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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Did you think this would get a positive response?

Eta in case you can't see with the recent changes, I reddied you for this display of senseless aggression. Please manage your anger and take responsibility for the length of time you spend on any given bus.

No I didn't expect a positibe response. But it happened, not saying what I did was right but the driver knew I wanted off he was being a dick.

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4 hours ago, jmothecat said:

Folk who stand at the front of the bus without pressing a button so the driver has no idea which stop he actually wants off at.

As I say I usually press button and alot of folk don't press button just stand up and driver stops.

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Well after the first one I thought he's just not seen me and there's a pretty short distance between these few stops. Once past the second one I knew he was at it. It was fairly obvious I wanted off the bus. Shouldn't have punched his window just one of those red mist moments. 

You probably could have just pressed the button. It would have saved you having to go to the effort of acting like an absolute fucking cretin and acting violently towards a guy who is obviously just doing his job.
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11 hours ago, Acastus said:

Bus drivers who don't stop because you never pressed the button even though your standing right next to them clearly wanting off. Now usually I do press the stop button but forgot this time. So after driving by 2 stops I said "do you no stop at bus stops today mate?". He replies "You never pressed the button".  He pulls over to let me off at the third bus stop which was nice of him. As I was about to get off I glanced at him behind his plastic window and said "I'll press your button" and proceeded to give it right jab right at his face. He shat a brick. 

Were you standing in front of the sign that says "Do not stand forward of this notice when the vehicle is in motion"?

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Bus drivers who don't stop because you never pressed the button even though your standing right next to them clearly wanting off. Now usually I do press the stop button but forgot this time. So after driving by 2 stops I said "do you no stop at bus stops today mate?". He replies "You never pressed the button".  He pulls over to let me off at the third bus stop which was nice of him. As I was about to get off I glanced at him behind his plastic window and said "I'll press your button" and proceeded to give it right jab right at his face. He shat a brick. 

You sound like a right c**t.
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Bus drivers who don't stop because you never pressed the button even though your standing right next to them clearly wanting off. Now usually I do press the stop button but forgot this time. So after driving by 2 stops I said "do you no stop at bus stops today mate?". He replies "You never pressed the button".  He pulls over to let me off at the third bus stop which was nice of him. As I was about to get off I glanced at him behind his plastic window and said "I'll press your button" and proceeded to give it right jab right at his face. He shat a brick. 

Not to go all Psychologist, but why do you think that behaviour's acceptable? I see fuckwittery like this on a weekly basis and wonder if folk get a kick from it/haven't any idea they're behaving in such a way/don't know any different. I don't think I've ever went out my way to intentionally upset another human being for no real reason.

The button is there for a reason. If you were standing next to the driver the very least you could do is ask him to let you off. It's not his responsibility to know where passengers are going. If it was there wouldn't be a fucking bell!
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1 hour ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Went out clubbing last night, big mistake, started work at six the morning and had to go straight here from teh club and I am far too old for that carry on.

But when did dance music get slower?

When the disco biscuits got shite:(

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9 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:



Not to go all Psychologist, but why do you think that behaviour's acceptable? I see fuckwittery like this on a weekly basis and wonder if folk get a kick from it/haven't any idea they're behaving in such a way/don't know any different. I don't think I've ever went out my way to intentionally upset another human being for no real reason.

The button is there for a reason. If you were standing next to the driver the very least you could do is ask him to let you off. It's not his responsibility to know where passengers are going. If it was there wouldn't be a fucking bell!



You swim in bad waters. I rarely see such cuntish behavior. 

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You swim in bad waters. I rarely see such cuntish behavior. 

Lucky bugger. I was just given the middle finger not 30 minutes ago because I wouldn't hold (the already delayed) train for someone's pal. Stood at the door giving me the finger when we left :lol: A Wid into the bargain.
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13 hours ago, Acastus said:

Bus drivers who don't stop because you never pressed the button even though your standing right next to them clearly wanting off. Now usually I do press the stop button but forgot this time. So after driving by 2 stops I said "do you no stop at bus stops today mate?". He replies "You never pressed the button".  He pulls over to let me off at the third bus stop which was nice of him. As I was about to get off I glanced at him behind his plastic window and said "I'll press your button" and proceeded to give it right jab right at his face. He shat a brick. 

Please f**k off you fantasist. Whatever alias you had previously was banned so hopefully this tiresome one will be punted soon. You fucking cretin.

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