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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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08:30 this morning the queue went from International Security Search right back down the ramp, past the flash car they're trying to raffle, over the link bridge above the ticket desks, round the corner and almost up to the escalators by the Games Zone! :o I, of course, sailed right up to the front as staff but got caught behind two sets of aircrew and took 10 minutes getting through the search area. :( Whit's gaein oan? :blink:

It emptied around 10:30 but I've just been down to the ticket desk/check in area and it's filling up again with passengers. I thought the holibobs were over?! :huh: Am I missing something?! :unsure:

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My Merc cost me £500 to get it serviced a couple of months back.

I like driving it but I dont like paying for it! :D

Exactly why my dad punted his - so much cost to run it.

I had a shot of his car last night though and it's like a big go kart...immense! :D

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It's just kind of dawned on me that I might actually have to work hard this year :(

*puts on old father time wisdom hat*

I "knuckled down" like f**k in fourth year and, honestly, I found it addictive. I couldn't do it indefinitely, but knowing I was working towards something with a confirmed end date (i.e. the final day of exams... can't remember what date it was but it was when the last General Election was) meant that I could keep my energy and motivation going for the final slog.

With that in mind I was seldom out of the library and I'm very glad that I did so.

So just keep your eye on the end date, basically, and don't treat it as a massive, unending chore, because the end is in sight B)

Sorry if it's patronising but you sound like you're dreading it, when really it's not dreadful at all. :)

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Edinburgh City Council - Total c**ts, should be shot.

First they send us a red bill for Council tax on our old flat, well after they were informed we moved out. So we set up a Direct Debit for Council tax on our current flat. They've now decided not to take the money from us though, for some reason they haven't taken any direct debits from my missus' account.

f**k them, we have decided to keep the money aside and if they ask for it deliver it in £1 notes.

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Please tell me its a joke! 8 simple rules is a staple part of my daytime viewing.

Yes it's true.

It's true, I think it closes 100% in three days or so.

I think it's gone now. I no longer have abc1 on my Freeview. They were meant to shut down later this month/year but they've cancelled their slot early. Apparently they wanted more time on their Freeview segment but weren't allowed it (Google News).

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My rant of the day goes to uneducated students.

A boy who was in my class from primary school all the way through to when I got told to leave high school just told me he's been accepted for University in some complete diddy course. Bearing in mind this guy got all 4's and one 5 in his standard grades and not even a higher to his name he is now going to do another 4 years of education at Uni.

WHYYYYYYYYYYYY OH WHYYYYYYYY the boy is thick as shit.

He also gets a bursary witch he doesn’t need to pay back.

I asked him what sort of work he could get out of this and he said he didn't know. Fanny!

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