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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Women is my petty nag.

Earlier today on the way back from the fitba' ayrgirl and I were in the car on the way to pick up the boy from the babysitters.

I'm on a high from the game so i get a wicked idea and suggest we have a shag.

She says:



Why? Why?? Oh, lets see, because I thought I'd celebrate the Autumn solstice a wee bit early this year! :rolleyes:

I mean, for fuxake, Why??

Women..... <_<

So, like, why?

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Guest The Phoenix
Women is my petty nag.

Earlier today on the way back from the fitba' ayrgirl and I were in the car on the way to pick up the boy from the babysitters.

I'm on a high from the game so i get a wicked idea and suggest we have a shag.

She says:



Why? Why?? Oh, lets see, because I thought I'd celebrate the Autumn solstice a wee bit early this year! :rolleyes:

I mean, for fuxake, Why??

Women..... <_<

10 hours on and P&B is still holding its breath - did you or didn't you? :unsure:

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My hangover's are becoming ridiculously long, im still hungover from yesterday, and 2 weeks ago I still felt shit on the Monday after a Sat night out.

Anyone got any decent cures?

The only cure for a hangover is water. You need to re-hydrate your body.

Drinking Irn Bru - no matter what people on here might tell you - won't work. Whenever I get in from a night out - which is an all too often occurence recently - I take a litre bottle of water out of the fridge and drink as much as I can. When I wake up, I keep drinking water throughout the day. I feel fine and eventually have my appetite back by about 12pm. When I don't do this, I'll still be feeling sick at 6pm!

Water is the one and only cure for a hangover.

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Guest BullyWee1878

A good sleep also helps as well and I must have got about 4 hours last night so still feeling pretty done in at the moment due to this !

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A good sleep also helps as well and I must have got about 4 hours last night so still feeling pretty done in at the moment due to this !

Five hours is about as much as I can manage when I've been drinking the night before. :wacko:

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Guest BullyWee1878

I'm the same but sometimes I try to go back to bed and get an extra couple of hours sleep to help feel a bit better plus trying to drink as much water as possible without feeling like I'm going to spew !

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The only cure for a hangover is water. You need to re-hydrate your body.

Drinking Irn Bru - no matter what people on here might tell you - won't work. Whenever I get in from a night out - which is an all too often occurence recently - I take a litre bottle of water out of the fridge and drink as much as I can. When I wake up, I keep drinking water throughout the day. I feel fine and eventually have my appetite back by about 12pm. When I don't do this, I'll still be feeling sick at 6pm!

Water is the one and only cure for a hangover.

I usually drink blackcurrent diluting juice when I get in, and on the morning afterwards and it sometimes works. Its mainly my body that stays sore as f**k for ages. :(

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Guest xbasslichtie
I usually drink blackcurrent diluting juice when I get in, and on the morning afterwards and it sometimes works. Its mainly my body that stays sore as f**k for ages. :(

Not a prevention tip, but something to soothe...

If you drink apple juice (whether pure or diluted) after you've had a SERIOUSLY heavy night, then if your body is so sensitive that it immediately throws it back up, apple juice tastes exactly the same coming back up as it does going down!

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The only cure for a hangover is water. You need to re-hydrate your body.

Drinking Irn Bru - no matter what people on here might tell you - won't work. Whenever I get in from a night out - which is an all too often occurence recently - I take a litre bottle of water out of the fridge and drink as much as I can. When I wake up, I keep drinking water throughout the day. I feel fine and eventually have my appetite back by about 12pm. When I don't do this, I'll still be feeling sick at 6pm!

Water is the one and only cure for a hangover.

It does work, Irn Bru. It gets your blood sugar level back up. You should probably try it if it takes you all day to get your appetite back with just water!

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John Motson , doesn't have a clue. "it's going o be 4 minutes, is it?" yes, that's why the 4th official held up a board with 4 on it!

Doesn't know half the players till Lawrenson tells him either!

He also said about the late equaliser in the game at The Riverside last night. It was in the 66th minute!!!

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