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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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At least it means less work for her. Every cloud and all that.

Of all the fucking shite posts you come up with, that must rank in the Top 5 shite posts ever.

Once you have matured a little, left school and found out that working puts money on the table, a roof over your head and feeds your family you come back and tell us that 'every cloud and all that' was a good thing to say.

You pathetic fucking twat.

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Of all the fucking shite posts you come up with, that must rank in the Top 5 shite posts ever.

Once you have matured a little, left school and found out that working puts money on the table, a roof over your head and feeds your family you come back and tell us that 'every cloud and all that' was a good thing to say.

You pathetic fucking twat.

100% agree.

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Of all the fucking shite posts you come up with, that must rank in the Top 5 shite posts ever.

Once you have matured a little, left school and found out that working puts money on the table, a roof over your head and feeds your family you come back and tell us that 'every cloud and all that' was a good thing to say.

You pathetic fucking twat.

Wow, you must have selective reading like.

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Oh yeah I forgot to quote the bit where you said 'At least it means less work for her'.Don't fucking start you useless piece of shit.

What I said was nothing compared to some of the stuff on here. So don't you start.

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What I said was nothing compared to some of the stuff on here. So don't you start.

Shut the f**k up you little idiot. You really have no clue of how life works!

Good luck with everything Keith. If your Mrs works in the care sector I'm sure she can find another job sooner rather than later.

Edited by Nizzy
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Rightly so.

f**k off, what you have said actually shows how fucking naive you are, this isn't some bloody computer reality, this is peoples lives that are being affected and quite rightyl people are fucking pissed off at you. What you have said is actually bordering on disrespect for the said poster and frankly the sooner you f**k grow up the better.

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Well jizz on my tits and call me Sandra.

I feel that one day Keithgy will hunt Lichtie down and sacrifice him to the God's of the underworld.

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My wifes employer is expected to cease trading today and the shares have also been suspended.

It was on the radio that they are selling off their care homes and stuff before they

actually pack in. Could just mean a new contract from a different employer without a

break in service. If they move her employment under the terms of tupe then her contract's terms and conditions will be protected by law and her time at Southern Cross will count in any new employment.

I know it's a lot of if's and but's just now however care is a growth industry, one of the few, stay positive, I'm sure it'll work out.

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