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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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So, he picked me up at 7am today. By 8 I had opened my lager, and 8 or so cans and some pish stops later, arrived in Blackburn, pished.

That's just up t'road from me. (Well, up the M62, M61 and M6 actually, but still not that far!)

Post match, we found a chippie, and made an exhibtion of ourselves, pleading for them to make us something (non fish) in batter. Bloody English chippies (this deserves a post of its own)! We ended up going for a sausage (not battered to our absolute horror!) supper.

:lol: Have you never been in an English chippy before? We don't like to help ourselves along heart-attack road so much that we have to have everything in batter ...and another point - it's not a "sausage supper" down here. Ask for that and you'll get blank looks. It's "sausage and chips". I'd never heard of an anything supper at a chippy before I was up Glasgow two years ago and Mr HGG asked if I wanted one. I hadn't a clue what he was on about! :lol:

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...and another point - it's not a "sausage supper" down here. Ask for that and you'll get blank looks. It's "sausage and chips".

Aye, Im aware of that now, and they refused our drunken pleas for things in batter. We got a lot of blank looks to be fair, but I think by that point they were too busy laughing at my mate trying to deal with a "cone" of chips, and put his own vinegar on.

As he poured the vinegar on (he likes his chips to be properly vinegary), he never noticed that it was pouring out of the hole at the bottom of the cone, all over him, the counter, and the floor....I guess thats why real chippies dont trust Scottish people with the salt and vinegar! :ph34r:

I thought England was the home of Black pudding though - why did they not have the option for battered black pudding suppers?

Oh, and peas?? Why did my chippie arrive with green sludge on it? It was bogging!

Btw, Blackburn was actually a lot less scummy than I imagined, the people were friendly (although hard to understand), and they looked healthy and happy! Ewood Park is a good stadium, and even yon Thwaites ale wasnt that bad.

Oh, from the above post, I sound unhealthy - but to be fair, I eat well within my 2500 calories Mon - Fri, and I do regular exercise. Its just that on Saturday, I must have had well over 5000 calories all in. My weekend lifestyle is going to kill me!

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Aye, Im aware of that now, and they refused our drunken pleas for things in batter. We got a lot of blank looks to be fair, but I think by that point they were too busy laughing at my mate trying to deal with a "cone" of chips, and put his own vinegar on.

As he poured the vinegar on (he likes his chips to be properly vinegary), he never noticed that it was pouring out of the hole at the bottom of the cone, all over him, the counter, and the floor....I guess thats why real chippies dont trust Scottish people with the salt and vinegar! :ph34r:

I thought England was the home of Black pudding though - why did they not have the option for battered black pudding suppers?

Oh, and peas?? Why did my chippie arrive with green sludge on it? It was bogging!

Btw, Blackburn was actually a lot less scummy than I imagined, the people were friendly (although hard to understand), and they looked healthy and happy! Ewood Park is a good stadium, and even yon Thwaites ale wasnt that bad.


Black pudding is bogging - as is the slimy, mushy, ten day old looking, sludge they have the cheek to call peas. That's another word I've never heard used here - "bogging".

What the hell were you expecting to find when you got to Lancashire? I fear you were confusing Blackburn with Rochdale. :( Two areas in Rochdale have come out top in unemployment polls apparently with 74% of the population being unemployed <_< . Sounds about right for round here.

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I'm the only one who had to get up this morning. My mum, dad and sister will still be tucked up in bed while i had to walk to work and it was absolutley freezing. I have a cold that is attacking me and showing no mrecy and i still feel a wee bit sick from my hangover which lasted ALL DAY yesterday and still refuses to subside.

Added to that i don't think i will be able to drink diluted orange ever again becuase i got up yestrday morning with a mouth dryer than sand in the desert, tanned a pint of the stuff then went back up stairs and threw it all up. I then tried to flush it away and the toilet was blocked so in order to unblock it my hand had to go in the sicky water partially rendering the experience dreadful.

I am off tomorrow and Wedndesday though. It's not all bad :lol:

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Black pudding is bogging - as is the slimy, mushy, ten day old looking, sludge they have the cheek to call peas. That's another word I've never heard used here - "bogging".

I use "bogging" all the time! But then, my dads side of the family comes from Rossendale or some other such place near Manchester. And I dont like Black pudding either - prefer white or red (I get a red pudding whenever I go home to Arbroath :D ), but still, its Englandshire! Its the home of black pudding!

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I refereed an u15 game on Saturday morning (2x40mins) then run a line in the Juniors in the afternoon. Thought I'd cramped up during the 2nd half in the afternoon. Two days later my left calf is still agony :(

I can see a visit to the physio at training tomorrow night being required :(

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Unexpected hangovers.

Went out with the gf to watch the fitba yesterday. During the 2nd half of the Man U-Scousers game and all of the Chelsea-Arsenal game, we had a respectable 4 pints of Kronenbourg each.

We then proceeded to call in at Haddows en route to my flat. 3 bottles of wine were purchased, but only two drank. Plenty of food was also had. A perfectly respectable Sunday you might think, but I was utterly fucked until an hour ago. :ph34r:

Old age is pish. :(

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I ran 16 miles yesterday and my reward was severe chaffing to the point my left nipple started bleeding. It fucking hurts today.

Vaseline on the nips before running or playing football, stops chaffing for a while. Not quite sure if it will extend to 16 miles of running though!

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My father. Again!

He called round this afternoon - it's almost unheard of for him to come here at all, but at least he didn't bother to stay long enough to sit down and he still had nothing to say to me, so I didn't keel over from the shock of him turning up. How is it he always manages to arrive at the worst times - when the house is at its worst and I'm harrassed? No wonder he has the opinion I'm a lazy cow <_<.

Anyway, that's not today's moan... No. Today he was here for about four minutes. Pretty much long enough to look at my stomach and say "you're getting fat" :o before sodding back off again, probably to get himself a pie on the way home - it would seem he hasn't quite eaten them all himself yet. :angry::guntoting

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My father. Again!

He called round this afternoon - it's almost unheard of for him to come here at all, but at least he didn't bother to stay long enough to sit down and he still had nothing to say to me, so I didn't keel over from the shock of him turning up. How is it he always manages to arrive at the worst times - when the house is at its worst and I'm harrassed? No wonder he has the opinion I'm a lazy cow <_<.

Anyway, that's not today's moan... No. Today he was here for about four minutes. Pretty much long enough to look at my stomach and say "you're getting fat" :o before sodding back off again, probably to get himself a pie on the way home - it would seem he hasn't quite eaten them all himself yet. :angry::guntoting

Don't take your parents for granted. That's one thing i've learned.

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Don't take your parents for granted. That's one thing i've learned.

Hey - he called me fat and got away with it! How's that taking him for granted? Appreciating them and being treated like shit by them are two different things. Only one of those things is appropriate.

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Hey - he called me fat and got away with it! How's that taking him for granted? Appreciating them and being treated like shit by them are two different things. Only one of those things is appropriate.

Im not saying you were taking him for granted, it was merely an observation.

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