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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Petty things, folk that leave empty wrappers in boxes of after eights. You think it's a full box, you put yet hand in to get one and feck all.

Hanging's too good for some folk

Same as when there's a box of Celebrations or Quality Street doing the rounds and people throw in the wrappers.


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"Friends is shite" - could you miserable c***s BE any more incorrect?

edit: I also find Ross in particular to be an extremely good character, I don't quite know the reason for that.

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Catriona Shearer got engaged. Meh.

Came on to see if anyone else had posted that. See if Cat Cubie gets engaged too I will stop watching Reporting Scotland.

EDIT: Strangely it seems she (Catriona Shearer) is pals with a lass who was in my year at school and now does a show on Clyde 1 ("Knoxy"). Small world.

Edited by RiG
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Came on to see if anyone else had posted that. See if Cat Cubie gets engaged too I will stop watching Reporting Scotland.

EDIT: Strangely it seems she (Catriona Shearer) is pals with a lass who was in my year at school and now does a show on Clyde 1 ("Knoxy"). Small world.

I think both catriona shearer and cat cube are amazing, however the age I am, Sally Magnusson and Judith Ralston should become my new newsreader/weathergirl fantasy.

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Been up for an hour already shiting rusty water, fun

Still up shiting rusty water. In fact, it's just water now not rusty at all. And it doesnt smell anymore. Interesting. Don't worry good folks of P&B I shall keep you informed of my 'movements'

No bowel movement update for around 10 hours now!!!

endieinreekie, are you still alive or have you shat yourself to death? :(

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Don't worry everybody, after about 14 hours of being a human faeces fountain, I haven't shat for a couple of hours and had a shower and something to eat and feel a lot better. A decent night's sleep should hopefully see me much better tomorrow. Thanks for the concern UTN, it was touch and go for a while but with God's help I'll beat this terrible affliction

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