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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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2 hours ago, The Moonster said:

1. Impatient drivers who use the wrong lane because it's quieter then try to cut in to the correct lane at the last minute.

2. Fucking idiot drivers who see the aforementioned arsehole travel up the quieter inside lane and then decide they're going to be courteous and let the impatient c**t cut in at the last minute. You don't need to be courteous to impatient wankers, make them fucking wait for a gap in traffic for their arsehole behaviour.

If I was in charge, both of these c***s would be fed to the pigs.

And where do I vote for this?

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17 hours ago, MEADOWXI said:

When the staff select the music for their benefit.
At doctors surgery earlier and the staff of two 20something receptionists have Radio One on despite the reception area being full of people all way to old to have to listen to that pish.

It's to make the patients feel that death would be a blessed release.

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Articles like this: https://www.scotsman.com/news/william-scott-s-family-slam-rip-off-insurance-company-over-funeral-payout-1-4857079?fftt%3Ff&fbclid=IwAR3ZZqnJLZxWqu_ldvLcF4oM1cdQgxVzGp0xBR2hwmbGNSmXVJgO46RVIsc 

Or more accurately, the comments that follow it.  Why can't people work out that this is how insurance works?! Everybody pays in, some people get more back, some people get less back and the insurer takes a bit for expenses and some profit (since they take on the risk).  If everyone got more back than they paid in then either the premium would be huge or the insurer would go bankrupt pretty quickly (or both)

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12 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Actually whether they know it or not they're helping traffic move: https://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/rude-drivers-who-merge-at-the-last-second-are-doin.html

I was about to post something similar myself. 

It's actually encouraged as it keeps traffic flowing better, precisely why there are signs that say 'Use both lanes' around these roads.  Can't say I do it very often myself though, never in that much of a hurry.

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13 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Actually whether they know it or not they're helping traffic move: https://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/rude-drivers-who-merge-at-the-last-second-are-doin.html

Different scenarios here though - with road works I actually agree that everyone should go along to the end and then merge in turn, that makes sense as generally with roadworks big queues will form so using all of the road available is sensible.  However this guy drove up a "left turn only" lane and then cut into the lane going straight on. That's not helping traffic flow, that's just an impatient c**t trying to move himself further down the queue and it causes delays as folk slow/stop to let him cut in. 

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£190 physio / consultation invoices. Thought insurance would cover it but no, it’s on me. I wasn’t going to bother with more physio as the boy seems to be fighting a losing a battle* but now I’ll have to as that’s my excess effectively paid so the rest is free.
* physio worked a few months and we got so far but still not right so he referred me to a specialist. Who’s said I’m best off with physio...

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16 minutes ago, NJ2 said:

£190 physio / consultation invoices. Thought insurance would cover it but no, it’s on me. I wasn’t going to bother with more physio as the boy seems to be fighting a losing a battle* but now I’ll have to as that’s my excess effectively paid so the rest is free.
* physio worked a few months and we got so far but still not right so he referred me to a specialist. Who’s said I’m best off with physio...

A couple of Dunfermline players had persistent knee injuries and no fancy specialist could do anything to help so the manager at the time, Bert Paton, sent them along to see the vet who looked after his horses. Vet had them back in the team in no time. 

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A couple of Dunfermline players had persistent knee injuries and no fancy specialist could do anything to help so the manager at the time, Bert Paton, sent them along to see the vet who looked after his horses. Vet had them back in the team in no time. 

If it wasn’t for the physio effectively being free now for the next year I’d consider the vet route. If I was a race horse they’d have put me out my misery long ago.
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59 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

A couple of Dunfermline players had persistent knee injuries and no fancy specialist could do anything to help so the manager at the time, Bert Paton, sent them along to see the vet who looked after his horses. Vet had them back in the team in no time. 

To be fair a vet gets you fit or puts you down,

That quite an incentive to get fit again

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Hate these fuckers. Normally it's when a lane is about to be closed. There are plenty of signs telling you to get into the correct lanes but you always get these tossers zooming past. Normally a BMW or Audi as well.

That is different. That is perfectly acceptable. If a lane is closed and everyone queued like a fanny like you then the traffic would be worse. As it is, the people going up the lane then cutting in are helping to reduce and doing nothing wrong
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That is different. That is perfectly acceptable. If a lane is closed and everyone queued like a fanny like you then the traffic would be worse. As it is, the people going up the lane then cutting in are helping to reduce and doing nothing wrong
They cause the tail backs. If everyone merged in good time, ie within the 800 yard warning you normally get then traffic would slow but keep going. Its the stupid c***s who are hard up against the cones in the closing lane effectively turning it into a give way that f**k it up.
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They cause the tail backs. If everyone merged in good time, ie within the 800 yard warning you normally get then traffic would slow but keep going. Its the stupid c***s who are hard up against the cones in the closing lane effectively turning it into a give way that f**k it up.

Aye i usually run it down relatively close but dont go right till the end
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They cause the tail backs. If everyone merged in good time, ie within the 800 yard warning you normally get then traffic would slow but keep going. Its the stupid c***s who are hard up against the cones in the closing lane effectively turning it into a give way that f**k it up.
You're the c**t that everyone is talking about obviously. Join the queue like the decent sorts.

You see it all the time, the dickhead speeding past and then expecting the decent folk to let them merge, and by doing so it starts a queue. If said dickhead had got in lane in plenty of time, the traffic would flow.
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