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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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1 hour ago, hearthammer said:

It's more that cretin Thomas appearing on every tv station and paper for months after his wife died, then, quelle surprise, he's winchin a new bint.

What length of time is acceptable for these people to try and move on from such a tragic loss? Or should folk who lose their wife never try and find a partner again?

You'll also find them "appearing in interviews" is probably more down to our morbid celebrity culture than anything Thomas or Ferdinand are doing. 

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3 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

What length of time is acceptable for these people to try and move on from such a tragic loss? Or should folk who lose their wife never try and find a partner again?

You'll also find them "appearing in interviews" is probably more down to our morbid celebrity culture than anything Thomas or Ferdinand are doing. 

The key word there is "celebrity".  It's the right of everyone in those circumstances to move on - we're all short term visitors to the planet - but, for me, too many famous people hawk their way round the media circuit at every opportunity.  i agree there's maybe a public obsession culture though.

It was just my view in the appropriate thread.  I'm neither correct nor wrong in my assertions, as displayed by the opposite and differing views.  We see things as we see them.


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Never give these people anything!

Performative grief briskly followed by a Hello front cover smiling with your replacement model is distasteful.
I am torn. I dont know how long grief would last me, and I have kids to consider too in terms of shipping in a replacement, but I dont think theres really any sort of wrong answer.

I agree with you on the second bit. Appearing in a magazine, for money, where the story is clearly (regardless of whether its explicitly said) I am over the person I loved is crass as f**k.

Any right thinking person who was getting serious with another person would integrate them into their lives carefully and with respect to the previous one and their family etc.
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7 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I am torn. I dont know how long grief would last me, and I have kids to consider too in terms of shipping in a replacement, but I dont think theres really any sort of wrong answer.

I agree with you on the second bit. Appearing in a magazine, for money, where the story is clearly (regardless of whether its explicitly said) I am over the person I loved is crass as f**k.

Any right thinking person who was getting serious with another person would integrate them into their lives carefully and with respect to the previous one and their family etc.

Unless she's got a few bob and you need to move quickly.

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48 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Never give these people anything!

Performative grief briskly followed by a Hello front cover smiling with your replacement model is distasteful.

It's the "performative grief" bit I have a problem with here. Different people have different ways of dealing with it. Would you say it was performative grief for Joe Public to post about their wife dying on Facebook, and subsequently mentioning it every year from that point on? Some folk need to hear others tell them they're thinking about them and that they're there for them, some folk like to be left in peace. I take the point about the magazine cover with their new girlfriend being distasteful, but again these folk are working in the media - it's their wee world and they probably have a different moral barometer for this stuff. If his family are happy and have moved on then good luck to them, I don't see a need for judging them.

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Aye but they want me to buy the magazine or watch the telly show then buy whatever is in the adverts. Their grief, however genuine, is being monetised just as much as their happy new girlfriend pictures, so I'm quite happy judging them, based on my non meeja moral barometer.
Agreed. Whilst there is indeed no "need to judge them" they are inviting people to have opinions on it by putting out their for sale to the highest bidder for public consumption

If we work together, I lose my wife then shack up with someone, and a colleague hears this through the grapevine and starts going on about it, that person is an arsehole. You cant apply that logic to some who passes comment on something which has been purposefully thrust into their knowledge in the pursuit of money.
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1 hour ago, MixuFixit said:

Aye but they want me to buy the magazine or watch the telly show then buy whatever is in the adverts. Their grief, however genuine, is being monetised just as much as their happy new girlfriend pictures, so I'm quite happy judging them, based on my non meeja moral barometer.

I'm not sure Ferdinand cares if you buy the magazine, he's not earning commission. I take your point and I do agree it's distasteful, but I'm not sure it makes my opinion of Ferdinand or Thomas any lower.

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