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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Something that is starting to really get on my tits is when I pop in the wee shop (co-op)after I get off the bus and pick up something from either the fridge or freezer, then make my way to the till to pay, only for there to be one till on, despite there being a huge fucking queue. When there is a queue one of the other muppets that work there are supposed to open up another till, to help folk get served quicker, but whenever I'm holding something relatively cold (or fucking freezing) in my hand, these b*****ds just never seem to do what they are meant to :angry: :angry: If I've got something that isn't cold in my hand, every single time they open up another till. <_< Its a conspiracy, I tell ye :lol:

What the f'ck is it with Co-Ops?

Every one I've ever been in has the same problem with too few staff serving. I'd avoid them on principle, but the one local to me often sells 4 bottles of Grolsch for 2 quid and is the only local shop that sells bread and milk at anything like a sensible price.

The staff tend to be utter zoomers too.

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Guest The Phoenix
What is the big deal about Nestle though?

You cant deny that their products are tasty.


Oh dear, Andy, I suggest that you contact Mr Rushdie for some tips on good hiding places.

There is now a فتوى‎ (fatwa) in place with your name on it.

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'I need my medication because I'm clinically depressed' 'Ah but I need to confirm you're depressed before I give you your medication' 'But that's making me more anxious and depressed......' :blink:

I finally got my prescription this morning. Citilopram, check. Zopiclone, check. Dothiepin/Dosolupin 'Do not dispense'. :huh:

That's my fucking calming-down tablet and the fucker's only given me 7 days' worth of tablets. I'm fucking raging.........BAAAAAAAAAASTAAAAAAAAAARD!!!!!!! :angry:

And breathe........................ :(

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I finally got my prescription this morning. Citilopram, check. Zopiclone, check. Dothiepin/Dosolupin 'Do not dispense'. :huh:

That's my fucking calming-down tablet and the fucker's only given me 7 days' worth of tablets. I'm fucking raging.........BAAAAAAAAAASTAAAAAAAAAARD!!!!!!! :angry:

And breathe........................ :(

Which Dr's are you with?

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Which Dr's are you with?

St. Mirin Practice, 3 Glasgow Road, Paisley. I'm supposed to be with Dr. Houston, who I saw when I registered and she was really approachable. However, I could only see Dr. McPherson and he seems to have a really bad attitude towards mental disability - unless I'm developing paranoia as well! :rolleyes:

I've another appointment next Monday so I'll have it out with him then about why he's cut down my prescription. <_<

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St. Mirin Practice, 3 Glasgow Road, Paisley. I'm supposed to be with Dr. Houston, who I saw when I registered and she was really approachable. However, I could only see Dr. McPherson and he seems to have a really bad attitude towards mental disability - unless I'm developing paranoia as well! :rolleyes:

I've another appointment next Monday so I'll have it out with him then about why he's cut down my prescription. <_<

He's fine with mental health but you'd be best seeing Dr Mundell as she is excellent. Avoid Dr's Low and Knox.

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He's fine with mental health but you'd be best seeing Dr Mundell as she is excellent. Avoid Dr's Low and Knox.

Noted. Thanks for the advice - much appreciated! :);)

Edit: A tad ironic that Uncle Psychosis should be viewing this as we post! :rolleyes::lol::lol:

Edited by Kilt
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That's the point, if you can't be arsed completing the form, then you don't really want the job.

I do want the job. I've come to the section in the form where it's asking me for about 6 references from previous employers, at least 3 of them were with agencies which i dont have any contact details for, then it's asking me to describe personal achievements and scenarios where i have solved a difficult situation. Christ, i remember when these things only had 2 pages!

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Pointless if you want to have cold hands,but your the ones moaning about having cold hands in here. It was just a suggestion.

He wasn't moaning about having cold hands, that was an aside. He was moaning about the lack of tills being open. Do keep up!!

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I am currently re-decorating the flat, before doing it up with new flooring, new kitchen, new bathroom etc. Now I really don't mind painting, in fact, I quite enjoy it when I get started. What I hate, is all the preparatory work, ie move all the furniture etc. It also lets you see just how much shite you have hoarded. Especially when I've decided to go for the minimalist look :lol: I think a few trips to the tip are in order. <_<

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