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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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But doesn't being cold batter your immune system making you more likely to catch colds and things?

Words cannot describe how much I hate having the cold. especially those few days in the middle where your throat hurts and it's impossible to breathe through your nose therefore you have problems sleeping too.

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Guest The Phoenix

Doing my back in picking up the suitcases getting on to the bus from Marrakesh to Agadir. :(

Still alcohol is a wonderful painkiller. :D

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I used to get colds often (my workplace is a nightmare for germs spreading about) and I started taking echinacea supplements in December 2007 - they're supposed to boost your immune system. I haven't had a cold since I started taking them. It's probably all in my head or whatever, but it works for me, so I'm going to keep taking it. I get it from boots - I take one capsule a day for 2 weeks, then have 2 weeks off and then back on them for 2 weeks etc. I can't recommend it highly enough. It's supposed to take 6 weeks of taking them before it has an effect. Might be worth a try?

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I used to get colds often (my workplace is a nightmare for germs spreading about) and I started taking echinacea supplements in December 2007 - they're supposed to boost your immune system. I haven't had a cold since I started taking them. It's probably all in my head or whatever, but it works for me, so I'm going to keep taking it. I get it from boots - I take one capsule a day for 2 weeks, then have 2 weeks off and then back on them for 2 weeks etc. I can't recommend it highly enough. It's supposed to take 6 weeks of taking them before it has an effect. Might be worth a try?

Anything's worth a try I think. I'll see if I can get hold of them too, I work in lots of different schools every week so I expect this has something to do with it.

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Folk get more colds in cold weather because we're exposed to each other more often by being indoors.

My petty nag - I've hurt my knee and am being referred incase it's cartilage - the pain and constant clicking thats developed in the past 2 days suggests it might well be. 2 fucking days after I buy new golf clubs.

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I think they flash regardless if there is any film or not in them.

Although some years ago now, my speeding fine thingy did say the road speed limit where I got done :ph34r:

The one near me has no film in it and it never flashes. I have no idea about these things. This'll be my first ever speeding offence if it did catch me. :(

Thanks, though.

But doesn't being cold batter your immune system making you more likely to catch colds and things?

I'd have expected that the heat of the summer would make a better breeding ground for germy type things. But then in winter many of us turn our heating up and coop ourselves up inside avoiding contact with the cold fresh air.

I work in lots of different schools every week so I expect this has something to do with it.

I'd say that's your answer. Since I stopped working I haven't been anywhere near as ill as I once was. I had bronchitis at least twice a year and probably another four chest infection on top of that. Always exceeded my sick days and frequently ended up in work very poorly in order to avoid the stigma of people thinking I was taking the piss through being off ill so often. :( Asthmatics shouldn't work in open plan offices! Nor should they travel on crowded public transport where people inevitably cough, sneeze and splutter their germs all over you. :angry: In the last two years I can only remember two or three chest infections and one or possibly two bouts of bronchitis. Working from home rules! :D

Working with so many children, you're never going to avoid it.

The puppy is farting for Britain tonight. Smelly little bugger!

How old is she now? Can you still call her a puppy really? That's one of those things people continue to do out of habit long after the puppy stage has gone. A bit like me still calling my four year old daughter "my baby" and getting in trouble from her for it! :lol:

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I used to get colds often (my workplace is a nightmare for germs spreading about) and I started taking echinacea supplements in December 2007 - they're supposed to boost your immune system. I haven't had a cold since I started taking them. It's probably all in my head or whatever, but it works for me, so I'm going to keep taking it. I get it from boots - I take one capsule a day for 2 weeks, then have 2 weeks off and then back on them for 2 weeks etc. I can't recommend it highly enough. It's supposed to take 6 weeks of taking them before it has an effect. Might be worth a try?

When I feel like I'm coming down with the cold I just try and convince myself that I'm getting carried away and that there is nothing wrong with me. Mind over matter if you like.

I have perfect attendance at work now when before I'd have just given in and consequently have days off.

Probably coincedence like but you never know.

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I just started a new job in April and haven't had to take sick leave yet. We have no sick pay so I'm trying to avoid it and I like the job anyway.

HGG I got an awful chest infection in June/July. I was coughing non stop for a month and when I went to the doctors he said it was a bacterial thing and antibiotics would clear it right up. <_< No more of this "wait 2 weeks before you go to the docs for a cold" for me I think.

Having a bit of trouble speaking now so I'm not sure if I'll be able to go in tomorrow. I think I've only got 3 45min sessions in a school in Dunfermline so maybe I can go spread some germs while I'm in Fife. :D Am pretty sure I'm only there for the morning and I've no sessions booked for the afternoon but knowing my luck the office would ring me up at lunch time and send me somewhere else.

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Emptied the machine, put another load on, went to hand out the washing and it started raining. It'll be my fault that it's raining and she'll be worse because she's had to walk home from her work in it. Fun and game this afternoon. :(

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BT. Had their broadband weeks and I've still not been able to experience it working 100% correctly.

BT have known about this for the past 4 and a half weeks yet its still fucked. This is despite me getting on average 3 calls a day from them asking me to explain my problem (fucking sick of explaining it now) and they say they will investigate and call back with an update.

Useless shower of c***s, no matter how loud you shout down the phone at them they just don't seem to want to know about it.

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Folk that text/phone someone then 10 minutes later they say "ohh, they havent replied yet, what's wrong?" i'l tell you what's wrong, they may be busy or they have no credit, you impatient buffoons!

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