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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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You can all send me your coconut chocolate treats, you ungrateful heathens.

7 minutes ago, Adam said:

That is absolutely wild. My gf has been selling loads of old clothes on eBay for the last 6 months or so, and regularly asks me to nip round to the post office on my lunch to send them. On Wednesday she asked me to take nine parcels to the post office, as the auctions had built up over the festive period when it was shut. I was pretty mortified, thinking about how fuming the people behind me would be. Therefore, I posted five parcels at one post office, and drove half a mile to go to a second one.

Wish I didn’t give a f**k what people thought.


If she's printed out the labels and postage, it should only take about as long to get the receipts as it does for the pensioners to cash their giro*.

If she's making you hang about weighing parcels and getting the postmaster to sort the postage out, get her telt. Abhorrent behaviour. Bet she hangs about at the counter filling out customs labels too, the wretch.

* yes, I am aware.

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5 minutes ago, throbber said:

I don’t get nose bleeds very often but when I do I get them a few days in a row , I had one yesterday after playing on a trampoline and one today and it lasted for about an hour and I probably lost about a litre of blood. 

The best things about your stories are the little incidentals that you casually breeze past.

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2 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:


I get the dog's biscuits from a petrol station near me. I always load them into the car then go and pay for them. As I was loading up, a woman walked past me so could clearly see that's all I was there for. Stood behind her in the queue and someone was being served in front of us. Then it's her turn. Rather than say "Is that all you're buying?" and let me on my way she instead goes to the counter and asks for 4 lots of hot pick numbers for the lottery. And on different lines. It was 10 lines in total and this seems to take an age to process. After that she fannies about and asks for paracetamol and pays for the petrol she got as well.

What should have been a minute's transaction for me took over 10 minutes. It was the equivalent of someone with a trolly full not letting someone go ahead of them with one item. Absolute arsehole behaviour.

Tough shite.

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2 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

We were given a box of Celebrations by an elderly neighbour. It was at least 75% Bounty.

I used to think the old cow liked us.

In  my local shop today they had an advert on the radio saying there was a few of their shops in England you can return the unused bountys somehow. f**k knows how that would work like.

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I get the dog's biscuits from a petrol station near me. I always load them into the car then go and pay for them. As I was loading up, a woman walked past me so could clearly see that's all I was there for. Stood behind her in the queue and someone was being served in front of us. Then it's her turn. Rather than say "Is that all you're buying?" and let me on my way she instead goes to the counter and asks for 4 lots of hot pick numbers for the lottery. And on different lines. It was 10 lines in total and this seems to take an age to process. After that she fannies about and asks for paracetamol and pays for the petrol she got as well.

What should have been a minute's transaction for me took over 10 minutes. It was the equivalent of someone with a trolly full not letting someone go ahead of them with one item. Absolute arsehole behaviour.
Tough shite.
These people are the worst, generally older folk at the busiest time of the day for the shop. The classic handing over 15 tickets and asking "can you check these for me?". Check them yourself instead of holding everyone up for 20 minutes you ignorant c***s.

I think we've outed one.
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12 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Doing teeth whitening, only on day 3, and my teeth are hurting like f**k. Not sure it’s worth this tbh.

It won't be worth it for you anyway as people will only see them when you smile. Judging by your posts that doesn't happen too often.

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15 hours ago, welshbairn said:

If you don't want that to happen again, give them a safe place or neighbour to leave it with if you're not in. They get paid per parcel, not by how many times they try to deliver it when you're out.

I was at home, they've got into the building, come up to my floor but left the packages just outside the lift, rather than outside my door about 18 yards away from where they left them. 

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My Virgin TiVo box has the green screen of death. A quick look online tells me the hard drive has failed and I need a new box. 

Phoned VM and spent an hour going through the motions with them. On and off using the on/off button. Then on and off unplugging it from the wall (which I already had done). Changing HDMI cables - all the while the message says that the box has a serious fault and to phone them. 

An hour wasted before we reached the inevitable conclusion - they're sending a guy tomorrow.

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5 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Why on earth are you whitening your teeth? 🤣

Teeth are not supposed to be white.

Seriously though, if it's hurting you then you are probably damaging them.

Did you get the treatment pack from a reputable source? There could be all manner of dangerous shite in them. It's not unknown for dangerous levels of peroxide to be found in these things. Then there's instances where bleach is used.

Getting married and unfortunately I enjoy a red wine on occasion so teeth are a bit dull. Got it from a dentist and obviously you expect a bit of sensitivity, but it’s not very pleasant.

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2 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Getting married and unfortunately I enjoy a red wine on occasion so teeth are a bit dull. Got it from a dentist and obviously you expect a bit of sensitivity, but it’s not very pleasant.

Your missus-to-be wants a clone of that plasticky c*nt off the Cinch ads, amirite ??

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27 minutes ago, throbber said:

I’m not sure what things I have breezed past here. My nosebleeds got so bad I had to get it cauterised In 2011 but still get a few batches of them per year, one time I was getting them at Easter time and was convinced it was stigmata.

It was the jumping on a trampoline bit that I highlighted. You slip these things in as though it's just a standard thing that happens. I like it.

30 minutes ago, throbber said:

This is another annoyance that I have recently came across - a no entry sign below the massive hello sign above the door and then a goodbye sign at the door that you aren’t allowed to exit the shop from.

They saw you coming. Take the hint, Throbs.

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1 minute ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Do people not like Bountys? I do. I ate a bag of Celebrations yesterday, Snickers and the Malteser things are clearly the weak links.

I always knew that, one day, I'd find someone on here who shared my interests.

I wonder what else we have in common.

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