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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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"None of us can believe she could be responsible for this," said a work colleague outside of the sheriff court yesterday, "she always seemed like she was probably harmless".


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Pedestrians who dont even glance at a zebra crossing or check the road, they proceed to take a sharp 90° turn and walk straight onto the road

Also zebra crossing hangers, the ones you stop for but they've just decided to wait for something else at that exact point



Edited by whiskychimp
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That poster behind her chair...there's an 'S' after the 'TC', isn't there? And it stands for 'Solutions', doesn't it?
If so, your employer needs a hefty boot in the pie as well.

I think it stands for total customer satisfaction.
I'm going to have a sore foot by the end of the day from all the pie/baw kicking!
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On that note, people who wait to cross but don't press the button. What do you fucking expect when it stays red?! c***s should be shot.

This. Fucking this.

Stand there with their gormless expressions on their face waiting to cross then look offended when I go across and press the button for them.
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The people on Jeremy Kyle. I mean the fact that they are scum is not news, but to know there are people of such low intelligence kicking about just has me seething.

I was at a meeting at my son's new primary school with all the other parents that have kids going in to primary 1.

We were each given a pen and paper and asked to write the phrase "It is raining outside" to prove some sort of point about literacy and writing, etc etc etc

The woman next to me genuinely wrote "It is raneng out sid"

I wasn't sure whether to laugh hysterically or smash her face off the table. I feel sorry for her children.

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8 minutes ago, WeAreElgin said:


I was at a meeting at my son's new primary school with all the other parents that have kids going in to primary 1.

We were each given a pen and paper and asked to write the phrase "It is raining outside" to prove some sort of point about literacy and writing, etc etc etc

The woman next to me genuinely wrote "It is raneng out sid"

I wasn't sure whether to laugh hysterically or smash her face off the table. I feel sorry for her children.


Maybe she has dyslexia? Unbelievable that a school of all places hadn't considered that parents might have literacy needs...

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The front gates of my bairns primary school is like an episode of Jeremy Kyle played out live each morning.  There's about 6 teeth on show and a plethora of Lonsdale gear that would make throbber drool.
The skanky milfs are ok though.

I humbly demand that my earlier request for pics be withdrawn.
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Radio One (radio in the office is changed between stations to keep everyone/no-one happy).

Radio One has been on yesterday and today (not my choice - Radio 1 is a pigs abortion of humanity shouting and giggling self important bollox between the occasional shite track if you wish my review of the station),

They are apparently at Glastonbury as the idiot dj insists on mentioning at least three times between every track,

and every other track is a crap live version of a crap current song. Death or getting the f**k out of here at 15.30 cannot come soon enough.

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Awful versions of classic songs masquerading as charity singles.
I presume the producers of "Bridge Over Troubled Water" assumed that grief junkies would buy it in its 1000s regardless of how it sounds?

Yes. If they make another version of band aid I might just go on a murder spree
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