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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Just now, Mozzamozza said:

You're absolutely bowfin'.

I was going to put an apostrophe after bowfin but thought it pretentious, particularly when posting about someone else's prententiousness.

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2 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

I don't mind you adding verisimilitude to your posts but posting in Latin is bordering on flashy. 

I thought that was stuff you used to colour icing on birthday cakes.

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There's a wee woman in my office who is really starting to get on my titties. She uses the phrase "there's nothin' worse" at almost anything. Someone commented on the traffic being quite heavy due to some roadworks last week, she pipes up with "ach there's nothing worse than bein' on time and then hitting some roadworks". Another example from last week was on Friday, when our offices close at half 12 but folk can work on if they want to make up time, and she asks me if I'm working till half 12 - I say "no, probably work on for an hour" and she replies with "ah there's nothin' worse than havin' to work on later on a Friday".

Today's example being just after lunch there, she heads into the canteen for a cup of tea, comes back, sits down at her desk and realises there is a hair (one of her own) on her cup. She says "Awww, ya b*****d, there's nothin' worse than a hair in yer cuppa".

Stand right there and pass me that hammer. When you have no kneecaps left you can tell me if you'd rather have had a hair in your cuppa, ya cow.

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6 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

There's a wee woman in my office who is really starting to get on my titties. She uses the phrase "there's nothin' worse" at almost anything. Someone commented on the traffic being quite heavy due to some roadworks last week, she pipes up with "ach there's nothing worse than bein' on time and then hitting some roadworks". Another example from last week was on Friday, when our offices close at half 12 but folk can work on if they want to make up time, and she asks me if I'm working till half 12 - I say "no, probably work on for an hour" and she replies with "ah there's nothin' worse than havin' to work on later on a Friday".

Today's example being just after lunch there, she heads into the canteen for a cup of tea, comes back, sits down at her desk and realises there is a hair (one of her own) on her cup. She says "Awww, ya b*****d, there's nothin' worse than a hair in yer cuppa".

Stand right there and pass me that hammer. When you have no kneecaps left you can tell me if you'd rather have had a hair in your cuppa, ya cow.

There's nothing worse than people like that.

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1 hour ago, The Moonster said:

She uses the phrase "there's nothin' worse" at almost anything.

You simply need to point out to her that logically speaking there can only be one thing that is worse than everything else - so which one is it.

Is it:

a. Traffic issues
b. Hair in tea
c. Something else

.. but of course she will probably reply ".. but there is nothing worse than people having a go at the way I speak."

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