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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Tony Blair on the Daily Show. For those that don't know, its an American comedy/political type thingy.


But anyway, I was surprised that a show like that got Tony Blair on...and I was quite looking forward to his interview. But he actually disgusts me so much now that I can't listen to him. I got a few minutes into it and a couple answers and I switched it off. I can't believe people voted for him. <_<

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What's happened to soccer AM. It's awful.

I can see it being pulled soon.

Having an hour taken away from the show doesn't bode well for the longevity of it.

Scottish football is treated like a jokey aside by them too. I wouldn't be too disappointed if it was binned.

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I can see it being pulled soon.

Having an hour taken away from the show doesn't bode well for the longevity of it.

Scottish football is treated like a jokey aside by them too. I wouldn't be too disappointed if it was binned.

Yeah I was thinking the same, it's been getting progressivly worse for a while but it's starting to become unwatchable. I was actually cringing when the did that David Guetta bit with the Burnley fans.

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