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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Aye, I can understand that. It's just a sad state of affairs when you need to fork out £20 and apply for one of those shitty teeny bopper citizen card things at my age just because you can't get a drivers licence and don't want to take a passport on an away day. I know Fife's a separate kingdom and all but come on. At the moment I might just have to bite the bullet and get one of those cards. I can't go anywhere and buy booze with my brother these days. He's 22 and has ID but because if he gets IDed around me then for some reason they need to ID me as well.

"I know you're well over 18 but I still need to ask because I asked him" - young bint at Aldi in last month when I got off the packed, boozeless East Coast train to grab some beers and grab the next quiter train up to Aberdeen which also never had a trolley!!! :(

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if i get someone who is nippy about asking for ID i ask to see theirs.

the law is 18 to buy and 18 to sell. this challenge 25 pish is just a wee scheme to cover their backs if you get offended.

its backed by the govt,

who are the only outlet for the forms of ID that you need to pay for ..

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Anyone who is bothered about getting ID'd is a bit of a dick. I'm 22 and I sport a decent bit of stubble/beard but i just hand my drivers license over in shops before they even ask to make things easier for everyone.

I've never been ID'd in the bookies mind. I use to go in them at 15 but like everything else it's much stricter now.

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Never abused anyone but I muttered 'f**k sake' and walked away when I got IDed at the bookies on Saturday morning. Now the wifey probably thinks I'm under 18 as a result of not putting up a fight at all. Once they ask, there is no way back. I'm twenty fucking eight and pop in most weekends but because it's Freshers Week they're all at it.

EDIT: Sorry, misread a subsequent post.

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I'd love to, because i like dots too, but i dont want

  • people on here to know some pretty embarrassing stuff about me (other than me being a celtic fan, obv)
  • anyone from work who was at the thing to stumble across this and work out who i am
  • to stay up any later because im tired.

enough dots for you?

yes thats lovely

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Absolute shitter. Be a bit less annoying if you weren't wearing a badge that says you've got to ask folk that look under 25 and they start going 'DIH UH LOOK 18 TAE YOU'


One of my friends (who posts on here) was buying Southern Comfort and got ID'd , being 18 he handed over his Provisional but was told he had to be 25 to buy it. Obviously pissed off that the guy didnt understand the task 25 scheme ,he asked for the supervisor who said they wouldnt go against their colleague and refused to sell him. :huh:

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On the subject of IDing folk, I love doing it just to wind folk up. As I don't see what the big problem is. :D

It really is surprising how annoyed people get about it. :lol:

Don't know what the problem is? For folk like me it can basically spoil an away day or a night out for myself and others unless you walk about with a passport which I won't be doing as if it goes missing then I'm fcuked for work. There's been times none of my mates have been served because I've been IDed before them and it's incredibly embarrassing and demoralising when folk 10 years younger in the supporters club can get a drink or a coupon and I can't. I appreciate I'm one of the small minority who gets shafted here because the IDers just assume that everyone over 20 has a drivers licence. Take those away and what ID does everyone carry about with them? That's right, f**k all.

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Don't know what the problem is? For folk like me it can basically spoil an away day or a night out for myself and others unless you walk about with a passport which I won't be doing as if it goes missing then I'm fcuked for work. There's been times none of my mates have been served because I've been IDed before them and it's incredibly embarrassing when folk 10 years younger in the supporters club can get a drink or a coupon and I can't. I appreciate I'm one of the small minority who gets shafted here because the IDers just assume that everyone over 20 has a drivers licence. Take those away and what ID does everyone carry about with them? That's right, f**k all.

College/uni card? Also isn't there a card you can get to prove that you are over 18 from the government or is that the local council that does them? :unsure:

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College/uni card? Also isn't there a card you can get to prove that you are over 18 from the government or is that the local council that does them? :unsure:

Saturday was the final straw so was looking into them yesterday. Cost about £20. I won't be going back to uni just to get an ID card though!

Anyway, enough on that. Todays gripe is on the people on my bus who get up waaaay to early for our stop and give me a dodgy look as they walk past like I'm some lazy git.

And people that listen to music far too loud on the bus (9/10 it's metal). I could hear their music over mine FFS.

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Don't know what the problem is? For folk like me it can basically spoil an away day or a night out for myself and others unless you walk about with a passport which I won't be doing as if it goes missing then I'm fcuked for work. There's been times none of my mates have been served because I've been IDed before them and it's incredibly embarrassing and demoralising when folk 10 years younger in the supporters club can get a drink or a coupon and I can't. I appreciate I'm one of the small minority who gets shafted here because the IDers just assume that everyone over 20 has a drivers licence. Take those away and what ID does everyone carry about with them? That's right, f**k all.

Just buy a provisional you miserable sod its only 25 quid or something.

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College/uni card? Also isn't there a card you can get to prove that you are over 18 from the government or is that the local council that does them? :unsure:

College/uni cards are not a form of I.D.

A young guy on Saturday came to my till with his shopping that included a knife. I asked him for I.D, he had none! "Aw f**k sake, I'm 24, f**k sake why you asking me for I.D. Look I've got a credit card you need to be 18 to get one of those." I told him no I.D, no sale and then his bird starting mouthing off at me saying I couldn't do my job properly and she was away to find the store manager to put in a complaint about me.


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Saturday was the final straw so was looking into them yesterday. Cost about £20. I won't be going back to uni just to get an ID card though!

Anyway, enough on that. Todays gripe is on the people on my bus who get up waaaay to early for our stop and give me a dodgy look as they walk past like I'm some lazy git.

And people that listen to music far too loud on the bus (9/10 it's metal). I could hear their music over mine FFS.

I suppose your national insurance card isn't a form of ID either?

College/uni cards are not a form of I.D.

A young guy on Saturday came to my till with his shopping that included a knife. I asked him for I.D, he had none! "Aw f**k sake, I'm 24, f**k sake why you asking me for I.D. Look I've got a credit card you need to be 18 to get one of those." I told him no I.D, no sale and then his bird starting mouthing off at me saying I couldn't do my job properly and she was away to find the store manager to put in a complaint about me.


I didn't know that they weren't a form of ID. Good to know. :D

Most places that sold things like knives used to have warnings that you might get ID'd if you were buying them,I don't think they do that now though? :unsure:

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