's who are actually visible in their constituencies and available to their constituents as decent enough regardless of their party affiliations. There's no reason why she shouldn't have a local SM presence. OK, it's likely to attract arseholes, but it's a perfectly valid medium for communication these days. There's no reason why you should have to turn up at your local elected representative's surgery just to put a point across.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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14 hours ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

The upcoming one obviously. Lennon won't win anyway, London has already decided it will be Sarwar, but her position would be no different. 

I think it would.

I agree that's a huge part about why Sarwar will win and tells all we need to know about why the lingering death of Scottish Labour will continue 

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And there is the first example of why labour voting for the brexit deal was stupid.

Debate in westminster about travelling musicians..labour guy complains about the visa restrictions...tory stands up and says "you voted for it"

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2 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:

Sarwar saying we need a period of calm and reflection.

His answer to the assault on our democratically established and elected parliament is to cross our fingers and pray that England elects a Labour govt who might give us back some of those powers one day 

I reckon after taking some time out to calmly reflect on Scottish politics in this COVID-riddled, Brexit-enforced world, I’d still think he’s a laughable Tory cuntbubble.

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I wouldn't rule out Lennon's chances, she's definitely in with a shout. In 2017 Sarwar got the institutional support and more of the MSPs and MPs, but Leonard got the unions and the rank-and-file, with hugely more CLPs supporting him. I don't have a feel for how lefty the current Scottish Labour membership is, but I don't think there's much love for Sarwar. If it hadn't been for her position on indyref2 I'd have thought she was worth a wee bet.

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I wouldn't rule out Lennon's chances, she's definitely in with a shout. In 2017 Sarwar got the institutional support and more of the MSPs and MPs, but Leonard got the unions and the rank-and-file, with hugely more CLPs supporting him. I don't have a feel for how lefty the current Scottish Labour membership is, but I don't think there's much love for Sarwar. If it hadn't been for her position on indyref2 I'd have thought she was worth a wee bet.

I wouldn’t discount her either but Leonard was voted in on the back of an unexpected surge in Labour’a fortunes and a more galvanised lefty insurgent membership at the peak of their powers. A lot have since left or are massively demotivated. Matt Kerr being comfortably trounced by Baillie doesn’t bode well either although Lennon is undoubtedly more well known and less confrontational.

No doubt Findlay will call someone a c**t on Twitter and they’ll try and play the victimhood card.
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I wouldn’t discount her either but Leonard was voted in on the back of an unexpected surge in Labour’a fortunes and a more galvanised lefty insurgent membership at the peak of their powers. A lot have since left or are massively demotivated. Matt Kerr being comfortably trounced by Baillie doesn’t bode well either although Lennon is undoubtedly more well known and less confrontational.

No doubt Findlay will call someone a c**t on Twitter and they’ll try and play the victimhood card.
I thought he already had?

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I wouldn't rule out Lennon's chances, she's definitely in with a shout. In 2017 Sarwar got the institutional support and more of the MSPs and MPs, but Leonard got the unions and the rank-and-file, with hugely more CLPs supporting him. I don't have a feel for how lefty the current Scottish Labour membership is, but I don't think there's much love for Sarwar. If it hadn't been for her position on indyref2 I'd have thought she was worth a wee bet.
I'm a member and from what I gauge, this is definitely a 2 horse race. Lennon 100% in with a shout
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Douglass Ross and Ruth Davidson have both done the "As a parent of a child" thing in pointed reference to Sturgeon, and it seems Sarwar is doing the same to try to depict himself as on the same side as all parents. I don't think it will work (didn't when Tories tried it) and think this thread is a good summary of why we should ask him questions about his values regarding education.

His transgression has been exagerated

Okay Hutchison’s is a fee paying school but it’s not as posh as the ones Richard Leonard or Jeremy Corbyn went to.

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13 hours ago, NotThePars said:

I got admonished during the last leadership election by our CLP secretary for saying that Sarwar being a millionaire slum lord would make him a laughing stock every time he tried to attack the SNP from the left 

To be fair, complete cognitive dissonance surrounding what you say and what you actually do must be high on the list of requirements for membership of the Labour Party?

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