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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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11 hours ago, Scary Bear said:


I only feed tinned soup to the kids. They seem to like it and don’t know any better.


I try giving them my homemade Jamie Oliver Lentil soup but they are not keen.




This or homemade Scotch Broth is the way to go. Make a big batch and freeze it in small portions for reheating (in a microwave of course) at a later date.


Get this c**t -

  • 6 rashers of higher-welfare smoked streaky bacon


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Jamie Oliver is such a massive p***k, his soup would taste like swill to me.

I do buy Steak pies, mainly from Wm Christies in Bruntsfield. My other half makes really good home made soup, although she's been known to go off in a tangent and make shite like Butternut Squash and Orange soup. The only tinned soup I buy is Tomato. 

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46 minutes ago, WeWereThePeople said:

Sub-humans that let their dugs shite on pavements, and don't clean it up. Just dodged at least half a dozen mounds in a 100 yard stretch of pavement. This was compounded by the very poor energy saving street lighting. Dugs in general are just pointless. (guide dugs excepted). If you want a great pet, get a cat.

Some c**t was letting their dog shit outside my house, every morning a big pile, same place.Took me around 6 months to accidentally wake early and I got the b*****d, red handed. After what i said, it has never happened again

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15 minutes ago, heedthebaa said:

Some c**t was letting their dog shit outside my house, every morning a big pile, same place.Took me around 6 months to accidentally wake early and I got the b*****d, red handed. After what i said, it has never happened again

I've only ever seen one old guy walking a dog, but I've no evidence it's him. He looks about 70 so I woudn't really want to confront him and provoke him taking a funny turn. It's not exactly outside where I live so I don't know how much right I have to confront anyone. I also don't have a socially acceptable level of annoyance. I'll either tut, and walk on quietly fuming, or set about him and get lifted for doing in an old guy. I suppose I could phone the council, but I'm trying to avoid becoming like that.

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4 minutes ago, WeWereThePeople said:

I've only ever seen one old guy walking a dog, but I've no evidence it's him. He looks about 70 so I woudn't really want to confront him and provoke him taking a funny turn. It's not exactly outside where I live so I don't know how much right I have to confront anyone. I also don't have a socially acceptable level of annoyance. I'll either tut, and walk on quietly fuming, or set about him and get lifted for doing in an old guy. I suppose I could phone the council, but I'm trying to avoid becoming like that.

It’s the height of ignorance, regardless of age. Ok so a bit of tact may be needed if he’s an oap, but a telt is needed with these filthy fuckers

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1 hour ago, WeWereThePeople said:

If you want a great pet, get a cat.

Now that's just stupid. Cats are pish!! 

It's no the dog's fault their owners are wankers. 

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Crackers broken into your soup seems to be the norm in North America, it's pretty good I'd say.

On the subject of shitting dogs, a lot of people here seem to believe that if a dogs shits in a snow bank they don't need to pick it up. Can't wait till March when the pavements are covered in soggy dog shites and cigarette ends.  

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17 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Hold up; crackers with soup?!

Crackers...WITH SOUP?!!

What is this madness? Why?

No, crackers with Heinz tomato soup, it just doesn’t seem right to do it with homemade or other soups 

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10 minutes ago, Torpar said:

On the subject of shitting dogs, a lot of people here seem to believe that if a dogs shits in a snow bank they don't need to pick it up. Can't wait till March when the pavements are covered in soggy dog shites and cigarette ends.  

Why are people feeding cigarette ends to their dogs?

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Some brief observations:

1. Soup nirvana is yer maw's broth with a well-buttered heel of a plain loaf.
2. Tommy soup is for weans, crackers or not.
3. Baxters bacon and lentil soup with a couple of rolls is the gentleman's only  hangover tinned soup of choice.  I think I can speak with some authority.

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