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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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OMG no, not weekend posting as well. You've taken that way too far.

Nah, don't worry. ;) Five minutes listening to the salesman's computer geek speak and my brain will turn to mush and I'll end up just buying a packet of batteries. :( A bit like going to the chemists for condoms and only coming out with a tube of cough sweets! :rolleyes::lol:

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Will you stop encouraging him please :rolleyes:

Okay I will. Just tell him to read the weatherwatch thread, it can get pretty hairy here, and west island gets loads of droughts. It also has things that will bite/sting/eat you...

Stay at home it's safer.

Always welcome if you want a holiday though :)

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I'm just back from reading a load of arguments between bigoted fuckwits on the SPL boards, and that has reminded me why I go and watch Ayr. Someone's got to respect the values of their local community and carry on shunning the sectarian shite that blights our entire culture. That someone is me, and thousands of others who choose their football teams as a representation of their love for their locale and not as an excuse to shout outmoded dogma at other people much the same in outlook as themselves.

I wish for a country that realises it is possible to be happy in yourself without living a life of bitterness that's easy and fuels who you are, because you haven't the imagination or respect for yourself to actually realise what these slogans are that you chant like a sheep amongst thousands of others who probably can't explain them either, and the end result is you're too afraid to be yourself, because acting like an animal is ingrained in you, eventually.

Cause and effect.

Scotlands Shame.

That is this evenings cider induced rant. :lol:

I don't have the excuse of alcohol. I've just read about the song 'die in your sleep Nacho Novo' up on the SPL thread.

I was thinking of coming home in a wee bit, to maybe even start a family. I don't think I will bother now.

At times, I could weep with anger.

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I don't have the excuse of alcohol. I've just read about the song 'die in your sleep Nacho Novo' up on the SPL thread.

I was thinking of coming home in a wee bit, to maybe even start a family. I don't think I will bother now.

At times, I could weep with anger.

To be absolutely honest, if I were you there is no way I'd be coming back here. :lol:

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I will be honest with you Monster mate, if the gf wanted it (she's still undecided about staying long term), I would come home with a smile and not be bothered about it in the slightest. At least I would have given it a go when i had the oportunity to do so. It's just with songs/attitudes like that, it a side of home that makes me angry.

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I will be honest with you Monster mate, if the gf wanted it (she's still undecided about staying long term), I would come home with a smile and not be bothered about it in the slightest. At least I would have given it a go when i had the oportunity to do so. It's just with songs/attitudes like that, it a side of home that makes me angry.

Yep, a couple of **** at a fitba match singing about wishing death on Nacho Novo will have a catastpophic effect on your quality of life. :rolleyes:

Edited by wearealldoomed
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The R4 is a card for the nintendo DS,that lets you use "Back-up copies" of your games.... :ph34r:

Ah, right! Thanks for explaining that to an old duffer, Saintee! :);)

My nag is one of the reulsts, I assume, of this damp, warm-ish weather. There's literally hunners of flies, species unknown, the size of a pin-head floating about. Trying to read my paper in the pub the past few nights and they're routinely floating past my head and you get daft looks from the staff and other boozers as they can see you waving your hands about your head but can't see what at so it looks like you're suffering some sort of epileptic fit, the things are that small. At least with a bee/wasp/bluebottle they'd gather what was up! Where the hell are they coming from, annoying little barstewards! :angry:<_<

Ahem, cider-free but Monster-esque rant over, ithankyew... :rolleyes:

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My nag is one of the reulsts, I assume, of this damp, warm-ish weather. There's literally hunners of flies, species unknown, the size of a pin-head floating about. Trying to read my paper in the pub the past few nights and they're routinely floating past my head and you get daft looks from the staff and other boozers as they can see you waving your hands about your head but can't see what at so it looks like you're suffering some sort of epileptic fit, the things are that small. At least with a bee/wasp/bluebottle they'd gather what was up! Where the hell are they coming from, annoying little barstewards! :angry:<_<


This is bat country.

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My nag is one of the reulsts, I assume, of this damp, warm-ish weather. There's literally hunners of flies, species unknown, the size of a pin-head floating about.

I haven't had it so bad this summer to be honest. It much easier to keep my house clean now there is only 2 of us, and flies tend to avoid clean houses.

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The post office round the corner from me doesn't do the check and send service, so took a wander up to Cathcart office.

Not a moan that, but the fact that the moment I got out the close the heavens opened and started pissing on me, and didn;t relent till I got back in, thus soaking me to the skin and then clearing up (relatively) as if to wind me up.

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The post office round the corner from me doesn't do the check and send service, so took a wander up to Cathcart office.

Not a moan that, but the fact that the moment I got out the close the heavens opened and started pissing on me, and didn;t relent till I got back in, thus soaking me to the skin and then clearing up (relatively) as if to wind me up.

Never mind that shite. Is it still raining? :P

I fancy a wee wander home from work tonight, but that sounds none too promising.

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