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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Er, did you actually give your real name? :lol:

I know, why in God's name would you give your name? Give a guys name that you don't like, and give a false address. It's not as if they can arrest you for that! We used to give names like Peter Pan and Donald Duck for a laugh, they aren't going to arrest you for that!

I hope you do get a letter sent to your parents for being so dim!

If you are really worried about it, why not just tell your parents before the police get a chance to send a letter? It might look good on your part. If it wasn't anything serious (I presume it was for drinking on the street?) then don't bother your arse as the Law probably won't send anything.

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If you are really worried about it, why not just tell your parents before the police get a chance to send a letter? It might look good on your part. If it wasn't anything serious (I presume it was for drinking on the street?) then don't bother your arse as the Law probably won't send anything.


If I'm being honest, the guy probably didn't believe my name cause it sounds made up.

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If I'm being honest, the guy probably didn't believe my name cause it sounds made up.

I would keep it to yourself then, think about how many people get their names taken on the street for drinking every weekend? If the Police were to send out letters to everyone's parents, they would never have time to catch the real criminals.

Don't worry yourself, I think you got away with it this time. Just make sure the same Bobby doesn't stop you for it again, it might be more than your name that is getting taken.

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Pulling a 31 year old woman last night.... then realising that's not quite as outrageous as it once was now that I'm nearly 25.

Go for the 41 year olds then. There was plenty of them in the Pewter Pot. ;)

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I was on the batter again last night, and I think I may need medical attention this morning.

I woke up and my liver was sitting on the bedside table, smoking a woodbine and demanding re-inforcements. :(


I felt like death warmed up this morning. But it wore off quickly so I got through today.

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I know, why in God's name would you give your name? Give a guys name that you don't like, and give a false address. It's not as if they can arrest you for that! We used to give names like Peter Pan and Donald Duck for a laugh, they aren't going to arrest you for that!


Yes they can, it's known as perverting the course of justice.

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