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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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For four days now I have sat all afternoon with absolutely nothing to do. Don't like that at all. Feels like taking money for nothing (and not very good money at that :( )

Money for nothing isn't a bad thing. Although I can understand how you feel, I like to be kept busy at work as it makes the day fly by.

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Decisions. I can't make them. I just can't. I missed my turn in the queue when they were handing out decisiveness - got in the numpty queue by mistake.

I've decided that a laptop would be very helpful. Specifically, a Dell laptop. Spoke to a friend tonight who's some sort of technical computer whiz type guy - can't remember his job title, it's too technical for me! :lol: Anyway, he said to go on the Dell website and there are entry-level laptops which start at £201 but with a few extras, case, etc, I could get for £250. He's about to buy one for his wife.

That sounded rather odd to me bearing in mind the prices I'd seen on the website but what the hell do I know when it comes to computers. Nothing daunted, I scoot to the Dell site and sure enough they start at £349. Unfortunately I've now spent yet *another* rather confused (it doesn't take much :P) and unhappy hour looking at all the specs and wondering what on earth they actually *mean* and what they'll do for my laptop. :( I just don't get it! So yet again I've logged off the Dell site despairingly, still without purchasing anything. I've had this trouble the last few times I've tried. At this rate I'll never actually manage to buy one.

Edited by HGG
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The fukin weather. Nearly into May, its still baltic and raining every day, 5 day forecast is for rain every day and still baltic. Thought Global Warming was meant to make the weather warmer? Bullshit.

It was gorgeous here over the whole weekend and it's still warm, although wet. As for your global warming theory - wrong.

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It was gorgeous here over the whole weekend and it's still warm, although wet. As for your global warming theory - wrong.

Saturday afternoon and Sunday were glorious here too. :):) It helped as we were sorting out the garden. Hamstrings are still agony! :(

Yesterday was crap right enough. :rolleyes:

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Sorry Reina Mr. weather expert. Doesnt seem to have made the weather warmer here, we are getting more rain and it seems to be colder most of the time.


Oh boy. Try and find out what global warming actually does before calling someone a FUD, especially as you have the wrong sex for said person.

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Sorry Reina Mr. weather expert. Doesnt seem to have made the weather warmer here, we are getting more rain and it seems to be colder most of the time.


Aye because global warming simply meant "the earth gets hotter" :lol:

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I hate people using the word "random" in every bloody sentence

Like some one pulls a funny face on a photo..."OMG, THATS SOOOOOOO RANDOM."


I suspect we can end this thread as that is officially the most annoying thing ever.

goose fat jam - OMG THATS SOOO RANDOM. LOLLLZZZ :angry:

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The company I was working for that wanted a temp for 5-6 months have decided today that they don't need a temp after all. There was actually two of us, both from different agencies, but the other girl had been told it would be for 4-6 weeks. Now they've decided they don't need us at all, and we'll not be back tomorrow. There is, technically, shitloads to do, but it's all re-organising their filing, which is a total mess. I think that, rather than not needing temps, they actually just don't want qualified administrators and secretaries doing it because it costs them more.

The weird thing is, we were both told it was a mainly audio-typing role, and yet neither of us have done any typing.

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Sorry Reina Mr. weather expert. Doesnt seem to have made the weather warmer here, we are getting more rain and it seems to be colder most of the time.


:lol: :lol: :lol: Well done. :)

Mrs, by the way.

I hate people using the word "random" in every bloody sentence

Like some one pulls a funny face on a photo..."OMG, THATS SOOOOOOO RANDOM."


The misuse of the word 'random' really gets on my chebs.

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I had nothing to do with any of them before you start! :P

I was a good lad yesterday, watched the game at a mate's, not in the pub.

Stopped drinking after 5 beers, didn't get pished.

Played snooker in the afternoon, didn't slash anybody.


Just as fecking well, otherwise I would have been obligied to hunt you down and kill you.

Although - five pints and you weren't pished? Aye, very good. LIGHTWEIGHT! :P

That is so sad. We really do live in a country full of arseholes.

Ach, several of them were very apologetic and generally personable, one even proposed :lol: (marriage, not filth, before anyone starts) tho' I don't think his wife was overly impressed...

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Just as fecking well, otherwise I would have been obligied to hunt you down and kill you.

Although - five pints and you weren't pished? Aye, very good. LIGHTWEIGHT! :P

5 delightfully warm cans of Tennents numbed the pain of yet another jammy Sellick win, but wasn't enough to inspire me to go out bevvying/slash some c*nt. That's probably a better description :P

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