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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who say they wud introduce u to the people you dont know and then cancel on you making you look the right royal p***k and make you have f**k all to do for the rest of the night :angry:

This must be that "stream of consciousness" writing I've heard so much about.

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Guest xbasslichtie
People who say they wud introduce u to the people you dont know and then cancel on you making you look the right royal p***k and make you have f**k all to do for the rest of the night :angry:

So, to piece this together...you were out on a night out with some people you didnt know, and your mate was the only one that knew you all. But he never showed up, leaving you with loads of people you didnt know or like?

Am I right? :unsure:

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Like you would have sat there if it were Falkirk?

He for once wasn't on the end of any abuse during the game.

Ruggy mate, you seem to act a bit hard behind the computer on P&B how about we sort this offline and we'll see who laughing knob end?


I'm 5'8" so i can laugh at him as well

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Like you would have sat there if it were Falkirk?

He for once wasn't on the end of any abuse during the game.

Ruggy mate, you seem to act a bit hard behind the computer on P&B how about we sort this offline and we'll see who laughing knob end?

Oh dear :lol:

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So, to piece this together...you were out on a night out with some people you didnt know, and your mate was the only one that knew you all. But he never showed up, leaving you with loads of people you didnt know or like?

Am I right? :unsure:


to get this you need to know some background info

i recently semi-moved to dunoon(my dad moved, parents are divorced, spend a bit of time in Dunoon and EK) and i only know this guy from uni and he went on about it all week about how we were gonna go on an immense night out and he would introduce me to the fine people of Dunoon. He then sends me a text at 22.30ish saying "Get you at 11.15 at Ingrams pub" so i go gets ready says to my dad and step maw im away out for a night out and disappear. get there at 11.15 and he doesnt show so buy a drink to try and while away time and he sends a text at 11.20 saying he is suddenly "ill" and since im a shy person i dont really do well with meeting new people unless im with someone so i come home and now i have f**k All to do cos i never brought anything with (xbox 360 etc) cos i thought i was gonna be going on this super duper night out and spend all day sunday asleep.

It just really annoys me thats all :angry:

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Guest xbasslichtie

to get this you need to know some background info


It just really annoys me thats all :angry:

Ah, that sounds pretty shit right enough! Comisserations. :(

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Alarm bells should have started ringing when he suggested meeting in Ingrams!!!

A right den of Rangersness that place is! Although, most people that sit up in the upstairs bit are ok and the people downstairs are ok too when not talking about football or watching it.

EDIT - this post was aimed at the Thistle fan above if anybody was struggling to work out what I was on about

Edited by stuart.
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Guest xbasslichtie
You look like a viking. Who'd fight you!?

You'd be surprised....I was attacked only a few weeks ago! Some neddy fecker refused to apologise for spilling his drink, and took umbrage when I told him he had bad manners. Luckily I wound him up and threatened him till he lunged at me. I pushed him away, squeezed his windpipe a wee bit and then was sitting down calmly by the time the bouncers showed up....result, he got chucked out and hopefully his night was ruined. B)

In real life, I can be extremely annoying! :lol:

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You'd be surprised....I was attacked only a few weeks ago! Some neddy fecker refused to apologise for spilling his drink, and took umbrage when I told him he had bad manners. Luckily I wound him up and threatened him till he lunged at me. I pushed him away, squeezed his windpipe a wee bit and then was sitting down calmly by the time the bouncers showed up....result, he got chucked out and hopefully his night was ruined. B)

In real life, I can be extremely annoying! :lol:


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I get annoyed by people that road rage you.

I pulled out at a junction yesterday onto a 40mph road - there was nothing in view at all and I accelarated to about 30 and I was still accelarating when I noticed a car right up behind me flashing its lights at me. So, I continued accelarating to 40 and he was still there only this time he was giving me offensive hand gestures to me as well. This amused me at first and I started laughing and waving back but then I realised for all he knew I could have been a little frail old woman so I pulled into the side of the road in the hope he would join me and I could inform him I was going to report him to the police but as I pulled in the gimp just drove past beeping his horn and giving me the finger in an uncouth manner.

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Guest The Phoenix
I get annoyed by people that road rage you.

giving me the finger in an uncouth manner.

Point One - seconded :angry:

Point Two - is there a way of doing this that isn't uncouth? :blink::unsure:

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Like you would have sat there if it were Falkirk?

He for once wasn't on the end of any abuse during the game.

Ruggy mate, you seem to act a bit hard behind the computer on P&B how about we sort this offline and we'll see who laughing knob end?

Fucking hell i've heard it all now :lol::lol::lol: is this the new line of NGE :lol::lol::lol::lol:

No wonder he's laughing :lol::lol::lol:

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Fucking hell i've heard it all now :lol::lol::lol: is this the new line of NGE :lol::lol::lol::lol:

No wonder he's laughing :lol::lol::lol:

Didn't know Clyde had casual(s).

The NGE probably have more people than Clyde have as fans ya junkie c**t.

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You're about 5ft nothing. Ruggy's a bigger lad. Contest over. Log off your p.c before you embarrass yourself anymore ;)

Says the guy who crawled on a pub floor acting like a slug?

Away bum ruggy ya obese midget.

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Guest xbasslichtie

I am fucking moist. :angry:

My flat is absolutely roasting again tonight, theres enough moisture in my hair to allow me to pull my hair back into a mullet/tiny ponytail combo, and my arse is oozing moistness. Just went for a shit, and when I stood up afterwards, the fecking toilet seat came with me....

I might actually be forced to make a trip to the 24 hour petrol station to get an ice lolly or something.

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