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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I tell you what I dislike, when a simple visual cue gets a song from the past stuck in your head on a neverending loop. :angry: After reading that post, I was unable to function until I went on youtube and started playing Party All The Time.

Sorry mate ! :o

Also, this was on a fax I received at work yetserday and I just noticed someone doing it on the forum:

"FAO Of". What exactly do you think the O in FAO stands for, monkeybawz?

See also: "PIN number". AAAAAAAAAAARgh.

Aparently, so I've been told anyway, that whilst you are correct and that the term should simply be "PIN", or "PI number" I suppose, the term "PIN number" is now so commonly - albeit incorrectly - used that it is now, perversely, accepted as being the correct term.

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The tiresome dirge that is "all summer long" by kid rock. It was almost bearable when it came out, but now it gets played to death. One of the lads at work thinks it's great and clicks his fingers and whistles along to it everytime it comes on the radio <_<

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The day the elderly show common decency towards myself is the day it's returned.

I nurse my contempt according to my mood on the day.

Edit: try getting a bus from Greenock to Largs without developing an urge to kill each and every od person. It stops for each old biddy every 100m down the street along a frikking 12 mile road. :angry:

Exactly. I'm perfectly happy to give up a seat on the bus, but if I don't even get a thank you, and generally get looked at and treated like a piece of shit, why should I be respectful?

Another of my really stupid ones, but...

I really, majorly dislike to hear the word "party" used as a verb.

When folk say stuff like " Oh, on Saturday I'm going to party all night" - No you're not, you are going out to have a good time, meet some people, get drunk or whatever, you may even go to a party (noun) but there is no such thing a "to party" or "partying"

As I said, really stupid, but it really bugs me.

"I wanna rock and roll all night, and party every day!" :P

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The bus driver who insists on parking outside my house at 5.30 in the morning to wait on two people who don't actually need picked up until an hour later. The annoying part is that he leaves the fucking engine running from the minute he gets there.

Edited by Pedro_C
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The bus driver who insists on parking outside my house at 5.30 in the morning to wait on two people who don't actually need picked up until an hour later. The annoying part is that he leaves the fucking engine running from the minute he gets there.


Have you phoned the bus company? Give them a ring and get them to ask him to turn the engine off. It's not good for the environment either. Or their fuel bill. Presumably that wouldn't disturb you until he started it again? That bit can't be helped though.

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Or just go outside and ask him to turn if off?

Aye, there's that. :P I was assuming, however, that if he was going to go and speak to the driver he'd have done it already instead of just whinging on here about it. If he has done it then it obviously wasn't too successful. I guess he'll know in an hour and a half's time. :rolleyes:

Edit to add a PTTGOYN: It's been three and a half hours since I last posted in the Word Association thread and it seems no-one else is playing tonight. :( Come on guys! I can't take two consecutive turns!

Edited by HGG
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I seriously dislike those stupid adverts asking you to text your postcode so some nightclub rejection magnet can send you her gormless pus.

Has anyone ever actually been sad enough to text those?

I was on the train from Liverpool to Glasgow myself and was buckled (had been at an Everton game) and began texting one because I saw it in an advert near the back of a magazine.

Wouldn't ever do it when sober or as an actual way to meet girls though.

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The insomnia thing folk get on here must be catching. I was still wide awake at 3am this morning, so got up and watched Strictly from Sat night.

I must have had only 2.5 hours sleep last night and surprisingly I don't feel that bad today. I was shattered last night as well after being in the garden all day. Weird! :unsure:

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The insomnia thing folk get on here must be catching. I was still wide awake at 3am this morning, so got up and watched Strictly from Sat night.

I must have had only 2.5 hours sleep last night and surprisingly I don't feel that bad today. I was shattered last night as well after being in the garden all day. Weird! :unsure:

I got 2.5 hrs sleep on Friday night, then went out doing a river survey on the Saturday (must have walked at least 5 or 6 miles uphill), then 5 hours sleep on Saturday night more river surveying on Sunday (another 5 or 6 miles walking uphill) then got about 6.5 hours last night.

I somehow feel fine now, but it will probably catch up with me in the next few days though. I'm glad I got myself back into the routine of getting up early just as uni is about to start.

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