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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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On 16/04/2018 at 09:25, Gaz FFC said:

Just seen a lady walk past a bin and throw her rubbish under it :blink:

Don't want to waste a valuable second opening the lid and putting trash into it I suppose


10 hours ago, Tony Ferrino said:

How does anyone shit under a bin?

Wondering how the lady who gently dropped a cat rat in the bin is getting on.


I did once shout at someone for that, waiting at Irvine Cross for a bus to Kilmarnock. Early morning and no-one about. Woman wanders along and uses the TBS cash machine across the road. Gets a mini-statement and turns away from machine, and I assume the news wasn't what she wanted, as she scrunched the paper up and throew it, where it hit the base of the bin about 5 feet from her. She started to walk away and I shouted abot the state of the town and that she was a fucking disgrace. She did have the shame to pick up the paper and put it in the bin, and apologise.


It can be worth being a grumpy old man sometime.

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2 hours ago, Dee Man said:

Anyone else got a passenger seat so sensitive that the no seat belt alarm starts going mental when you put a feather or something on it? Pain in the fucking tits. 

Why are you putting a feather on your passenger seat you fruitloop?

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35 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Why are you putting a feather on your passenger seat you fruitloop?

How else am I going to make my own seagull?

Some people just don't think before they post. 

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41 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

How else am I going to make my own seagull?

Some people just don't think before they post. 

Nearly died of fright when driving along late at night/very early in the morning alone when the seatbelt thing bonged. Must have unwittingly put my hand on the passenger seat. 

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12 hours ago, milton75 said:

What's up with that?


12 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Trash refers to unwanted people, rubbish is the correct term for unwanted inanimate material.


12 hours ago, milton75 said:

I really don't think that's true. It's not an either/ or.


Are you American ?  YES/NO

If YES   - This is an acceptable either/or word  rubbish

If NO    - Trash is unwanted people

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