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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I've not been on this thread for three weeks, so I've had to skip 12 pages of your innocuous inconsequential nags about your pitiful life.

Anyway, was out with a load of people from work tonight, and a girl I've fancied for ages (made an arse of it at Christmas) was out. We talked a lot, we get on well at work, but there is no massive spark, and I don't know how to make it happen.

I really want to give it a chance, but it's not happening at the moment. I'm not a retard, can hold my own in a conversation, we chat a lot, I just don't know what to do. Any suggestions? (Suggestions that include the phrase "surprise sex" will be ignored.)

You know rohypnol would take away the element of surprise, consiousness, speech...a whole manner of things. :lol:

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Maybe your attitude is all wrong. You think inconsquential nags about pitiful lives whilst for others it may be important. Possibly you come across as unsympathtic and not very nice in real life. Just a thought.

More likely his jokes are too subtle for most people :P

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Maybe your attitude is all wrong. You think inconsquential nags about pitiful lives whilst for others it may be important. Possibly you come across as unsympathtic and not very nice in real life. Just a thought.
More likely his jokes are too subtle for most people :P

One of you is correct. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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A seagull cacked on my head as i was waiting for the bus home after seeing my team get raped 5-2 at home by a bunch of fishermen. It really hasn't been my day. I am led to believe that being shat on by a seagull is good luck, so i bought 5 lines on the lottery tonight. Lol.

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Two out of my three children were in rotten moods tonight. My daughter whined and complained at me constantly from 5pm till I put her in bed just now. By the time I'd put the boys to bed and gone back to check on her she was flat out :wub:. I'm exhausted after all the whining, complaining, tanting and screaming the two of them flung at me though.

It doesn't help that I already feel like I've been hit by a bus and I've taken the last of my antibiotics tonight :(.

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Four stabbings, three slashings, at least two people given doings (plus several 'ah naw doc, I fell over... honest' s) and a large number of absolutely stocious eejits turning up at work last night (incidentally, why do people pitch up at A&E when nothing is wrong with them other than being pished? f**k off home).

I've not had to work the day of an old firm game before, something which I am now very grateful for.


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I've not been on this thread for three weeks, so I've had to skip 12 pages of your innocuous inconsequential nags about your pitiful life.

Anyway, was out with a load of people from work tonight, and a girl I've fancied for ages (made an arse of it at Christmas) was out. We talked a lot, we get on well at work, but there is no massive spark, and I don't know how to make it happen.

I really want to give it a chance, but it's not happening at the moment. I'm not a retard, can hold my own in a conversation, we chat a lot, I just don't know what to do. Any suggestions? (Suggestions that include the phrase "surprise sex" will be ignored.)

:lol: That made me laugh out loud. Seriously mate, just ask her what she's up to on Friday/Saturday night, and if she fancies going out for a meal, drink or to the cinema with you. Worst she can do is say no mate, and it's not like a knockback is the worst thing in life. Good luck man.

Four stabbings, three slashings, at least two people given doings (plus several 'ah naw doc, I fell over... honest' s) and a large number of absolutely stocious eejits turning up at work last night (incidentally, why do people pitch up at A&E when nothing is wrong with them other than being pished? f**k off home).

I've not had to work the day of an old firm game before, something which I am now very grateful for.


I had nothing to do with any of them before you start! :P

I was a good lad yesterday, watched the game at a mate's, not in the pub.

Stopped drinking after 5 beers, didn't get pished.

Played snooker in the afternoon, didn't slash anybody.


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Four stabbings, three slashings, at least two people given doings (plus several 'ah naw doc, I fell over... honest' s) and a large number of absolutely stocious eejits turning up at work last night (incidentally, why do people pitch up at A&E when nothing is wrong with them other than being pished? f**k off home).

I've not had to work the day of an old firm game before, something which I am now very grateful for.


That is so sad. We really do live in a country full of arseholes.

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I've not been to the doctors yet, but the symptoms suggest there is a decent chance I might have

It's true what they say about Newcastle :(

Not to worry you, but if you caught something else from her, i would also be worried about HIV.........

edited to add my PTTGOYN:-

I have to referee 3 intramural football games tonight, and at the minute it is storming :(

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For four days now I have sat all afternoon with absolutely nothing to do. Don't like that at all. Feels like taking money for nothing (and not very good money at that :( )

Money for nothing isn't a bad thing. Although I can understand how you feel, I like to be kept busy at work as it makes the day fly by.

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Decisions. I can't make them. I just can't. I missed my turn in the queue when they were handing out decisiveness - got in the numpty queue by mistake.

I've decided that a laptop would be very helpful. Specifically, a Dell laptop. Spoke to a friend tonight who's some sort of technical computer whiz type guy - can't remember his job title, it's too technical for me! :lol: Anyway, he said to go on the Dell website and there are entry-level laptops which start at £201 but with a few extras, case, etc, I could get for £250. He's about to buy one for his wife.

That sounded rather odd to me bearing in mind the prices I'd seen on the website but what the hell do I know when it comes to computers. Nothing daunted, I scoot to the Dell site and sure enough they start at £349. Unfortunately I've now spent yet *another* rather confused (it doesn't take much :P) and unhappy hour looking at all the specs and wondering what on earth they actually *mean* and what they'll do for my laptop. :( I just don't get it! So yet again I've logged off the Dell site despairingly, still without purchasing anything. I've had this trouble the last few times I've tried. At this rate I'll never actually manage to buy one.

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The fukin weather. Nearly into May, its still baltic and raining every day, 5 day forecast is for rain every day and still baltic. Thought Global Warming was meant to make the weather warmer? Bullshit.

It was gorgeous here over the whole weekend and it's still warm, although wet. As for your global warming theory - wrong.

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