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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm supposed to try and find someone to interview before Friday (see fitness instructor thread). It's a shitey re mediation for an essay that I really don't fucking need.

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Front page news :blink: - Cheryl Cole says no to UK X Factor.

What pissed me off on Saturday night was when the main ITV news story before the Barca game was that there was a Barca v Man Utd game on and this was deemed more important than the British squadies that had just been killed over in Afghanistan which was the follow up story. I half expected that as well dry.gif

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Spent the best part of the last 3 months doing my graded unit for college. only to get it back yesterday saying it was good work but not enough to justify getting marked :angry:

it was 93 pages long. :(

Edited by Nizlopi
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Spent the best part of the last 3 months doing my graded unit for college. only to get it back yesterday saying it was good work but not enough to justify getting marked :angry:

it was 93 pages long. :(

What are you studying?

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When people think yer thick because you're not that good at maths but the fact that they are shite at English and can't spell worth a f**k doesn't class them as thick as someone who isn't great at maths.

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When people think yer thick because you're not that good at maths but the fact that they are shite at English and can't spell worth a f**k doesn't class them as thick as someone who isn't great at maths.

Maths is a greater skill than English though :)

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Just made some Super Noodles and when I went to eat them there was little black bits in it, thought it might be meant to be in there so tried eating it but there were like rocks! :blink:

When I have super noodles, I usually heat them in boiling water before serving. For some reason that seems to make the noodles soft! They taste better this way, I have no idea why though.

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When I have super noodles, I usually heat them in boiling water before serving. For some reason that seems to make the noodles soft! They taste better this way, I have no idea why though.

Haha very funny :P nahh I worked out what it was.

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When people think yer thick because you're not that good at maths but the fact that they are shite at English and can't spell worth a f**k doesn't class them as thick as someone who isn't great at maths.

Couldn't agree more.

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Half my working life seems to be spent waiting for parcel deliveries. Yet another this morning that's late and quite honestly I can't even be bothered phoning my supplier to get them to track it because they have a new office guy who is less effective than a chocolate fireguard.

Unsurprisingly, their courier of choice is Parcelforce. :lol:

Edited to add: Time for a fucking rant.

This chocolate fireguard has had a brain cell overload. Apparently he had TWO deliveries to send out last night. That's MORE than one. So, instead of sending me the crucial one, the one I really need, CF sent me the one for my stock instead.

When I phoned to inquire about the delivery I actually need, he assured me all was well, it was on it's way and he'd send a copy Delivery Note by fax so I'd know what I was getting. Fine, thinks I, somewhat naively given this drooler's past form.

So, I happily click open my e-fax with the jaunty air of a man who has previously had problems with a moron and hasn't quite realised that morons don't stop creating problems just because they assure you otherwise.

And what do I find in my fax? Can you guess? Yes, it's the delivery note for the stock items that have JUST BEEN FUCKING DELIVERED! :angry:

So, now with demeanour of a man who would happily kick holes in the drywall of his office I decide to phone CF again. Here's a transcript of said conversation:

Me: Hello CF (not his name, but it should be), you've sent me the delivery notes that I already have, I'm looking for the delivery notes for the parcel that's about to arrive.

CF: What parcel?

Me:The parcel you said was just about to arrive, the one I need. I already got the one with the stock items now I need the crucial one.

CF:What other one?

Me(tense by now):The parcel I get from you every fortnight for the past ten years. The crucial parcel. The regular one. The one that we rely on. That parcel.

CF:Oh, THAT parcel. Oh, we didn't send that.

Me(gone from tense to almost shouty): Wh....what? You just said you'd sent it.....you just said you'd fax the delivery note....

CF: Hahahaha, no, no we were a bit busy last night, we didn't send it.

Me(going from a bit shouty to apoplectic):So why did you say you'd sent it? Why did you say you'd fax the delivery notes?

CF: You said you wanted them.

Me(genocidal):Yes CF, I did. I wanted you to send me delivery notes from the late parcel, the one I was waiting for. I did NOT want delivery notes from the parcel I already got, because it HAS FUCKING DELIVERY NOTES ON IT WHEN IT GETS DELIVERED. THAT'S WHY IT'S CALLED A DELIVERY NOTE AND NOT SOMETHING ELSE, LIKE AN "ANGRY HUGE MAN MURDERS FUCKNUGGET" NOTE.

CF(confused): Oh....so....you want a parcel?

Me(resigned to my new role as his fucking social worker): Could you send the delivery out for tomorrow for me and fax the delivery notes when the parcel leaves tonight please? We're only waiting on one single delivery now, so there definitely won't be anything else to send in error. Okay?

CF(struggling now): I...eh....well....oh....erm. Wait, I've got it!

Me: Thank you CF, and well done! What have you got?

CF: I'll get Sara to do it, she's good at this sort of thing.

Now, I'm tempted to say words fail me, but they rarely do. Lots of words occur to me here, and will be coming tumbling out of my gob today at various intervals, no doubt interspersed with an array of swear words that would make a Somalian pirate blush.

I've never met this guy, but I picture him to be the love child of James Corden and a retarded goat. This gives me some succour in my darkest moments, where I picture choking him with reams of delivery notes in a death arena while being cheered on by a baying circle of vacant looking Parcelforce drivers smashing their hairy fists off signs saying things like: "The computer went down at the depot" and "We had four vans break down last night".

Fucking..... :angry:

Edited by Monster
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When people think yer thick because you're not that good at maths but the fact that they are shite at English and can't spell worth a f**k doesn't class them as thick as someone who isn't great at maths.

This post looks like it was constructed by a four year-old.

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Guest The Phoenix

Fucking..... :angry:

Auntie passed away in the early hours of this morning.


Kinda puts Monster's petty rant into perspective. :(

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Spent the best part of the last 3 months doing my graded unit for college. only to get it back yesterday saying it was good work but not enough to justify getting marked :angry:

it was 93 pages long. :(

:huh: christ. For college? Honestly? Mine was 27 and it was the highest mark my tutor's ever gave ^_^

My nag: Just got a letter in through the post that says there was "criminal damage" made in the hotel of our Graduation ball. We're all to attend a disciplinary meeting on Friday that's "compulsory", but I'll be 400 miles away in London. There's been a few mentions of they know who done it so I hope it's all cleared up before tomorrow night when I leave.

Edited by Milevskiy
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What pissed me off on Saturday night was when the main ITV news story before the Barca game was that there was a Barca v Man Utd game on and this was deemed more important than the British squadies that had just been killed over in Afghanistan which was the follow up story. I half expected that as well dry.gif

Soldiers being killed in Afghanistan isn't really news though. It's getting to the stage of "A bus crashed today". Buses crash every day. Unless it's a super-cool fiery bus crash, it doesn't need to be on the news. As long as someone tells the bus company, and possibly the bus driver's family, that's enough for me.

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