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What is the point of labour ?


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Surely there wouldn’t be a picket line if Labour were in government? As the great bastions of the British Workers would’ve already negotiated a fair deal with the Unions (that fund them) before strike action was required. Surely?

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It's all going very well for Labour.  They'll have the Tories out in no time... 

"The party lost nearly 100,000 members last year - falling from 523,332 at the close of 2020 to 432,213 by the end of 2021- and has been left with a £5 million black hole in its accounts." 

From -  https://www.thenational.scot/news/20667711.uk-labour-party-haemorrhaging-funds-members-accounts-reveal/

The Tories and the Daily Mail must be p!$$!ng themselves.


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Sturgeon saying that renationalisation of energy companies should be considered as a way of dealing with the energy crisis.

I can imagine Keith hiding under his desk trembling with fear at the thought.


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Not sure if this is some sort of reverse psychology or Labour just absolutely shitting it but the rationale seems very flawed.


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8 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Not sure if this is some sort of reverse psychology or Labour just absolutely shitting it but the rationale seems very flawed.


Like Priti and her ever-present sneering smirk, the press have nothing but pictures of oor Liz where the hamster seems to have fallen off the wheel.


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On 17/08/2022 at 12:39, Salt n Vinegar said:

It's all going very well for Labour.  They'll have the Tories out in no time... 

"The party lost nearly 100,000 members last year - falling from 523,332 at the close of 2020 to 432,213 by the end of 2021- and has been left with a £5 million black hole in its accounts." 

From -  https://www.thenational.scot/news/20667711.uk-labour-party-haemorrhaging-funds-members-accounts-reveal/

The Tories and the Daily Mail must be p!$$!ng themselves.


They had a massive surge in membership under Corbyn.  Now that he's no longer a force it isn't surprising that a lot of people that joined when he was in charge will be giving up membership.  I expect a lot more will follow.


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21 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

Yeah, but not as many rich donors willing to plough in hundreds of thousands at a time to keep the party ticking over (for favours). 

Totally. If Labour get back in power, expect the megarich to start opening their wallets to the party again. 

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On 22/08/2022 at 14:18, Brother Blades said:

Yeah, but not as many rich donors willing to plough in hundreds of thousands at a time to keep the party ticking over (for favours). 

Most of them are hiding on their yachts off the Turkish and UAE coasts at the moment, doubt there will be many cheques flooding into Tory HQ.

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