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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Yep you tell them but you took it out of context,As i have said it was my daughters 21st birthday(A very special one)

Fair point, but I was trying to comment on the general principal that you do whatever you can for your kids, even more so on special events. One more year and I'll be looking at my boy's 18th! :(

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I see that Kilt gave his kids vouchers, and I don't want to criticise because it does mean that they have to buy DVDs and books instead of hookers and coke, but they're just a fecking nuisance (which is a difficult word to spell when you've been in the pub all night, by the way).

Whilst not technically being vouchers, I got a £25 iTunes giftcard from my Auntie, and while I really appreciate the thought, I've never bought a single song from iTunes in my life, but I could really do with £25 towards my messages for the new year.

In the end, I'll probably have to flog this giftcard for £20, meaning my Auntie has lost a fiver.

The moral: Fuck "tradition" and "you can't give money for Christmas!" - just gies the cash. It's better for everyone.

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Whilst not technically being vouchers, I got a £25 iTunes giftcard from my Auntie, and while I really appreciate the thought, I've never bought a single song from iTunes in my life, but I could really do with £25 towards my messages for the new year.

In the end, I'll probably have to flog this giftcard for £20, meaning my Auntie has lost a fiver.

The moral: Fuck "tradition" and "you can't give money for Christmas!" - just gies the cash. It's better for everyone.

I've had a few of them. I've just spent them on albums, which I then buy in the shop a week later. I can understand the point of them, and I appreciate the thought and that, but I'd much rather go buy the CD/DVD than download it onto the computer.

Thankfully, this year, I asked her to get me Scrubs Season 4, or The Office box-set. :)

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The moral: f**k "tradition" and "you can't give money for Christmas!" - just gies the cash. It's better for everyone.

But then whats the point of christmas at all then? Surely your folks could just say, "well, you would normally spend £40 on your family, and we were going to give you £60, so heres £20, and we can call it quits. No, when you start doing that, then it destroys the magic of christmas.

For the record, I don't do christmas at all. I tell people not to buy me presents, and I don't buy anyone anything. But that is one option, and the other is to celebrate christmas. What you are suggesting is neither. Its a simple handing over of money.

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Pissed off. Was going to Hibs vs Rangers today so got a pal to get us tickets etc but when he went to the ticket office he was promptly told you had to be "on the Hibs database". It's an absolute fucking disgrace, no wonder SPL crowds are so fucking low when genuine fans can't buy a bloody ticket. In days of old, you turned up at the bloody ground about 3, paid yer money and you got in. You didn't have to jump through ridiculous hoops and pay shitloads of money to see a game of feckin fitba.

Absolutely raging. :angry:

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I think I have started peeling, and on top of it all, my old man got clippers for Christmas.

I let him have a go at my hair, I'm going to have to get a number 1 all over to rescue the mess.

I'm no a happy bunny.

Edited by kiwififer
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Pissed off. Was going to Hibs vs Rangers today so got a pal to get us tickets etc but when he went to the ticket office he was promptly told you had to be "on the Hibs database". It's an absolute fucking disgrace, no wonder SPL crowds are so fucking low when genuine fans can't buy a bloody ticket. In days of old, you turned up at the bloody ground about 3, paid yer money and you got in. You didn't have to jump through ridiculous hoops and pay shitloads of money to see a game of feckin fitba.

Absolutely raging. :angry:

He can't be much of a fan if he isn't on the database. I did mention this in the Hibs/Rangers thread.

You only have yourselves to blame really. I didn't bother going in the end too cauld and fancied a lie in!

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Pissed off. Was going to Hibs vs Rangers today so got a pal to get us tickets etc but when he went to the ticket office he was promptly told you had to be "on the Hibs database". It's an absolute fucking disgrace, no wonder SPL crowds are so fucking low when genuine fans can't buy a bloody ticket. In days of old, you turned up at the bloody ground about 3, paid yer money and you got in. You didn't have to jump through ridiculous hoops and pay shitloads of money to see a game of feckin fitba.

Absolutely raging. :angry:

Start supporting yer local team on a Saturday afternoon and you wouldn't face such issues 8)

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An actual PTTGOYN:

I bought a bag of Dorito's out of the all-night garage and I thought it was a big bag, but it was only medium sized.


Like that with Cheese Footballs.Big container,small bag inside.

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I see that Kilt gave his kids vouchers, and I don't want to criticise because it does mean that they have to buy DVDs and books instead of hookers and coke, but they're just a fecking nuisance (which is a difficult word to spell when you've been in the pub all night, by the way).

Whilst not technically being vouchers, I got a £25 iTunes giftcard from my Auntie, and while I really appreciate the thought, I've never bought a single song from iTunes in my life, but I could really do with £25 towards my messages for the new year.

You are missing several salient points there:

1. My kids haven't lived with me for the past two years. I have lost touch with their musical tastes and do not know what albums or films on DVD they have.

2. I bought them three other actual non film/CD based presents each and a large joint present to share.

3. The Ex advised me that vouchers would be best as that's what she and their Grandparents were getting them too so they can club them all together on a January Sales spending orgy.

4. I had no idea about iTunes gift cards but have subsequently discovered that my daughter absolutley detests iPods for some technical reason I can't fathom - so that would have been a waste.

5. And to answer xbl's point, I don't "do" Christmas but my kids still celebrate it (hang on, that's taking it a bit far) expect presents, so that's what I get them.

I don't want to criticise, Dunc, but your attitude towards your Aunties largesse seems a tad mean spirited. You are fortunate that she got you anything at all and the implication that you would rather she just gave you the money surely strips the last vestige of any moral certitude that Christmas is a "special, meaningful" celebration away and reveals it for the base commercial sham that it has become.

Fucking hell, I'm a right old grump this morning* - I'll get a cup of tea and paste a smile on my face before I come back! :rolleyes:

*Bugger - it's afternoon already! <_<

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