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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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In Stirling?

Aye. I think my phone was robbed, but I can't prove it. But Enigma was a lot more fighty than usual. Right from the start, we were given shit by these guys every time we went out for a smoke. It was bad. Enigma in general was bad though, the bouncers were constantly having to get involved and drag people out.

There were only 2 of us, and I was totally not in the mood for a fight, so I kept talking my way out of it. It was kind of odd actually, my skinny mate was so in the mood for a fight, while on the other side, it was the two skinny runts who were getting rowdy while the big guy with them kept trying to calm them down. I think one of them might have picked my pocket...

No avail though, and when we left, they decided to follow us out of the club, round the corner, and we walked straight into a scene from some sort of riot. Multiple polis vans, people being arrested everywhere, I mean fucking hell, Enigma is not normally like this! I stood by the polis to gather my thoughts (as they couldn't really approach us there), dragged my mate into a taxi, and then away home.

Fucking hell though, I so wasn't in the mood for a fight! :(

Edited by Lord Xbass of Lichtie
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But Enigma was a lot more fighty than usual.

Enigma in general was bad though

Enigma is nornally like this!

I read this a couple of times and, pardon my stupidity, you're referring to a nightclub, not the P&B poster, yes?! :huh:

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I am, yes, and you also pointed out my typo and missing word, so good spot!

Nae bother, but I though you nornally wrote like that; is it not so?*

*Can now spend the rest of the afternoon feeling self-satisfied and smug, having got one over on P&B's Box Office attraction! :lol:

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